
Anjali Dixit

PhD Student
Kusuma School of Biological Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Education: MSc(Biotechnology), South Asian University, New Delhi

Thesis Research:

Identification of factors that dysregulate transcriptional control mechanism in neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegeneration is the umbrella term for the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons, including death of neurons. Many neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's occur as a result of neurodegenerative processes.The neurodegenerative process often involves high expession of altered/misfolded proteins that barricade various cellular processess. For most genes, regulation of transcription initiation is the principle mechanism for controlling their expression. Gene expression profiling in recent past has helped identifying several pathways of disease pathogenesis that include RNA splicing, dysrupted protein turnover, failure of ubuquitin-proteasome pathways etc. The aim of my thesis is to identify and characterize such factors that may play crucial role in regulating the expression of NDD associated proteins.


Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) awarded by University Grant Commission (UGC), 2015(AIR-66).

Poster/Oral presentations/Conferences:

Attended the International conference on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Forms, Functions and diseases at IISER Mohali between 9-12 December 2017.

Attended the Indo-Taiwan bilateral research workshop organized in collaboration between IIT-Delhi and Academia Sinica, Taiwan and held at IIT Delhi on 27 September, 2017.

Attended the Annual Symposium of the Indian Biophysical Society organized at IISER-Mohali between 22-25 March 2017.

Presented poster on 'Role of Type III Polyketide Synthases in Mycobacterial lipid biosynthesis' at the International South Asian Biotechnology Conference 2015.

Previous Research Experience:

MSc Dissertation: 'Investigating the functional role of Type III Polyketide Synthases by overexpression and construction of deletion mutants in Mycobacterium.' Under the supervision of Dr. Priti Saxena at South Asian University, 2014-15.

BSc Dissertation: 'Experimental studies on the effect of repeated stress in SRBc immunized rats and its interaction with morphine. 'Under the supervision of Dr. Arunbha Ray, Department of Pharmacology, V.P Chest Institute, University of Delhi, 2012-13.


Room No.204, Kusuma School of Biological Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi)
Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110016 , INDIA


011 2659 1037 & 2659 6104
011 2658 2282

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