About DBEB


We are researchers working towards the goal of a healthy environment and sustainable development through prevention, treatment and recovery from wastes. Our group size is more than 30 with 5 different laboratories. We comprise of chemists, chemical engineers, biotechnologists and pure science researchers. We work closely with the pollution control boards, industries and municipal organizations. We collaborate extensively with many indian industries and academia as well foreign academia spread over different continents. Our projects range from municipal wastes to defense industry wastewater with lab scale to pilot scale of 10,000 L per day.

Working at WTL offers a unique blend of exposure in physical, chemical and biological treatment technologies for a variety of wastes. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are well equipped to identify the most intricate relationships for better understanding of the underlying phenomenon and developing better technologies. Come, join us and solve a million-dollar problem!

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Message from Prof. Sreekrishnan


Our group offers unique expertise in the field of environmental technologies to all the stakeholders, be it industries, municipal corporations, pollution control boards, planning agencies and most importantly to students. Our students get firsthand experience on solving the most challenging problems in the field of environmental engineering and learn to develop the solutions. They stretch the state-of-the-art and become future leaders not only in industries, but also in planning agencies and academia.