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Projects of the Simulation & Control Group (A. Chawla & S. Mukherjee)


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Development of methodology for modeling of airbags for OOP study
Japan Automobile Research Institute



This work aims at developing airbag simulation models to be used for analysis in car and MC applications. In airbag deployment, the position of the occupant has always been considered very critical. Occupants sitting close to the airbag get severe injuries due to the large initial impact from the airbag during its opening. This is called the out of position (OOP) problem in automotive literature and is a very important issue. The objective of this study has been to develop an airbag model, which can subsequently be used in OOP studies. Simulation models with an OOP headform has also been developed in this study.

Airbags deployment has to meet stringent requirements, as it has to be fully deployed within 5 ms to avoid ‘slapping’ the rider. The airbag mass is

about 200 gm. and moves at a peak speed of around 0.5m/.005s = 100m/s Energy content is about 1000 Joules ! The slap can be strong enough to break the riders jaw; following which it has to deflate as the rider impacts the surface to minimize the injury to the rider; so the design of an airbag is a tricky issue. Needless to say, the driver side and passenger side airbags are of completely different designs because of the space availability. We are conducting simulations to evolve airbags for two wheeled vehicles.



Folding of airbags

We have developed different techniques for folding of airbags.

1.    Simulation based folding of airbags.

2.    Computational Geometry based generation of FE mesh for folding airbags.

sample snapshots of the airbag simulation

The result of this study has not been published

The figures below show sample snapshots of an airbag simulation without a human headform.

We have developed airbag models for different airbags including driver side and passenger side airbags. Some of this work has been done in collaboration with the Japan Automobile Research Institute for which experimental data was available for validation. For some airbags, an OOP test and simulations have also carried out with a Hybrid III headform at varying offsets from the airbag.

People Involved:

Faculty involved:

1.    Dr. A. Chawla

2.    Dr. S. Mukherjee

3.    Prof. D. Mohan

Students & Staff: Many project staff and student has been involved in this work. Some of them are

1.    Jayant Jangra

2.    Manish Kushwaha

3.    Prashant Bhosale

List of Sponsored Projects:

1.    Development of methodology for modeling of airbags.


Related Publication:

1.            Chawla, Bhosale P and Mukherjee S, Meshing of folded passenger side airbag mesh, accepted for SIAT’05,held in Pune, in January 2005.

2.    Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Snarma A, An algorithm for optimized generation of a finite element mesh for folded airbags, International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol 10, No 3,  2005, pp 2459-266.

3.    S. Mukherjee, A. Chawla, J. Jangra, Issues in ALE simulation of airbags, to appear in the International Journal of Crashworthiness??

4.    Chawla A, Mukherjee S, and Sharma A, Development of FE meshes for folded airbags, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2005, Vol 10, No 3, pp 259-266.

5.    Chawla A, Bhosale PV, Mukherjee S, Modeling of Passenger side Airbag mesh, SAE Paper No 2005-26-059.

6.    Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Mesh Generation for folded airbags, Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol 1 No 1-4, P269-276, 2004.

7.    Sharma A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, A tool for developing FE meshes for folded airbags, Proceedings of CAD ’06 conference held in Bangkok in June 2006.

8.    Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Jangra J, Studies in Motor cycle airbags, proceedings of IRCOBI September 2005.

9.    Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Mesh Generation of folded airbags, Proceedings of the International CAD conference, May, 2004, Pattaya, Thailand

10.   Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, A tool for developing FE meshes for folded airbags, Proceedings of NACOMM, 2003, New Delhi India.

11.  Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, FE mesh generation for folded cloth – an application in airbags, proceedings of Workshop on textile ropes and cordages, December 2003, Delhi, India.

12.    Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Development of FE mesh for folded airbags, Proceedings of ChinePAM 2003, Shanghai, China.












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