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Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)


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Simulation based folding of airbags


Airbag as a safety device fitted in automobiles is fast gaining public acceptance. Improvements in design of automobile components, often achieved by computer modeling and simulations, are becoming standards for automobile testing and design. Due to airbags acceptability for four wheeled vehicles, the concept of airbag in motorcycles is now being tested by many [references]. Currently passenger side airbags, which have a larger volume than the driver side airbag, are considered for airbags to be mounted on motorcycles. Modeling of folding of passenger side airbag is a complex and time consuming process. In this work the modeling of folding of passenger side airbag of 160 liter is considered. This airbag mesh is to be used for exploratory simulations of crashes of an Indian motorcycle mounted with an airbag. Commercial software tools used for modeling of airbag folds do not give a realistic inflation process due to large distortion of airbag mesh elements. In this work we use simulations for getting the mesh of a folded passenger side airbag. Unreformed mesh containing six layers of cloth is first generated in Finite Element software IDEASTM. This mesh is then exported to PAMCRASHTM. The fold sequence is then modeled using simulations so as to duplicate the manual folding process. Folds are thus generated in the airbag mesh using simulations in PAMCRASHTM. For each simulation of folding, the mesh is held between rigid planes and these planes are given velocities corresponding to the folding process. This method of fold simulation is time consuming. But it gives folded airbag mesh of complex shapes. Inflation process of folded airbag mesh is in better agreement with unfolded airbag mesh inflation process.

                                                                                                                                        Figure. 1

Figure. 1. Shows arrangement of planes guiding the airbag mesh to get pressed against the rest of the portion of airbag mesh supported by fixed rigid vertical plane kept on the other side of airbag mesh.  (A Chawla et al.,2005)

Figure 2 & 3 shows the inflated shape of one such airbag folded in this manner


Figure.2  Top view of inflated folded airbag mesh    (A Chawla et al.,2005)



Figure. 3. Side view of inflated folded airbag mesh       (A Chawla et al.,2005)



People Involved:


1.    Dr. A. Chawla

2.    Dr. S. Mukherjee

Students and Staff:

1.    Prashant Bhosale



Related Publication:

1.    Chawla, Bhosale P and Mukherjee S, Meshing of folded passenger side airbag mesh, accepted for SIAT’05,held in Pune, in January 2005

2.    Chawla A, Bhosale PV, Mukherjee S, Modeling of Passenger side Airbag mesh, SAE Paper No 2005-26-059.




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