
>Singh, K., Vashishtha, S., Chakraborty, A., Kumar, A., Thakur, S., & Kundu, B*. The Salmonella typhi Cell Division Activator Protein StCAP Impacts Pathogenesis by Influencing Critical Molecular Events. ACS Infectious Diseases, 2024.

>Gupta,SRR., Mittal, P., Kundu, B., Singh, A*, Singh, IK*, Silibinin: an inhibitor for a high-expressed BCL-2A1/BFL1 protein, linked with poor prognosis in breast cancer, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-11, 2023.

>Singh, J., Vashishtha, S., Kundu, B*., Spike Protein Mutation-Induced Changes in the Kinetic and Thermodynamic Behavior of Its Receptor Binding Domains Explain Their Higher Propensity to Attain Open States in SARS …, ACS Central Science 9 (10), 1894-1904, 2023.

>Vashishtha, S., Thakur, S., Singh, J., Adhana, S., & Kundu, B*. Evolutionarily conserved heat shock protein, HtpX, as an adjunct target against antibiotic-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Journal of cellular biochemistry,124 (10), 1516-1529,2023.

>Virmani, R., Pradhan, P., Joshi J., ..., Kundu B., ...& Arora, G. Phosphorylation-mediated regulation of the Bacillus anthracis phosphoglycerate mutase by the Ser/Thr protein kinase PrkC, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 665, Pages 88-97, ISSN 0006-291X. 2023

>Singh, J*., Quadir, N., Vashishtha S., Chakraborty A., Alam A., Kundu B., Polypharmacological repurposing approach identifies approved drugs as potential inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biochem J, 2023; 480 (14): 1079–1096(2023)

>Banik, A., Chaudhuri, R., Vashishtha S., Gupta S., Kar A., Bandyopadhyay A., Kundu B., Sarkar S*., Deoxyelephantopin—a novel PPARγ agonist regresses pressure overload-induced cardiac fibrosis via IL-6/STAT-3 pathway in crosstalk with PKCδ, European Journal of Pharmacology,Volume 953,2023,175841,ISSN 0014-2999

>Dixit, A, Chakraborty, A., Nath, J. R., Chowdhury, P. K., Kundu B*. (2023). Ocular protein optineurin shows reversibility from unfolded states and exhibits chaperone-like activity. RSC advances, 13(10), 6827-6837.

>Vashishtha S, Singh J, Kundu B*. Antimicrobial‐resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae can be targeted using inhibitors against evolutionary conserved L‐asparaginase. J Cell Biochem. 2022;1‐12

>Saha, S., Vashishtha, S., Kundu, B., Ghosh, M*., In-silico design of an immunoinformatics based multi-epitope vaccine against Leishmania donovani, BMC Bioinformatics, SP - 319, VL - 23, SN - 1471-2105. 2022

>Singh, J*., Vashishtha, S., Rahman, S., Ehtesham, N., Alam, A., Kundu, B., Dobrindt, U., Energetics of Spike Protein Opening of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 and Its Variants of Concern: Implications in Host Receptor Scanning and Transmission, Biochemistry, American Chemical Society, VL - 61, SN - 0006-2960, 2022.

>Kataria, A., Patel, A. K., & Kundu, B*. Distinct functional properties of secretory l-asparaginase Rv1538c involved in phagosomal survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biochimie, 182, 1-12. 2021

>Mishra, S., Kataria, A., Kundu, B., & Nebhani, L*., Hybrid mesoporous silica-based nanocarriers for responsive drug release in cancerous cell line. Applied Nanoscience, 11(1), 217-228. 2021

>Jena R, Garg D. K, Achary M. M. V, Singh J, Tomar R, Choudhury L, ... & Kundu B*. Application of a protein domain as chaperone for enhancing biological activity and stability of other proteins. Journal of Biotechnology.2020.

>Pradhan, P, Srivastava A, Singh J, Biswas B, Saini A, Siddique I, ... & Kumar S, Kundu B*. Prion protein transcription is auto-regulated through dynamic interactions with G-quadruplex motifs in its own promoter. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 194479.2020.

>Admane N, Srivastava A, Jamal S, Kundu B*, & Grover, A. Protective effects of a neurohypophyseal hormone analogue on prion aggregation, cellular internalization and toxicity. ACS chemical neuroscience.2019

>Kant K, Tomar A K, Sharma, P, Kundu B, Singh S, Yadav S*. Human epididymis protein 4 quantification and interaction network analysis in seminal plasma. Protein and peptide letters.2019

>Tomar AK, Agarwal R, Kundu B*. Most Variable Genes and Transcription Factors in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences. 10:1-1. 2019.

>Rajput R, Balasubramani GL, Srivastava A, Wahi D, Shrivastava N, Kundu B, Grover A*. Specific Keratinase Derived Designer Peptides Potently Inhibit A ß Aggregation Resulting in Reduced Neuronal Toxicity and Apoptosis. Biochemical Journal. 28:BCJ20190183.2019.

>Kataria A, Singh J, & Kundu B*. Identification and validation of l-asparaginase as a potential metabolic target against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of cellular biochemistry, 120(1), 143-154.2019

>Kumar V, Prakash A, Tomar AK, Srivastava A, Kundu B, Lynn AM, Hassan MI*. Exploring the aggregation-prone regions from structural domains of human TDP-43. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics. 1;1867(3):286-96. 2019.

>Sharma A, Sharma NK, Srivastava A, Kataria A, Dubey S, Sharma S, Kundu B. Clove and lemongrass oil based non-ionic nanoemulsion for suppressing the growth of plant pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici. Ind Crops Prod. 2018.

>Srivastava A, Singh J, Singh Yadav SP, Arya P, Kalim F, Rose P, Ashish, Kundu B*. The Gelsolin Pathogenic D187N Mutant Exhibits Altered Conformational Stability and Forms Amyloidogenic Oligomers. Biochemistry. 57.16 : 2359-2372.2018

>Sachdev R, Kappes-Horn K, Paulsen L, Duernberger Y, Pleschka C, Denner P, Kundu B, Reimann J, Vorberg I. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induces Myostatin High Molecular Weight Aggregates and Impairs Mature Myostatin Secretion. Molecular Neurobiology. 15:1-9.2018

>Sharma P, Tomar AK, Kundu B* "Interplay between CedA, rpoB and double stranded DNA: A step towards understanding CedA mediated cell division in E. coli." Int J Biol Macromol.107 2026–2033. 2018

>Jena R, Garg DK, Choudhury L, Saini A, Kundu B*. Heterologous expression of an engineered protein domain acts as chaperone and enhances thermotolerance of Escherichia coli. International journal of biological macromolecules. 1;107:2086-93. 2018

>Sharma P, Tomar AK, Kundu B*. Identification of functional interactome of a key cell division regulatory protein CedA of E.coli. Int J Biol Macromol.106:763-767. 2018.
>Singh J, Khan MI, Singh Yadav SP, Srivastava A, Sinha KK, Ashish, Das P, Kundu B*.L-Asparaginase of Leishmania donovani: Metabolic target and its role in Amphotericin B resistance.Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 7(3):337-349. 2017.

>Jena R, Garg DK, Choudhury L, Saini A, Kundu B*. Heterologous expression of an engineered protein domain acts as chaperone and enhances thermotolerance of Escherichia coli. Int J Biol Macromol. 2017.

>Tiwari N, Srivastava A, Kundu B, Munde M. Biophysical Insights into Heparin-peptide Interaction and Its Modulation by Small Molecule. J Mol Recognit.1865(5):589-603. 2017.

>Bansal T, Chatterjee E, Singh J, Ray A, Kundu B, Thankamani V, Sengupta S, Sarkar S. Arjunolic Acid, a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha Agonist Regresses Cardiac Fibrosis by Inhibiting Non-canonical TGF-ß Signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 292(40):16440-16462. 2017.

>Garg DK, Kundu B*. Hyperthermophilic L-asparaginase bypasses monomeric intermediates during folding to retain cooperativity and avoid amyloid assembly. Arch Biochem Biophys. 622;36-46. 2017.

>Gautam S, Karmakar S, Batra R, Sharma P, Pradhan P, Singh J, Kundu B*, Chowdhury PK. Polyphenols in combination with ß-cyclodextrin can inhibit and disaggregate a-synuclein amyloids under cell mimicking conditions: A promising therapeutic alternative. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1865(5):589-603. 2017.

>Singh J, Srivastava A, Sharma P, Pradhan P, Kundu B*. DNA intercalators as amyloid assembly modulators: Mechanistic insights. RSC Advances. 7, 493-506. 2017.

>Srivastava A, Sharma S, Sadanandan S, Gupta S, Singh J, Gupta S, Haridas V, Kundu B*. Modulation of prion polymerization and toxicity by rationally designed peptidomimetics. Biochem J. 474(1):123-147. 2017.

>Sharma A, Sasireka, Srivastava A, Sharma S, Kundu B. Antifungal activities of selected essential oils against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici 1322, with emphasis on Syzygium aromaticum essential oil. J Biosci Bioeng. S1389-1723(16)30309-7. 2016.

>Garg DK, Kundu B*.Clues for divergent, polymorphic amyloidogenesis through dissection of amyloid forming steps of bovine carbonic anhydrase and its critical amyloid forming stretch.Biochim Biophys Acta.1864(7):794-804.2016

>Srivastava A, Arya P, Goel S, Kundu B*, Mishra P, Ashish FNU. Gelsolin Amyloidogenesis Is Effectively Modulated by Curcumin and Emetine Conjugated PLGA Nanoparticles. PLoS One. 10(5):e0127011. 2015

>Singh J, Srivastava A, Kundu B*. L-asparaginase as a new molecular target against leishmaniasis: insights about mechanism of action and structure-based inhibitor design. Mol Biosyst. 11(7):1887-96. 2015

>Mahanta S, Paul S, Srivastava A, Pastor A, Kundu B, Chaudhuri T. Stable self-assembled nanostructured hen egg white lysozyme exhibits strong anti-proliferative activity against breast cancer cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 130:237-45. 2015

>Garg DK, Tomar R, Dhoke RR, Srivastava A, Kundu B*. Domains of Pyrococcus furiosus L-asparaginase fold sequentially and assemble through strong intersubunit associative forces. Extremophiles. 9(3):681-91. 2015

>Bhatia NK, Srivastava A, Katyal N, Jain N, Khan AM, Kundu B*, Deep S. Curcumin binds to the pre-fibrillar aggregates of Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) and alters its amyloidogenic pathway resulting in reduced cytotoxicity. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1854(5):426-36.2015

>Tomar R, Sharma P, Srivastava A, Bansal S, Ashish and Kundu B*. Structural and functional insights into an archael L-asparaginase obtained through linker-less assembly of constituent domains. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 70(Pt 12):3187-97. 2014

>Arya P, Srivastava A, Vasaikar SV, Mukherjee G, Mishra P, Kundu B*. Selective interception of gelsolin amyloidogenic stretch results in conformationally distinct aggregates with reduced toxicity. ACS Chem Neurosci. 5(10):982-92. 2014

>Kong Q, Mills JL, Kundu B*, Li X, Qing L, Surewicz K, Cali I, Huang S, Zheng M, Swietnicki W, Sönnichsen FD, Gambetti P, Surewicz WK. Thermodynamic Stabilization of the Folded Domain of Prion Protein Inhibits Prion Infection in Vivo. Cell Rep. ; 4(2):248-54. 2013

>Tomar R, Garg DK, Mishra R, Thakur AK, Kundu B*. N-terminal domain of Pyrococcus furiosus l-asparaginase functions as a non-specific, stable, molecular chaperone. FEBS J.; 280(11):2688-99. 2013

>Bansal S, Srivastava A, Mukherjee G, Pandey R, Verma AK, Mishra P, Kundu B*. Hyperthermophilic asparaginase mutants with enhanced substrate affinity and antineoplastic activity: structural insights on their mechanism of action. FASEB J.;26(3):1161-71. 2012

>Bansal S, Gnaneswari D, Mishra P and Kundu B* . Structural stability and functional analysis of L- Asparaginase from Pyrococcus furiosus, Biochemistry (Moscow), Vol. 75:3, 375-381 , 2010.

>Ghosh I, Kundu B, Gothalwal R.Essential role of HSP26 in stress tolerance of yeast during ethanolic fermentation. Biological Forum — An International Journal.2(2),78-82. 2010.

>Rana A, Gnaneswari D, Bansal S and Kundu B*. Prion Metal Interaction: Is prion pathogenesis a cause or a consequence of metal imbalance?, Chemico - Biological Interaction ,Vol. 181:3, 282-291 , 2009.

>Rana A, Gupta TP, Bansal, S and Kundu B*. Formation of amyloid fibrils by Bovine Carbonic Anhydrase: Confirmation of predictions made by Recurrence Quantification Analysis, Biochemica et Biophysica Acta , 1784 (6) 930-935, 2008.

>Gupta S, Bansal S, Deb JK and Kundu B*. Interplay between DtxR and NOR activities: a functional genomics approach indicating involvement of homologous protein domains in bacterial pathogenesis, International Journal of Experimental Pathology ,Volume: 88: (5) 377-385 , 2007 .

>Basu S, Mohan M.L, Luo X, Kundu B, Kong Q, and Singh N. Modulation of PK-resistant PrP in cells and infectious brain homogenate by redox-iron: Implications for prion replication and disease pathogenesis, Molecular Biology of the cell ,Volume:18: (9) 3302-3312, 2007.

>Grover A, Dugar D and Kundu B*. Predicting alternate structure attainment and amyloidogenesis: A non-linear signal analysis approach,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,Volume: 338: (3) 1410-1416 , 2005.

>Kundu B, Shukla A, Chaba R and Guptasarma P. The excised Beta-heat-shock domain of crystallin is a folded proteolytically susceptible trimer with significant surface hydrophobicity and a tendency to self aggregate upon heating, Protein Expression and Purification, Volume: 36: 263-271, 2004.

>Kundu B, Maiti NR, Jones EM, Surewicz KA, Vanik DL and Surewicz WK. Nucleation-dependent conformational conversion of the Y145Stop variant of human prion protein: Structural clues for prion propagation, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. USA,Volume: 100: (21) 12069-12074, 2003.

>Kundu B, Shukla A and Guptasarma P. Peptide scanning-based identification of regions of gamma-II crystallin involved in thermal aggregation: Evidence of the involvement of structurally analogous, helix-containing loops from the two double Greek key domains of the molecule, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics ,Volume: 410: (1) 69-75, 2003.

>Kundu B and Guptasarma P. Use of a hydrophobic dye to indirectly probe the structural organization and conformational plasticity of molecules in amorphous aggregates of carbonic anhydrase,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications ,Volume: 293: (1) 572-577, 2002.

>Kundu B, Shukla A and Guptasarma P. Manipulation of Unfolding-Induced Protein Aggregation by Peptides Selected for Aggregate-Binding Ability through Phage Display Library Screening,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications ,Volume: 291: (4) 903-907, 2002.

>Kundu B and Guptasarma P. Hydrophobic Dye inhibits aggregation of molten carbonic anhydrase during thermal unfolding and refolding, PROTEINS: Structure, Function and Genetics , Volume:37:(3) 321-324, 1999. 

Conference Papers and Invited Talks

Kundu B., International conference “ The essential proteins and antibody engineering summit, PEGS Boston 2024”, on 13-17th May 2024.

Kundu B., "Mini-symposium on interdisciplinary approaches in biomedical sciences", JNU Delhi, 29th December, 2023. 

Kundu B*. Two-day international conference on “Biotechnology and Human Welfare: Vision 2030 and Beyond (ICBHW-23)”, on 3rd-4th March 2023.

Kataria A, Kundu B*. Structural and biochemical studies of Mtb L-asparaginase reveal survival mechanism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis inside macrophages, The 33 rd Annual symposium of The Protein Society, 30 th June- 3 rd July 2019, Seattle, USA.

Kataria A, Kundu B*. Rational Targeting and Testing of Mycobacterial L-Asparaginase, Essential for Survival of MtB Inside Hosts. 63rd Annual meeting of Biophysocal society in Baltimore, Maryland, USA,2-6 March 2019.

Kataria A, Kundu B*. L-asparaginase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: metabolic target, structure-based inhibitor design and validation. 4 th international conference on translational research, 11 th -13 th Oct 2018, Goa, India.

Kataria A, Kundu B*. L-asparaginase as a potential metabolic target against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Open house 2018, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India.
Sharma P, Kundu B*. The mechanistic study of CedA, a cell division activator protein, mediated interactions in E. coli. International Biophysical Society 62nd Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California, USA, 17th-22nd February 2018.

Sharma P, Kundu B*. CedA is a keyplayer in bacterial cell division and chromosomal replication. . Bioprocessing India (BPI) 2017, IIT Guwahati, 9th-11th December 2017.

Sharma P, Kundu B*. CedA is a keyplayer in bacterial cell division and chromosomal replication. Annual Symposium of the Indian Biophysical Society, IISER Mohali, Mohali (Punjab), India, 22-25 March, 2017.

Srivastava A, Kundu B*. Investigations on endogenous and synthetic modulators of prion amyloidogenesis. Annual Symposium of the Indian Biophysical Society, IISER Mohali, Mohali (Punjab), India, 22-25 March, 2017.

Garg DK, Kundu B*. Highly concerted domain folding and subunit association of a multidomain multimeric L asparaginase from hyperthermophile : A mechanistic underpinning of complex protein folding in extreme environement. The 29th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society, Barcelona (Spain), 22-25th July, 2015.

Kundu B*, Garg DK. Critical peptide stretches may not serve as faithful experimental mimics for protein amyloidogenesis. The 29th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society, Barcelona (Spain), 22-25th July, 2015.

Sachdev R, Kundu B and Vorberg I. Studying the role of Myostatin in amyloidogenic reactivity with other disease associated proteins. Stress Proteins in Growth, Development & Disease. Gordon Research Conference. Lucca (Barga) Italy, July 5-10, 2015.

Tomar R, Kundu B*. Cooperative assembly of isolated domains results in reconstitution of an active archaeal L-asparaginase, Journal of Protein & Proteomics & Poster presentation in National Symposium on Biophysics and Golden Jubilee Meeting of Indian Biophysical Society, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 14-17 February, 2015.

Garg DK, Kundu B*. Dimeric L-asparaginase of hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus shows sequential folding of domains with concomitant association of subunits. Journal of Protein & Proteomics & Poster presentation in Indian Biophysical Society Meeting, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 14-17 February, 2015. .

Srivastava A, Arya P , Kalim F, Kundu B*. Human plasma gelsolin a large multidomain protein undergoes fragmentation and misfolds into amyloid-like aggregates, The Second International Symposium on Protein Folding and Dynamics, NCBS, Bangalore, India, 5-7 Nov. 2014.

Tomar R, Sharma P, Srivastava A, Ashish and Kundu B*. Crystal structure of a reconstituted archael L-asparaginase reveals insight about an unusual domain association and a novel reaction mechanism, Indo-US conference on "Recent advances in Structural Biology and Drug Discovery (RASBDD-IIT-2014),IIT Roorkee, 9-11 October, 2014.

Arya P, Srivastava A, Mishra P, Kundu B*. FAF associated core amyloidogenic stretch of gelsolin shows modulated pathways of amyloid formation in presence of curcumin and emetine and reduced cytotoxicity. GTC's Drug Design and Medicinal Chemistry Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 8-9, 2014.

Sachdeva R, Kundu B*. Studies on amyloid cross-seeding in human Myostatin protein. International conference on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Processes, Srinagar, J&K, 9-13 April, 2014.

Srivastava A, Arya P, Kundu B*. Selective interception of amyloidic stretch in Gelsolin modulates its aggregation pathway. Gordon Research Conference on "Protein Folding dynamics", Galveston, Texas, USA, 5-10 January, 2014.

Tomar R, Kundu B*. Reconstitution of functional L-asparaginase through linker-less assembly of constituent domains: N-terminal domain plays chaperoning role, Journal of Protein & Proteomics & Poster presentation in National Conference on Recent Trends in Protein Structural Biology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 16-18 December, 2013.

Arya P, Srivastava A, Kundu B*.Small molecule modulation results in structurally altered Gelsolin aggregates with reduced cytotoxicity, Journal of Protein & Proteomics & Poster presentation in National Conference on Recent Trends in Protein Structural Biology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 16-18 December, 2013.

Tomar R, Kundu B*. Reconstitution of functional L-asparaginase through linker-less assembly of constituent domains: N-terminal domain plays chaperoning role, Journal of Protein & Proteomics & Poster presentation in National Conference on Recent Trends in Protein Structural Biology, 16-18 December, 2013.

Tomar R, Kundu B*. The N-terminal Domain of Pyrococcus Furiousus L-asparaginase acts as a novel small molecular Chaperone. Protein Science, Vol 22, issue Supplement S1,pg.133, 2013.

Srivastava A, Arya P, Kundu B*. Gelsolin Fibrillization is modulated by interaction with natural products in two alternate pathways that reduce cytotoxicity. Protein Science, Vol 22, issue Supplement S1,pg.97, 2013.

Tomar R, Kundu B*. Domain specific folding and stability studies of L-asparaginases: indication of chaperonin function of N-terminal domain . 80th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Chemists India (SBC), CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, India, 12-15 Nov. 2011.

Bansal S, Srivastava A, Mukherjee G, Kundu B*. Structural insights and mechanism of action of engineered thermophile-derived asparaginase with promising anti-proliferative activity. Proceedings of 17th International Biophysics Congress, Beijing,30 oct-03 Nov 2011.

Bansal S, Mishra P, Kundu B*, Active site engineered thermostable L-asparaginase with anti-cancer activity, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy, Dubai, UAE, 07-09 Feb, 2011.

Bansal S, Gnaneswari MD, Pandey KK, Mishra P and Kundu B*, Enhanced substrate affinity of thermostable L-asparaginase by single mutation at the enzyme active site, The National Symposium on cellular and Molecular Biophysics, CCMB, Hyderabad, India, 2009.

Bansal S, Gnaneswari MD, Pandey, KK, Mishra P and Kundu B*, Altered enzymatic activity and stability of a mutant L-asparaginase from a thermophile, 77th annual meeting of the society of the Biological chemists, IIT, Chennai, India, 2008.

Gupta S, Deb JK and Kundu B*, Functional Genomics approach to identify oxidoreductases in Corynebacterium Pathogenesis, INCOB, IIT, Delhi, India, 2006.

Rana A, Praveen GT and Kundu B*, Formation of amyloid fibrils by bovine Carbonic Anhydrase: Confirmation of predictions made by Recurrence Quantification Analysis, 21st Annual symposium of protein society, Boston (USA), 2006.

Grover A, Dugar D and Kundu B*, Alternate structure formation by proteins can be predicted by statistical analysis, Asia pacific workshop in Biological Physics, National University of Singapore , Singapore, 2006.

Kundu B*, Morillas M and Surewicz WK, Superstable mutant V209M of cellular prion protein, Keynote symposium on Molecular aspects of Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (Prion diseases), Breckenridge, Colorado, (USA), 2003.

Kundu B*, Vanik D, Apetri A and Surewicz WK, Self Perpetutating Protein Conformers, National Academy of Sciences, Washington (USA), 2002.

Kundu B*, “Signature protein-protein interaction as clues for designing anti-amyloidogenic biomolecules”, National Seminar on Biophysics (BIOPHYSIKA-2023), January 18, 2023.

Kundu B*. “Intracellular pathogens apply common enzymatic strategies to evade host defence mechanism”, 63rd Annual International Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), Microbial Technologies for Sustainable, BIOSPHERE, Microbio Tech-2023, 2nd -4th February 2023.

Kundu B*. “Chemical ways of finding anti-neuropathic Biomolecules”, The Annual Festival of the Department of Chemistry, Kirori Mal College, 22nd March 2023.

Invited talk, International Webinar Lecture series on "Understanding Pathophysiology & Therapeutic Strategies for Neurological Disorders" , On the topic Structural Clues of finding Anti-Neuropathic Bio-molecules". Department of Biochemistry, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi on 29th October 2020

Invited talk, Annual BSBE Winter meeting, AMYLOIDS: In Disease to promising Material. On the topic "Prion Protein Transcriptional Dynamics: Structural autocontrol", IIt Kanpur,6th to 7th December 2019.

Invited talk, Frontiers in Biochemistry on the topic "Enzyme engineering through iterative learning: the case of L-asparaginases", Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University, 29th and 30th November.

Keynote speaker, 2nd International conference on "Genomics and Proteomics pertaining to Biological sciences" on the topic "Prion protein transcription is auto-regulated through dynamic interactions with G-Quadruplex motifs in its own promoter". AMU, ALigarh, 6th to 8th November 2019.

Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (ICBAB) 2019 on the topic "Insights of amyloid interaction network and designing structure-based anti-amyloidogenic Biomolecules", JUIT, Solan 1st to 3rd August 2019.

Planetary lecture, Symposium on Frontiers in Science and Technology, D.A.V Public School, Pushpanjali enclave, Pitampura, New Delhi, India, 27th April, 2017.

Invited talk, Annual Symposium of the Indian Biophysical Society, IISER Mohali, Mohali (Punjab), India, 22-25 March, 2017.

Invited talk, UGC & DBT sponsored National Symposium and Bioinformatics Workshop on Current trends in Proteomics & Bioinformatics, IDB Unit, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh (U.P), India, 16-17 March, 2017.

Invited talk,1st National Symposium, The Age of Biotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi Mission Institute Of Biosciences & Technology, Aurangabad, 31st Jan-1st Feb, 2017.

Invited talk, Shaheed Rajguru College, Delhi University, New Delhi, January, 2017.

Invited talk, "Amyloid interaction network and newer therapeutic strategies" ,New Delhi, October, 2016.2nd International Conference on Translational Research. KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. 14-16 October 2016.

Invited talk, "Engineered L-asparaginases for enhanced therapeutic and food applications" , South Asian University,New Delhi, October, 2016.

Invited speaker, Biochemistry Workshop, Bhaskaracharya College, University of Delhi, India, March 08-09, 2016.

Invited speaker, International Conference on new trends in Biotechnology, Ch. Devilal Agricultural univ. Sirsa (Haryana), India, January 11-13, 2016.

Invited speaker, Conference on Molecular biology and Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Mandi (HP), India, February 17-19, 2016.


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