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Andaman and Nicobar Islands: June 2013 - 6.7 years old Sid's trip to the pristine beaches of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Having been to the Himalayas in his last few trips, Sid asked for a beach vacation this time. We stayed for 8 days in a tent nestled in tropical forests of the Andamans, next to a white sandy beach. We saw different shades of blue and green waters, especially turquoise waters, for the first time outside pictures/screens. Sid was without any modern entertainment - totally dependent on nature (except regular coatings of "Odomos"). Remarkably, he did not miss television at all! This "natural" vacation was followed by a 5 day stay in complete luxury in Port Blair (We were informed that several "celebrities" had earlier stayed in our cottage - e.g. Tabu, Princess of Thailand, Ex-Presidents of India). Needless to say, Sid spent the first few hours in the cottage in front of the television.

Below is a daily account of his trip! Every night we asked him what he liked in his day. Then we asked him to frame small sentences to describe what he remembered. Finally we formalized his sentences and dictated them for him to write in his notebook. This daily account of Siddhant's trip can also be downloaded as a .pdf file by clicking HERE.