• Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023 --
  • Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2022 --
  • Area Editor, Elsevier Computer Communications, 2020 --
  • Area Editor, IEEE Communications Letters, 2019 --
  • Associate Editor, Springer Journal on Communication and Information Networks, 2019 --
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018 --
  • Guest Co-Editor, Wiley International Journal on Communication Systems, 2019
  • Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2017 - 2022
  • Editor, IEEE Networking Letters, 2018 - 2021
  • Senior Editor, IEEE Communications Letters, 2016 - 2019
  • Associate Editor, IETE Technical Review, 2016 - 2019
  • Editor, IEEE Communications Letters, 2012 - 2016
  • Associate Editor, Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal, 2013 - 2018
  • Guest Editor, Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal, SI on IEEE ANTS 2014

  • Workshops Co-Chair, IEEE WCNC 2024
  • Track Co-Chair, Wireless Communications: Fundamentals & PHY, IEEE CCNC 2023
  • Exhibits Co-Chair, Industry Forum and Exhibits, IEEE GLOBECOM 2022
  • Track Co-Chair, Spectrum Sharing and Management, IEEE VTC-Fall 2022
  • Track Co-Chair, Green Communications, IEEE VTC-Spring 2022
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Mobile & Wireless Networks, IEEE ICC 2022
  • Track Co-Chair, IoT Enabling Technologies, IEEE CCNC 2021
  • Workshop Co-Chair, Green Solutions for smArt Environment (SAGE), IEEE ICC 2021
  • Honors and Awards Committee Co-Chair, COMSNETS Conference, IEEE ANTS 2020
  • General Co-Chair, COMSNETS Conference, 2020
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Mobile and Wireless Networks Track, IEEE WCNC, 2015
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Green Communications and Networks Computing Track, IEEE ICNC, 2015
  • PhD Forum Chair, COMSNETS Conferences, 2015
  • TPC Co-Chair, IEEE ANTS Conference, 2014
  • Symposium Chair, Networks track, National Conference on Communications, 2013
  • SuMo-CPS workshop Co-Chair (co-located with ICDCN), 2013
  • TPC Chair of Wireless Networks track in ICIT Conference, 2008

  • IEEE ICC, Green Communication Systems and Networks Symposium, 2021
  • IEEE iThings, Rhodes Island, Greece, 2020
  • IEEE ICC, Green Communication Systems and Networks Symposium, 2020
  • IEEE WCNC, MAC and Cross-layer Design Symposium, 2020
  • IEEE GLOBECOM, Next-Generation Networks and Internet Symposium, 2019
  • IEEE VTC-Fall, UAV Communications, Networks, and Telematics Track, 2019
  • IEEE ICC, Green Communication Systems and Networks Symposium, 2019
  • IEEE WCNC, MAC and Cross-layer Design Symposium, 2019
  • IEEE GLOBECOM, Next-Generation Networks and Internet Symposium, 2018
  • International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018
  • IEEE WoWMoM Conference, 2018
  • IEEE 5G World Forum, 2018
  • IEEE WCNC, MAC and Cross-layer Design Symposium, Barcelona, 2018
  • IEEE COMSNETS Conference, 2018
  • IEEE GLOBECOM, NGNI Symposium, 2017
  • IEEE WoWMoM Conference, 2017
  • IEEE COMSNETS Conference, 2018
  • IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, 2016
  • International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2016
  • IEEE COMSNETS Conference, 2016
  • IEEE COMSNETS Conference, 2015
  • IEEE WPMC Conference, 2014
  • IEEE ICC, CSSMA Symposium, 2014
  • IEEE WCNC, MAC Symposium, 2013
  • IEEE WoWMoM conference, 2012
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2012
  • IEEE ICC WN Symposium, 2011
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2011
  • IEEE ICC WC Symposium, 2010
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2010
  • IEEE IWCMC conference, 2010
  • IEEE VTC-Spring, AHSN Symposium, 2010
  • IEEE VTC-Fall, WAN Symposium, 2010
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2009
  • IEEE IWCMC conference, 2009
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2008
  • IEEE IWCMC conference, 2008
  • IEEE ICC, AN Symposium, 2008
  • IEEE GLOBECOM, WC Symposium, 2008
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2007
  • IEEE VTC-Fall, 2007
  • IEEE GLOBECOM NGN Symposium, 2006
  • IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2006
  • IEEE WCNC WN Symposium, 2006
  • IEEE WCNC WN Symposium, 2005

  • Member, IEEE VTS Volunteer Engagement Committee, 2023--
  • Vice-Chair, IEEE VTS Ad Hoc Committee on AI in Wireless Communications, 2023--
  • Founding Chair, IEEE VT Society Delhi Chapter, 2022--
  • Member, IEEE ComSoc Online Content Board, 2022--
  • Member, IEEE ComSoc Educational Services Board, 2021--
  • Member, IEEE VTS Ad Hoc Committee on AI in Wireless Communications, 2021--2023
  • Convener, Fellow Committee, Section-VI, INAE (Indian National Academy of Engineering), 2021--2022
  • Member, Fellow Committee, Section-VI, INAE (Indian National Academy of Engineering), 2020
  • Vice-Chair, Special Interests Group on Green Cellular Networks, TGCCC, 2020--
  • Member, IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Board Award Committee, 2020--
  • Member, Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI), 2019--
  • Member of IEEE Interest Groups (Technical Committees): WTC, TCCC, TCCN, TCGCC, AHSN, MMTC, TCSG
  • INAE Delhi chapter Secretary, 2019--2023
  • National Study Group Member for ITU-R recommendations on Broadcasting Services, 2018 --
  • Member of COMSNETS Association, 2017 --
  • Executive Committee Member, IEEE Delhi Section, 2017--2019
  • Advisor, IEEE Students Chapter North Jersey Section, 2005 - 2006