Multichannel Signal Processing Laboratory

  • Our work gets media coverage
  • Attended EMBC Conference Sydney, Australia
  • Paper Presented At EMBC Conference
  • Attended EMBC Conference Sydney, Australia
  • Paper Presented At EMBC Conference
  • Paper Presented At EMBC Conference
  • Prof. Boaz Rafaely visiting IIT Delhi
  • Array signal Processing for Acoustic and Brain Source Localization
    RAIT Navi Mumbai, Dec, 2019
  • Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2019
    Poster Presentation
  • APSIPA 2018 Presentation
  • Invited Speaker in EEG Summer School, IIIT Delhi
  • EURONOISE 2018 Presentation
Latest News
  • 1. We have two papers accepted in EUSIPCO 2024, congratulations to Shivani and Prerna
  • 2. Amita (2017EEZ8183, PMRF, MSP Lab) joins IIT Roorkee as faculty on June 3, 2024, Congrates Amita.
  • 3. Ayush (2020EEZ8477, PMRF, MSP Lab) Joins Harvard Medical School as PDF on June 3, 2024, Congrates Ayush.
  • 4. Anant (2019EEZ8550) Submits his PhD thesis on June 19, 2024, Congratulations Anant
  • 5. Prof. Lalan delivers talk on "Deep Learning based Multi-modal Airwriting Recognition for Smart Assistive Wearables", IIT Patna, 16th March 2024

Welcome to Multichannel Signal Processing Laboratory!

Welcome to the IIT Delhi's Multichannel Signal Processing (MSP) Laboratory headed by Dr. Lalan Kumar. Our multidisciplinary research group uses theoretical and experimental array processing techniques for Direction of Arrival (DoA) estimation, beamforming, brain source localization, tracking, separation and reconstruction. The application area includes speech, bio-medical and radar. The current research focus is EEG Source Localization, and Brain Computer Interface (BCI) for soft-exosuit/exoskeleton. Owing to the presence of sensor array in virtually every signal processing discipline and application, the Multichannel Signal Processing has expanded beyond its traditional antenna array processing roots. Consequently, there is a considerable overlap with various application areas that include acoustics, radar and bio-medical signal processing. A major thrust of our lab is on technology and, development of devices that will improve the quality of life. We are open to collaboration with other research groups working with multi-sensor systems.