
Here I've put together a list of some of my favourite websites:

About Books

  • Amazon.com - Huge online bookstore, where you can get reviews of, and buy, almost any book you can think of.
  • JKRowling.com - Her official website, a treasure trove of information for Harry Potter fans.
  • IITK Book Club - Well, I had to put this one here, didn't I?

About Astronomy

  • SkyandTelescope.com - A comprehensive source for info about astronomy, as well as astronomical instruments.
  • NASA.gov - The authoritative source for all news about the latest space exploration missions.
  • IITK Astronomy Club - Has quite a bit of useful info for amateur astronomers, and a nice photo gallery as well.


  • Wikipedia - Awesome online encyclopedia, which anyone can edit. By far, the site I visit most often.
  • MIT Open Courseware - A very useful collection of course materials from the world's premier science and technology school.
  • 20 Questions - This game is great! One of the most impressive demos of AI I've seen anywhere.
  • Fedora Forum - An invaluable site for Fedora/RedHat Linux buffs like me.

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