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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)

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3 Wheeler Simulation

Rollover Propensity of Three Wheeler.

An analysis of the rollover propensity of a make of a TSR used extensively in S.E. Asia roads is presented using a 6-degree of freedom simulation. Verification of the model was against measured accelerations measured over speed breakers. Rollover stability was analyzed through simulating Increasing Steer, NHTSA J Turn, and Road Edge Recovery maneuvers.

Extensive studies on the safety issues in Three Wheeled Vehicles (TWV) have been conducted. Analysis shows that the TWV studied is stable and does not rollover easily as the frame acts as an outrigger. The picture shows a FE models used to study methods to limit injuries on the unlikely event of a rollover.


Fig 1: Geometric model and FE mesh of Deflection Limiting Volume for passengers and Clearance Zone for driver are modeled using ISO 3164 and ISO 5700.The acceptance criteria for protective structure fails. A vertical load, 20 times the mass of TWV, deflects structural bars and intrudes into DLV and CZ.       (S.Mukherjee et al., 2004)

Fig 2: Wheel lift-off does not lead to rollover. The frame of the vehicle becomes outrigger!       (S.Mukherjee et al., 2004)


Key Observations:

It is seen that the initiation of the TWV tip-over for the model considered occurs earlier than commercial four wheeled vehicles. The same is perceived by the common man on the street. However, the TWV does not eventually rollover , except when a depression is encountered on a turn. The objective to understand the difference  between the common perspective and available statistical data has been resolved through a scientific investigation.


People Involved:


  1. Dr. A. Chawla
  2. Dr. S. Mukherjee

Students & Staff:

  1. Tushar Gawade
List of Sponsored Projects:


Related Publication:
  1. S. Mukherjee,D. Mohan, T. Gawade, Rollover stability of three-wheeled vehicles, IRCOBI Sept 2004, pp 309-310




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