Mobile sensors, senors plus arduino, datasheet

This assignment is for understanding different kind of sensors we use in our daily life. We learnt the usage of input and output devices integrated with the microcontroller, first programmed separately and later integrated to work together. Details as follows:

1 : Mobile sensors

Video of all sensors combined - Accelerometer, Rotation sensor, Gyroscope, Magnetic sensor, Gravity sensor, Linear acceleration, Oreintation sensor, Rotation vector :

2 : Sensor plus arduino

Used ultrasonic sensor- HC SR04 as an input device

3 : Reading datasheet

Data sheets are the manual of any electronic device. They contain all information about the component like its operating voltage(if applicable), dimensions of the part and behaviour of the component in most used conditions. Also, it contains information about the pins, terminals it has. Different combinations or configurations of the component which are commonly used.
I have used data sheets to check the range of operating voltage of the component. For linear actuator, used to check the pin diagram of the connector to check the pin functionality.


Assignment no. 1 Assignment no. 2 Assignment no. 3 Assignment no. 4 Assignment no. 5 Assignment no. 6 Assignment no. 7