My Interests

There are quite a few things I like to spend my time doing. For one, I love reading. I've been a big bookworm as far back as I can remember. I read all kinds of stuff, but I particularly like Science Fiction and Fantasy. Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip Pullman, J. R. R. Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams and J. K. Rowling are some of the authors I really love reading. When I first came to IIT Kanpur, I found to my delight that it has a wonderful Book Club, with one of the best book collections I've seen anywhere in India.

Another hobby which I'm really passionate about is Astronomy. I was always interested in the stars, but it was only after coming to IIT Kanpur that I started doing some serious star-gazing. We have a great Astronomy Club here, and we have regular sessions where we observe the wonders of the sky using our 8-inch telescope. I can spend hours and hours with a telescope on a clear night, exploring the heavens.

I also enjoy Photography a lot. I particularly like using SLR cameras, due to the power and versatility they give you. Recently, I've also started doing some digital photography. I've put several of my pictures in the photo gallery.

As far as academic interests are concerned, Computer Science is of course my main area of interest. I'm particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics and Cognitive Science. I've put up some of my work in these areas here. I also like Physics a lot, particularly Astrophysics and Cosmology.

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