Undergraduate Courses

  • CYL 100 - Basic chemistry laboratory
  • CYL 120 - Inorganic and Organic Chemistry: Concepts and Applications

Lectures in Basic Inorganic Chemistry (CML100)

  • Basic Inorganic chemistry part 1 Transition metals -theories, properties.pptx
  • Basic Inorganic chemistry part 2 Organometallic chemistry.pptx
  • Basic Inorganic chemistry part 3 Bioinorganic chemistry.pptx
  • Basic Inorganic chemistry part 4 P Block Silicon.pptx
  • Postgraduate Courses

    Lectures in Organometallic Chemistry

    Introduction to Basic Organometallic Chemistry.pptx

    Basic Organometallic Chemistry: 100+ New Problems and Exercises (2023)

    100 Problems and Exercises in Organometallic Chemistry (2015)

    INSA Teacher's Award 2012

    Prof. Anil J. Elias is the recipient of INSA teacher's awards 2012 instituted by the Indian National Science Academy for excellence in teaching science. The award was given away by the president of INSA at the INSA meeting held at NCL Pune in December 2012

    Prof. Anil J. Elias is the recipient of Best Chemistry Teacher award 2013

    Sponsoring Organization:

    Tata Chemicals, Royal Society of Chemistry, Association of chemistry teachers, Confederation of Indian Industries and Godrej.

    Awarded for:

    Best Chemistry Teacher in the masters and above category: Given for consistent high quality teaching, immense research contribution, ability to illustrate chemistry concepts innovatively and for outreach in chemistry.

    Prof. Anil J. Elias received the teaching excellence award of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in recognition of his contributions to teaching undergraduate first-year B. Tech students (2013-2014).