EEL319 : Digital Signal Processing
Saif K. Mohammed

Lecture Timing :
Slot : (Mon, Thurs)
Time : 9:30 - 10:50 a.m.
Room : II-LT3

Practical Timing :
Time : 15 - 17:00 (Mon,Tue,Wed,Fri)
Room : MS-202 (Coimmunication Lab)

Pre-requisite : EEL205 (Signals and Systems)

Course Textbook:
  • [OS] A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer Discrete-time signal processing, Prentice Hall India (PHI). OP]j

    Reference Book:
  • [SM] S. K. Mitra Digital Signal Processing (DSP) - A computer based approach, McGraw Hill.

    Course Grading and Exams :

    Minor-I: 20/100
    Minor-II: 25/100
    Major: 35/100
    Practical Exam (7.5) / Lab Quiz (7.5) /Lab reports (5) : 20/100
    Major Exam: 27 November 2014 (8:00 - 10:00), IV-LT3. Exam will be open book, but no laptops, mobile phones allowed. Syllabus: Post Minor-II.
  • Major Exam Practice Questions (tick marked)
  • Major Exam Question Paper
  • Major Exam Solution
  • Major Exam Final Marks

    Marks/Attendance :
  • Minor 1: Minor-I Question Paper
  • Minor 1: Minor-I Solution
  • Minor 1: Minor-II Question Paper
  • Minor 1: Minor-II Solution
  • Pre Major Total : Pre Major Total

    Lectures :
  • Lecture 1: Introduction to the course (SM Chap.1)
  • Lectures 2,3: Proof of Sampling theorem, discrete-time signals and systems, LTI systems, eigen waveforms (sinusoids)
  • Lectures 4,5: Aliasing, subsampling, Fourier transform of discrete-time signals
  • Lectures 6,7,8: Z-transform of discrete-time signals
  • Lecture 9: Revisiting sampling and reconstruction of bandlimited analog signals, impulse invariance technique, Resampling (Decimation)
  • Lecture 10: Increasing the sampling rate (Interpolation)
  • Lecture 11: Polyphase implementation of Decimation and Interpolation
  • Lecture 12: Analog to Digital Conversion (Quantization Noise, SQNR)
  • Lecture 13: Analog to Digital Conversion (SQNR improvement in Oversampled A2D)
  • Lecture 14: Analog to Digital Conversion (SQNR Improvement in Oversampled A2D with Noise Shaping)
  • Lecture 15: Frequency Analysis of LTI Systems
  • Lecture 16: Design of Linear Phase FIR Filters
  • Lecture 17,18: Design of Digital IIR Filters using Impulse Invariance Technique
  • Lecture 19: Design of Digital IIR Filters using Bilinear Transformation

    Practical :
  • Experiment 1: Experiment 1
  • Experiment 2: Experiment 2
  • Experiment 3: Experiment 3
  • Experiment 4: Experiment 4
  • Experiment 4: Supplement to Experiment 4
  • Experiment 5: Experiment 5