Dr. Priyanka Kaushal 

Professor, CRDT, IIT Delhi


Dr. Priyanka Kaushal is a Professor at the Centre for Rural Development and Technology (CRDT) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. She has worked near the interface between Clean Energy Technology, Society and Climate Change for the last 20 years. She is a Chemical Engineer by training and holds expertise in the domain of Clean Energy and Value-added chemicals. Her work has ranged from Hydrogen-as-fuel to Carbon neutral communities. She has developed and transferred technologies for captive power generations with special focus on biomass utilization to MSMEs and SHGs, across the globe. At present she is engaged in designing affordable, reliable and clean energy solutions for industries and rural communities, training and capacity building. Additionally, she is coordinating the RCI vertical of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, a flagship programme of Ministry of Education housed at IIT Delhi.

Research areas

Biomass-to-energy: Torrefaction, Pyrolysis, Gasification
SYN gas & Poly-generation: CHP, Bio-SNG, FT-Fuel, Hydrogen enrichment
Agriculture residue valorization through various biochar application
Technology assessment for climate change mitigation


Academic courses

Rural Energy Assessment and Planning (RDL 728)
Rural Industrialization, Policies, Programmes and Cases (RDL 701)

what's new

Congratulations to Abhijeet Anand for successful PhD Defense on Research Titled "Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Crop Residues - Biochar System for Energy Security and Carbon Sequestration" on 16.07.2024
Congratulations to Paramjeet Baghel for the Award for top poster presented at Cell Symposia: A circular economy for the chemical sector, 22-24 July 2024, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Congratulations to Imlisongla Aier for successful Synopsis Presentation on Research Titled "Development and Impact Assessment of Improved Biomass Cookstive in Rural Communities" on 28.06.2024
Congratulations to Imlisongla Aier for winning Best Student Paper Award in the Energy category at ICUE-2022, Pattaya, Thailand.
Congratulations to Anil Kumar Sakhiya for successful Synopsis Presentation on Research Titled "Performance Evaluation of Silver impregnated Biochar derived from Paddy straw to make Water Potable along the Indo-Gangetic Plain."
Newspaper Article tilted "Opinion: Overshooting Earth's Budget" Authored by Abhijeet Anand & Priyanka Kaushal was covered by Telangana Today on 02 August 2022.


One-day workshop for the demonstration of Biomass-based clean energy technologies and systems for Graduate Trainee Engineers of ReNew Power Pvt. Ltd. was organized at the Clean Energy Laboratory at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in collaboration with ReNew Centre of Excellence for Energy and Environment on the  1st September 2024. Glimpses of the Event.
4 th National conference on "Energy Conservation through Urban Planning and Mobility" organized at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in collaboration with the School of Planning and Architecture Delhi on the 22nd November 2022. Watch on YouTube. Glimpses and Media coverage of the Event.
Prof. Manjusri Mishara and Prof. Amar Mohanty from University of Guelph, Canada visited Clean Energy Laboratory, Micromodel Complex, IIT Delhi. Glimpses of the visit.
An interactive visit of students from Rajasthan Government High School at Clean Energy Laboratory and Net Zero Emission Technology Lboratory, Micromodel Complex, IIT Delhi. Glimpses of the visit.
An interactive visit of Ignite Now Team at Clean Energy Laboratory and Net Zero Emission Technology Lboratory, Micromodel Complex, IIT Delhi. Glimpses of the visit.


Announcements on upcoming events will appear here                          


Post-Doctoral Researchers: Opportunity available - Interested candidate may apply here.
PhD Scholars: IIT Delhi selects graduate students twice a year (June and December) for PhD positions. Students from interdisciplinary academic backgrounds, including Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Fuel specializations are welcome to our research group. Interested candidates may reach us here.
Under Graduate Students: Research opportunities for undergraduate students are frequently available in the specializations including Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Fuel. Interested candiates may reach us here.