Join us

Our aim is to conduct fundamental research on human judgment and decision making. We are always looking for people with different mindsets, skillsets, knowledge sets, institutions, trainings, and hobbies who share our aim.

Please read the details on this page and then apply by clicking the button below by filling up a form (expected time = 5 min). 

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Students : Short-term associates and research interns

This is ideal for those who want to work on an ongoing work and contribute academically (there is no monetary compensation). Please send an informal brief about yourself (5-10 lines) mentioning what methods you know, some initial interests, and time commitment from your side. Suggest one or two topics from the list below in which you are interested in. Due academic credit is also given as the case maybe. Work can span study design (and data collection), programming, crunching data.

Applicants can be from any institute or university.
UG (BA/BSc) or PG (MA/MSc) students in psychology / cognitive science or allied fields spanning social and biological sciences
UG (BE/BTech) students with skills in computer programming or big data analysis or those interested in human judgment and decision making.

IIT Delhi: BTech (adhoc, NTU, BTP)

Open Topics for interns


* Measurements of loss aversion among the mass (collect data)
* Loss aversion among in socio-economic groups (collect data)
* Testing loss aversion in education (collect data)
* Effect of language on framing effects and loss aversion (collect data)
* Behavioral economic interactions with robots (collect data)
* Qualitative experiences of gains and losses (design study, collect data)
* Valuations and judgments about AI-generated vs human-generated objects (design study, collect data)

Tit Bits
These are not paid positions. All work can happen remotely as of now and hence you do not need to re-locate or meet physically. If you do not want to pick a topic and are exploring, then say so. Send an email to to get started.

PG Students: Masters student projects

Those who are pursuing PG/Masters programme in Cognitive Science at IIT Delhi or at other institutions and looking to work with me are welcome. Collaborations with other faculty at the host institute and industry partners is always open. Please make enquiries atleast one month prior to the start date (mostly in summers).

Open Topics for Masters projects/thesis

* Allocation of losses in behavioral economic games
* Social interactionist dimensions of risky choices
* Non-Gains and Non-Losses
* Do losses loom larger than gains perceptually?
* Physiological and neuronal responses in magnitude-dependent loss aversion 
* Effect of hormones on Loss aversion
* Valuation of AI-generated artefacts

Ph.D aspirants and Postdoc applicants

To the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi

Ph.D. applicants

Please send a page mentioning which research thread you want to work on, domain if any (e.g., education, mobility, etc.), the broad and narrow questions posed and the methodology to be used. Applicants need to have a UGC-NET (JRF preferred but not necessary) or GATE score in HSS or other disciplines. Admissions are via the Ph.D. programme at Dept of HSS, IIT Delhi. Prior Bachelor/Master degrees can be in any discipline (but preferably related to psychology, cognitive science, computer science/engineering/IT, neuroscience/biological sciences, or allied subjects).

What is required?
Basic eligibility criteria as set by the Dept of HSS at IIT Delhi, a Master degree (having a minimum mark set in each round) along with having qualified a national level exam like GATE, NET, etc. or a BTech with strong research skills. The department either conducts written or oral examination. You also need a research proposal to say what you are interested in (although that is flexible to be changed after you join). Applicants typically would be from psychology, cognitive science, economics, biosciences and in some rare cases in other areas for which we can talk early on.

Research on?
The major interest is in the psychology of judgment and decision making that intersects with behavioral economics. Topics can span valuation, judgments and decision making which either has an underlying theory or has a well-defined goal/product/service to develop. Below are some questions that I have found interesting and am happy to supervise thesis on.

Topics of interest:

Psychology and behavioral economics of gains and losses

* Affective mechanisms and behavioral outcomes of non-gains and non-losses
* Evolutionary origins of loss aversion; Loss aversion and fundamental evolutionary motives

 And some more... 
* Valuation of monetary vs non-monetary outcomes
* What is the basis regarding the psychology of zero ?

I would strongly recommend connecting much earlier (about 3-6 months) and have some rounds of discussions to understand each other’s interest. It also helps both parties to gauge whether there is some useful match for pursuing any thread further.

What I am not looking for
“This has not been done in India” argument makes little sense to me; unless it is a real need that we must fill. “Explorative”, “survey”, “qualitative” work is something that I would not like to engage in a PhD thesis. If there is no prediction to make, then (according to me) that is not a great way to do science. Purely computational work is possible though. I also do not think “novel”, “path-breaking”, “innovative” ideas are easy and do not expect one. A decent proposal that clearly says what is being planned and why is fine. I also do not explore too far away from things I am comfortable with. What you need to do first: Create a document shortlisting some papers, develop a brief sketch of a topic, put in some ideas, form a tentative study and send me an email. Later steps will follow.

Number of positions
There is no fixed limit but looking forward to add one or two more PhD students in the near future.

Postdoctoral applicants

The department hires postdoctoral fellows who are independent researchers. I am happy to work with some of the applicants who is interested in decision making and/or behavioral economics from a theoretical or empirical approach - both on basic and applied questions. 

Decision Sandbox 
Do you have an idea and wanted to explore that with us? 

We know that many of you might think of ideas but might not find a space to explore further. Our Decision Sandbox gives you that opportunity. Applicants can be from anywhere and at any stage.
Send us an email with your idea and the tentative time commitment from your side. It can cut across any of the topics mentioned below or be completely something else. We would welcome a select few to explore the idea with us. 

Dr. Sumitava Mukherjee
Email: ;


Mukherjee Decision Lab advances fundamental concepts, psychological foundations and cognitive mechanisms about judgment and decision making.

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