Abhishek Dixit
Abhishek Dixit received the M.Tech. degree in Opto-electronics and Optical Communication from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 2010 and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science Engineering from Department of Information Technology
(INTEC), Ghent University, Belgium, in 2014. Since 2015, he has been an
Assistant Professor
at IIT Delhi where he has taught courses related to Communications
Engineering and Networking. He has also taken an NPTEL course on Principles of Digital Communications.
Before joining IIT Delhi in December 2015, he has served for a
semester (July 2015 - December 2015) as an Assistant Professor at IIT Mandi and as a Post-doctoral Researcher (December 2014 - June 2015) at Ghent University, Belgium.
He is leading research
activities at IIT Delhi in the area of optical communications and
networking. In this context, he has been involved in the large number
of Indian projects. He has also carried out several consultation projects in the area of railway signalling.
He has published over 30
international journal articles (IEEE JSAC, IEEE Commun. Mag., Journal
of Lightwave Technology, Journal of Optical Communications and
Networking, IEEE Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service
Management, IEEE Access, IEEE Open Journal of the Commun. Society,..) and over 50 publications in international conferences.
Abhishek Dixit - Google Scholar
Phone +91-11-26596301
Email: abhishek.dixit@iitd.ac.in
Office address: 312, Bharti School, IIT Delhi