About Me

  • Name: Sumeet Agarwal

  • Current Address: Merton College, Merton Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4JD, United Kingdom

  • Permanent Address: 101 Imperial Block, Eldeco Greens Apartments, Gomtinagar, Lucknow, India - 226010

  • Email: lawraga.teemus@gmail.com

Well, what else can I put here? I guess anyone who knows me (except my sister) will tell you that I'm a really quiet person. I'm a bit of a loner. I wish I could be more talkative and outgoing, but, well, I am what I am. Anyway, I try to be friendly and helpful as far as I can. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist, I like things to be well organized.

Let me write a bit about my life so far. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. I lived in Cleveland and New Jersey till I was 6 and a half, then my parents decided to return to India. So I was in Lucknow from 1991 to 2002, where I underwent my schooling at La Martiniere College. In July 2002, I commenced undergraduate study at IIT Kanpur, majoring in Computer Science, and graduated with a B.Tech. in June 2006. In July 2006 I joined IBM India Research Lab, New Delhi as a one-year project trainee. In October 2007, I started as a graduate student at the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre at Oxford.

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