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 Circuit Theory

Lectures held so far

Date Number Topics covered References
24 Jul 2014Lecture 1Introduction to graph theory; tree; branches; chords; cut-sets; loops; fundamental cut-sets and loops; the fundamental theorem of graphs.Chua, Desoer, Kuh: Chapter 1, pages 1-27, Chapter 12, pages 700-707.
28 Jul 2014Lecture 2Fundamental loop matrix and fundamental cut-set matrix associated with a tree; relationship between the matrices; Tellegen's theorem.Chua, Desoer, Kuh: Chapter 12, pages 707-715.
31 Jul 2014Lecture 3The mesh method and the node-voltage method; when to use fundamental loops and fundamental cut-sets instead; writing out the matrix equation to solve a network.Hayt, Kemmerly: Chapter 3, pages 53-72 and 91-99.
04 Aug 2014Lecture 4Network theorems: superposition, Thevenin and Norton theorems for one-port networks, source-transformation. Reciprocity theorem for passive two-port networks.Hayt, Kemmerly: Chapter 3, pages 73-91; Chua, Desoer, Kuh: Chapter 1, pages 42-43 (20, 21).
07 Aug 2014Lecture 5Transient circuits: Introduction to inductors, capacitors, mutual inductances; solving first order transient circuits using differential equations and unilateral Laplace transforms; solving first order circuits by inspection from initial and final conditions.Kuo: Chapter 5, pages 100-109; Hayt, Kemmerly: Chapter 4, pages 109-126; Chua, Desoer, Kuh: Chapter 6, pages 320-333, 339.
11 Aug 2014Lecture 6The state space approach to solving a circuit; time-domain solution of state equations.Online, MIT course hand-out
14 Aug 2014Lecture 7The exact solution to the state space approach; the second order response; the general second order transfer function; solution based on initial conditions.Kuo: Chapter 5, pages 114-121.
21 Aug 2014Lecture 8Absolutely stable, unstable and marginally stable systems; forced response in absolutely stable circuits; response of a circuit to steady state sinusoidal sources. Two-port networks; impedance and admittance matrices.Hayt, Kemmerly: Chapter 8 and 9, pages 234-268; Kuo: Chapter 9, pages 253-257.
25 Aug 2014Lecture 9Recap of material, reasoning of why the response of a circuit with clock phases switching with a period of T will also be fundamentally periodic with T (and not with nT). Two-port networks; hybrid and inverse-hybrid parameters.Kuo: Chapter 9, pages 259-261.
01 Sep 2014Lecture 10Interconnections of two-port networks: series-series, series-shunt, shunt-shunt, and shunt-series interconnections.Kuo: Chapter 9, pages 273-276.
08 Sep 2014Lecture 11Computation of input impedance/admittance, output impedance/admittance, transfer function of two-port networks; the transmission matrix.Kuo: Chapter 9, pages 262-271.
11 Sep 2014Lecture 12Transmission lines; the telegrapher's equations; solving the telegrapher's equations in the time domain.Notes on transmission lines
15 Sep 2014Lecture 13Transmission of a pulse over a transmission line, reflection coefficients; Introduction to the scattering matrix.Notes on the scattering matrix
18 Sep 2014Lecture 14The scattering matrix, computation of S parameters.Notes on the scattering matrix
22 Sep 2014Lecture 15The scattering matrix, implications of the S parameters.Notes on the scattering matrix
25 Sep 2014Lecture 16The scattering matrix, working with S- parameters.Notes on the scattering matrix
29 Sep 2014Lecture 17Introduction to synthesisKuo: Chapter 10, pages 290-294.
13 Oct 2014Lecture 18Positive real functionsKuo: Chapter 10, pages 299-302.
16 Oct 2014Lecture 19Properties of positive real functions; extraction of poles and zeros at infinity and on the jw axis.Kuo: Chapter 10, pages 302-310; Kuo: Appendix D, pages 490-492.
27 Oct 2014Lecture 20The Cauchy-Riemann equations, functions of a complex variableKuo: Appendix C, pages 481-489; Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics: sections 13.3, 13.4, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4.
30 Oct 2014Lecture 21Properties of LC impedance functions; synthesis of LC impedance functionsKuo: Chapter 11, pages 315-325.
03 Nov 2014Lecture 22Properties of RC and RL impedance functions; synthesis of RC and RL impedance functionsKuo: Chapter 11, pages 325-333.
05 Nov 2014Lecture 23General RLC impedance synthesis; Brune synthesisKuo: Chapter 11, pages 333-336; Otto Brune's Ph.D/Sc.D thesis: pages (PDF) 71-74.
10 Nov 2014Lecture 24Brune synthesis continued; proof that the three inductors extracted can always be designed with the help of a mutual inductance; numerical examples.Otto Brune's Ph.D/Sc.D thesis: pages (PDF) 71-78.
13 Nov 2014Lecture 25Transfer function synthesis; Butterworth approximation of the low pass brick-wall filter; synthesis of the Butterworth transfer functionKuo: Chapter 13, pages 365-372; Kuo: Chapter 14, pages 431-435.
17 Nov 2014Lecture 26The Chebyshev approximation to the low pass brick-wall filter; frequency transformationsKuo: Chapter 13, pages 373-379; Kuo: Chapter 14, pages 431-435; Kuo: Chapter 13, pages 402-404.
20 Nov 2014Lecture 27Frequency transformations; low pass to low pass, low pass to high pass, low pass to band pass and low pass to band stop.Kuo: Chapter 13, pages 402-410.
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