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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)

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Condition Monitoring

 This software is a real time online expert system that is installed on a turbo-generator to detect faults. It detects changes in the physical condition of the blades of the turbine, based on the vibration signature analysis concept, using the vibration information acquired from the sensors installed on the turbine. The software consists of two modules that run simultaneously as separate threads.


1.     OLES On-Line Expert System. This module acquires signals form the sensors installed on the turbines at a time interval that can be interactively set by the user. Then the module converts the signals from the time domain to the frequency domain and stores the data in files.

2.     OSBUDD Operator Support and Backup Data Display. This module enables the operator to view the acquired and processed data in the form of time domain plot, frequency plot, orbit plot, trend plot etc. The output from this module enables the user to judge the present condition of the blades of the turbine. Also a separate interface is provided that gives a color-coded output of the signals being obtained from the sensors. This interface allows the user to get preliminary information about the condition of the system at a glance


 This software is currently installed and operating on a 210 MW turbo-generator set at GGSSTPP Power Station, Ropar (Punjab,India).

 Fig 1 : Plot indicating the frequency components of a signal obtained from the turbo generator.



                    Fig 2 : Working of OLES  (A. Chawla et al., 2004)                                                    Fig 3 : Working of OSBUDD  (A. Chawla et al., 2004) 



Screen Snapshot of Expert System Result                    Screen Snapshot of Waterfall Plot                            Screen Snapshot of Trend Plot                      (A. Chawla et al., 2004)                                                (A. Chawla et al., 2004)                                            (A. Chawla et al., 2004)


People Involved:


  1. Dr. A. Chawla
  2. Dr. S. Mukherjee

Students and Staff:

List of Sponsored Projects:
  1. Development work on TG sets of 220MW NPPs in the areas of A. Fatigue analysis of Lp blades and B. Online diagnostic System.
  2. Development of instrumentation systems and related technology for condition monitoring of.....



Related Publication:
  1. A. Chawla, S. Mukherjee, J.S. Rao and Ashish K. Darpe, Development of an Online Diagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set of GGSSTPP Power Station Ropar, Workshop on condition monitoring, Chandigarh, January 2004.

  2. J. S. Rao, Ashish K Darpe, A. Chawla, Kapil Bharati, D.A.Roy, C.K. Pithawa, Umesh Chandra, A. Rama Rao, N.P.S. Gill, " Development Of Online Diagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set Of Kakarapara Atomic Power Station", Advances in Vibration Engineering, Vol 1, no 4, 2003, p 305-321.

  3. J. S. Rao, Ashish K Darpe, A. Chawla, Kapil Bharati, D.A.Roy, C.K. Pithawa, Umesh Chandra, A. Rama Rao, N.P.S. Gill, " Development Of Online Diagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set Of Kakarapara Atomic Power Station", VETOMAC-I, 2000.

  4. Rao JS, Chawla A and Duttagupta C, Development of an off-line expert system for the condition monitoring of an aircraft engine, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Transport Phenomenon and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, 1996, pp 455-463.


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