Installation of Seacas on mac

written by Ravinder Bhattoo - 01 Feb 2019

Seacas installation instructions:

  1. Open terminal

  2. Move seacas folder to convenient location

    mv seacas ~/.seacas

  3. Change directory to seacas folder

    cd ~/.seacas

  4. set pwd as ACCESS environment variable

    export ACCESS=’~/.seacas’

  5. install wget if required

    brew install wget

  6. install cmake if required

    brew install cmake

  7. install glibtoolize if required

    brew install libtool

  8. install automake if required (for command aclocal)

    brew install automake

  9. run installation script

    sh ./

  10. make build directory

    mkdir build

  11. Change directory

    cd build

  12. Install compilers

    brew install gcc

  13. Install xQuartz package

  14. To install in a different location, do


  15. Configure everything for the build


  16. Now make and install

    make && make install

If everything works, your applications should be in ${ACCESS}/bin


  1. Install compatible version of getopt

    brew install gnu-getopt@1.1.5

gnu-getopt is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because macOS already provides this software and installing another version in parallel can cause all kinds of trouble.

If you need to have gnu-getopt first in your PATH run:

echo ‘export PATH=”/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin:$PATH”’ » ~/.bash_profile

There are a few unit tests for zoltan, exodus, and aprepro that can be run via make test if you configured with -D SEACASProj_ENABLE_TESTS=ON.

There is also a system-level test that just verifies that the applications can read and write exodus files correctly. This test runs off of the installed applications.

To run do:

This will run through several of the SEACAS applications creating a mesh (exodus file) and then performing various manipulations on the mesh. If the test runs successfully, there is some hope that everything has built and is running correctly.

For extracting exodus files:

  1. Make symbolic link from seacas folder to /usr/local/trilinos

    ln -s ~/.seacas /usr/local/

    mv /usr/local/.seacas trilinos

  2. Create copy of “include” folder as “inc”

    cp -r /usr/local/trilinos/include /usr/local/trilinos/inc