
  • scfprledg: A MATLAB code for finding all possible spanning cycle families of a digraph. The digraph is given as input to the code, in the form of two vectors (s,t), where one of the vectors (s) contains the starting vertex indices of the edges, and another vector (t) contains the terminating vertex indices of the edges in the digraph. The outputs of the code are two matrices: M and N, where the i^{th} row of M contains the starting vertex indices of the edges and the i^{th} row of N contains the terminating vertex indices of the edges of i^{th} spanning cycle family. More details and explaination about this code are available here (refer to Algorithm 1). This code is developed by: Subashish Datta.

  • numvdjcyl: A MATLAB code for finding the number of vertex disjoint cycles in a spanning cycle family of a digraph. This code takes input as two vectors (s,t), where one of the vectors (s) contains the starting vertex indices of the edges, and another vector (t) contains the terminating vertex indices of the edges in a spanning cycle family (SCF). The outputs of the code is the number of vertex disjoint cycles. The SFCs and its vertex disjoint cycles play important roles in many applications. One may find some of the applications in this article. More details and explaination about this code are available here (refer to Algorithm 2). This code is developed by: Subashish Datta.

  • bptmaxmatch: A MATLAB code for finding a maximum matching of a bipartite graph. More details and explaination about this code are available here (refer to Algorithm 4). This code is developed by: Subashish Datta.

  • sdsfminnz: A MATLAB code is required for finding a feedback gain vector for a structured descriptor system, which has minimum free-entries. This code is developed based on the results available in this article. More details and explaination about this code are available here (refer to Algorithm 3). To run this code, following auxilliary files are required: scfprledg.m, numvdjcyl.m and bptmaxmatch.m. Please download all the stated auxilliary files, put them in a single folder, and run sdsfminnzexamp.m. Developed by: Subashish Datta.