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 Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)

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Human Body Modeling

Over the last few years, at the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Program (TRIPP), at IIT Delhi, we have been doing extensive work in the area of safety analysis with emphasis on doing computer simulations of vehicle crashes. This work is highly interdisciplinary and needs an input from various disciplines like Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics, Computer Science etc. At the TRIPP expertise in all these areas is available enabling us to carry out this inter-disciplinary research. Development of human dummy as well as human body FE models is closely related to this activity. We have been using available human body / dummy models and have also worked on extending the available models. The need of more data on the behavior of the human body under impact conditions is known, and it is this need that forms the basis of the origin of this work.

The main objective of the current work is to generate data about the dynamic properties of the human body tissues. This data would include mechanical properties under impact conditions and their variations with strain rate and the energy of the impact. The specific tissues that will be targeted in this study are the tissues of the limbs.


1.    Repositioning Tool for FE-Human Body Modeling.

2.    Knee Simulation.

3.    Neck Simulation.



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