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   Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)


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Condition Monitoring

Project Title:

Development work on TG sets of 220MW NPPs in the areas of A. Fatigue analysis of Lp blades and B. Online diagnostic System.


Start of Project: August 1995                                           End of Project: March 2000

Funding Agency:



  1. Dr A. Chawla

  2. Prof J.S. Rao

  3. Prof R.K. Pandey

Other Collaborating Agencies:

  1. BARC, Bombay

  2. BHEL


Project Objective:

The objective of this project was to build an on-line diagnostic system for the Turbo generators of the nuclear power plant. In addition it was planned to predict the life of LP blades for various postulated reference flaws under ambient conditions. It was also proposed to instrument the TG sets in one of the nuclear power plants, and to get the vibration signals and process parameters. These parameters were to be recorded using a data acquisition system and then used for development of an on-line expert system to monitor health of the TG sets. In addition, crack propagation analysis was to be carried out. This involved finding out the fracture toughness of the material of the turbine blades and prediction of the stresses at the blade root using appropriate finite element modeling.


Highlights of the work:

A comprehensive professional software has been developed to detect and diagnose faults in the turbogenerator in an on-line mode. The diagnostic system software works on the time domain data supplied to it by data acquisition system and using expert system finds out probable fault(s), if any, based on the Sohre’s knowledge base. This on-line diagnostic system also shows trends of important vibration and process parameters of the turbogenerator for the purpose of better monitoring and maintenance. The system also manages the acquired data by way of automatic and systematic back-up operation. This backed up data can also be reviewed in various formats at a later date using the software. The system also has detailed help and demonstration module for the operator information.


The software was developed using the test data acquired by BARC at KAPS, which was later sent to IIT Delhi. After the development was complete the software was tested in IIT Delhi by transfer of files using the existing network facilities created. Subsequently the project team demonstrated the software to BARC, NPC and KAPS officials at BARC. The software successfully interacted with FDAS in processing and analysing the data in online mode.


After thoroughly testing the software at BARC Laboratory, the team visited KAPS and installed the software. Plant officials were shown the capabilities of the software and its working methodology and the use was explained to them. Plant officials showed keen interest and interacted with the team members. The software system was installed at the Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant on one of the TG sets in January 2000. After deliberating with the plant officials the software was updated incorporating certain changes suggested by them. The comprehensive version of the system was reinstalled in March 2000 and was under close observations of team of software developers of IIT Delhi for a week. Ever since it has been functioning as desired and collecting and analysing data in online mode.



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