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Research Articles (reverse chronological, indexed peer-reviewed journals only)

  1. Singh, P. and A. Mittal. 2024. Pleomorphism in biological units of life: Morphological heterogeneity in cells does not translate uniformly to subcellular components. ACS Omega (doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c10062). (pdf)

  2. Firdos*, T. Pramanik*, P. Verma and A. Mittal. 2024. (Re-)Viewing role of intracellular glucose beyond extracellular regulation of glucose stimulated insulin secretion by pancreatic cells. ACS Omega 9: 11755-11768 (doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c09171). (*equal contribution) (pdf)

  3. Firdos and A. Mittal. 2023. Secretory conservation in insulin producing cells: Is there a system-level law of mass action in biology? ACS Omega 8: 37573-37583 (doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c06058). (pdf)

  4. Singh, H., P. Pragya, A. Mittal* and V. Haridas*. 2023. Pseudopeptosomes: non-lipidated vesicular assemblies from bispidine-appended pseudopeptides. Org. Biomol. Chem. 21: 3557 3566 (Inside Cover Article) (doi:10.1039/D3OB00201B). (pdf)

  5. Sharma, D., K. Sharma, A. Mishra, P. Siwach, A. Mittal and B. Jayaram. 2023. Molecular dynamics simulation-based trinucleotide and tetranucleotide level structural and energy characterization of the functional units of genomic DNA. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (PCCP) 25: 7323 7337 (doi:10.1039/d2cp04820e). (pdf)

  6. Mittal, A. and A. Chauhan. 2022. Aspects of biological replication and evolution independent of the central dogma: Insights from protein-free vesicular transformations and protein-mediated membrane remodeling. J. Membrane Biol. 255: 185 209 (doi: 10.1007/s00232-022-00230-4). (pdf)

  7. Mittal, A., A. M. Changani and S. Taparia. 2021. Unique and exclusive peptide signatures directly identify intrinsically disordered proteins from sequences without structural information. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 39: 2885-2893. (pdf)

  8. Mittal, A., A. M. Changani, S. Taparia, D. Goel, A. Parihar and I. Singh. 2021. Structural disorder originates beyond narrow stoichiometric margins of amino acids in naturally occurring folded proteins. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 39: 2364-2375. (pdf)

  9. Mittal, A., A. M. Changani and S. Taparia. 2020. What limits the primary sequence space of natural proteins? J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 38: 4579-4583. (pdf)

  10. Singh, S., N. Ponnappan, A. Verma and A. Mittal. 2019. Osmotic tolerance of avian erythrocytes to complete hemolysis in solute free water. Sci. Rep. 9: 7976 (doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44487-7). (pdf)

  11. Mittal, A. and S. Singh. 2018. Insights into eukaryotic evolution from transmembrane domain lengths. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 36: 2194 2200. (pdf) Download Supplementary Material: Zipped (MS excel files)

  12. Sharma, A., S. Sharma, A. Mittal and S. N. Naik. 2016. Evidence for the involvement of nematocidal toxins of Purpureocillium lilacinum 6029 cultured on Karanja deoiled cake liquid medium. World J. Microb. Biot. 32:82 (doi: 10.1007/s11274-016-2038-z). (pdf)

  13. Singh, S. and A. Mittal. 2016. Transmembrane domain lengths serve as signatures of organismal complexity and viral transport mechanisms. Sci. Rep. 6: 22352  (doi: 10.1038/srep22352). (pdf)

  14. Bansal, S. and A. Mittal. 2015. A statistical anomaly indicates symbiotic origins of eukaryotic membranes. Mol. Biol. Cell 26: 1238-1248. (pdf)

  15. Mishra, A., P. S. Rana, A. Mittal and B. Jayaram. 2014. D2N: Distance to the native. BBA-Proteins Proteom. 1844: 1798-1807. (pdf)

  16. Sharma, A., S. Sharma, A. Mittal and S. N. Naik. 2014. Statistical optimization of growth media for Paecilomyces lilacinus 6029 using non-edible oilcakes. Ann. Microbiol. 64: 515-520. (pdf)

  17. Mittal, A. and C. Acharya. 2013. Protein folding: Is it simply surface to volume minimization? J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 31: 953-955. (pdf)

  18. Bansal, S. and A. Mittal. 2013. Extracting curvature preferences of lipids assembled in flat bilayers shows possible kinetic windows for genesis of bilayer asymmetry and domain formation in biological membranes. J. Membrane Biol. 246: 557-570. (pdf)

  19. Mishra, A., S. Rao, A. Mittal and B. Jayaram. 2013. Capturing native/native like structures with a physico-chemical metric (pcSM) in protein folding. BBA-Proteins Proteom. 1834: 1520-1531. (pdf)

  20. Mittal, A. and C. Acharya. 2012. Extracting signatures of spatial organization for biomolecular nanostructures. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 12: 8249-8257. (pdf)

  21. Kohli, S., Y. Singh, K. Sharma, A. Mittal, N. Z. Ehtesham and S. E. Hasnain. 2012. Comparative genomic and proteomic analyses of PE/PPE multigene family of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and H37Ra reveal novel and interesting differences with implications in virulence. Nucleic Acids Res. 40: 7113-7122. (pdf)

  22. Mittal, A. and B. Jayaram. 2012. A possible molecular metric for biological evolvability. J. Biosci. 37: 573-577. (pdf)

  23. Naresh, M., S. Das, P. Mishra and A. Mittal. 2012. The Chemical Formula of a Magnetotactic Bacterium. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 109: 1205-1216. (pdf)

  24. Mittal, A. 2012. Self-generated and reproducible dynamics in gene years represent life. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 29: 609-611. (pdf)

  25. Naresh, M., M. Sharma and A. Mittal. 2011. Intracellular Magneto-spatial Organization of Magnetic Organelles inside Intact Bacterial Cells. J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. 7: 572-577. (pdf)

  26. Mittal, A.*, B. Jayaram*. 2011. The Newest View on Protein Folding: Stoichiometric and Spatial Unity in Structural and Functional Diversity. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 28: 669-674. (*equal contribution, corresponding authors) (pdf) Download Supplementary Material: Primary Contact Data (MS excel file) - This manuscript was in response to several commentaries (pdf) on J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 28: 133-142 (2010).

  27. Mittal, A.*, B. Jayaram*. 2011. Backbones of Folded Proteins Reveal Novel Invariant Amino Acid Neighborhoods. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 28: 443-454. (Cover Article). (*equal contribution, corresponding authors) (pdf)

  28. Mittal, A.*, B. Jayaram*, S. R. Shenoy and T. S. Bawa. 2010. A stoichiometry driven universal spatial organization of backbones of folded proteins: Are there Chargaff s rules for protein folding? J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 28: 133-142. (Cover Article). (*equal contribution, corresponding authors) (pdf) Download Supplementary Table S1, Supplementary Table S2 - Subsequent "Editorial" on this paper in J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. (pdf) .

  29. Taneja, N. K., S. Dhingra, A. Mittal, M. Naresh and J. S. Tyagi. 2010. Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcriptional adaptation, growth arrest and dormancy phenotype development is triggered by vitamin C. PLoS One 5(5): e10860 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010860).

  30. Naresh, M.*, V. Hasija, M. Sharma and A. Mittal*. 2010. Synthesis of cellular organelles containing nano-magnets stunts growth of magnetotactic bacteria. J. Nanosci.  Nanotechnol. 10: 4135-4144. (Cover Article). (*equal contribution) (pdf)

  31. Mittal, A. and R. Grover. 2010. Self-Assembly of Biological Membranes into 200-400 nm Aqueous Compartments. J. Nanosci.  Nanotechnol. 10: 3085-3090. (pdf)

  32. Naresh, M., K. Gopinadhan, S. Sekhar, P. Juneja, M. Sharma and A. Mittal. 2009. NSOM/HRTEM characterization of biologically derived cubo-octahedral nano-magnets. IEEE Trans. Magnetics 45: 4861-4864. (pdf)

  33. Gupta, R., P. Mishra and A. Mittal. 2009. Enhancing nucleic acid detection sensitivity of propidium iodide by a three nanometer interaction inside cells and in solutions. J. Nanosci.  Nanotechnol. 9: 2607 2615. (pdf)

  34. Gupta, V., K. Saharan, L. Kumar, R. Gupta, V. Sahai and A. Mittal. 2008. Spectrophotometric Ferric Ion Biosensor from Pseudomonas fluorescens Culture. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 100: 284-296. (pdf)

  35. Gupta, V., R. Gupta, R. Grover, R. Khanna, V. Jangra and A. Mittal. 2008. Delivery of Molecules to Cancer Cells using Liposomes from Bacterial Cultures. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8: 2328 2333. (pdf)

  36. Sharma, M., V. Hasija, M. Naresh and A. Mittal. 2008. Functional Control by Codon Bias in Magnetic Bacteria. J. Biomed.  Nanotechnol. 4: 44-51. (pdf) Covered as Research Highlight titled "Magnetic charm in the genes" in  Nature India, doi:10.1038/nindia.2008.138 (pdf)

  37. Arora, S., V. Bhat and A. Mittal. 2007. Correlating single cell motility with population growth dynamics for flagellated bacteria. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 97: 1644-9. (pdf)

  38. Gattegno, T.*, A. Mittal*, C. Valansi, K. C. Q. Nguyen, D. H. Hall, L. V. Chernomordik and B. Podbilewicz. 2007. Genetic control of fusion pore expansion in the epidermis of Caenorhabditis elegans. Mol. Biol. Cell (Cover Article) 18: 1153-1166. (*equal contribution) (pdf)

  39. Sharma, M., M. Naresh and A. Mittal. 2007. Morphological changes in magnetotactic bacteria in presence of magnetic fields. J. Biomed.  Nanotechnol. 3: 75 80. (pdf)

  40. Gupta, R., M. Sharma and A. Mittal. 2006. Effects of Membrane Tension in Nanopropeller Driven Bacterial Motion. J. Nanosci.  Nanotechnol. 6: 3854-3862. (pdf)

  41. Zaitseva, E., A. Mittal, D.E. Griffin and L. V. Chernomordik. 2005. Class II fusion protein of alphaviruses drives membrane fusion through the same pathway as class I proteins. J. Cell Biol. 169: 167-177. (pdf)

  42. Tran, T. T., A. Mittal, T. M. Aldinger, J. W. Polli, A. D. Ayrton, H. Ellens, and J.Bentz. 2005. The elementary mass action rate constants of P-gp transport for a confluent monolayer of MDCKII-hMDR1 cells. Biophys. J. 88: 715-738. (pdf)

  43. Leikina, E., A. Mittal, M. Cho, K. Melikov, M. M. Kozlov and L. V. Chernomordik. 2004. Influenza hemagglutinins outside of the contact zone are necessary for fusion pore expansion. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 26526-26532. (pdf)

  44. Tran, T. T., A. Mittal, T. Gales, B. Maleef, J. Kratz, E. Yang, T. Aldinger, P. Gorycki, J. W. Polli, A. Ayrton, H. Ellens and J. Bentz. 2004. Exact Kinetic Analysis of Passive Transport across a Polarized Confluent MDCK Cell Monolayer Modeled as a Single Barrier. J. Pharma. Sci. 93: 2108-2123. (pdf)

  45. Mittal, A., E. Leikina, L. V. Chernomordik and J. Bentz. 2003. Kinetically Differentiating Influenza Hemagglutinin Fusion and Hemifusion Machines. Biophys. J. 85: 1713-24. (pdf)

  46. Bentz, J. and A. Mittal. 2003. Architecture of the Influenza Hemagglutinin Membrane Fusion Site. BBA-Biomembranes 1614: 24-35. (pdf)

  47. Mittal, A., T. Shangguan and J. Bentz. 2002. Measuring pKa of Activation and pKi of Inactivation for Influenza Hemagglutinin from the Kinetics of Membrane Fusion. Biophys. J. 83: 2652-2666. (pdf)

  48. Mittal, A., E. Leikina, J. Bentz and L.V. Chernomordik. 2002. Kinetics of Influenza Hemagglutinin Mediated Membrane Fusion as a Function of Technique. Anal. Biochem. 303: 145-152. (pdf)

  49. Bradley J. C., S. Babu, B. Carroll and A. Mittal. 2002. A study of spatially coupled bipolar electrochemistry on the sub-micrometer scale: colloidal particles on surfaces and cylinders in nuclear-track etched membranes. J. Electroanal. Chem. 522: 75-85. (pdf)

  50. Mittal, A. and J. Bentz. 2001. Comprehensive Kinetic Analysis of Influenza Hemagglutinin-Mediated Membrane Fusion: Role of Sialate Binding. Biophys. J. 81: 1521-1535. (pdf)

  51. Bradley J. C., S. Babu, A. Mittal, P. Ndungu, B. Carroll, and B. Samuel. 2001. Morphology of Electrodeposited Palladium on Graphite Powder under Pulsed Bipolar Conditions. J. Electrochem. Soc. 148: C647-651. (pdf)

  52. Bentz, J. and A. Mittal. 2000. Deployment of Membrane Fusion Protein Domains during Fusion. Cell Biol. Intl. 24: 819-838. (pdf)

Note: Copyrights to the .pdf files provided above and below are with the publishers of the manuscripts. Thus, any public use (e.g. reposting elsewhere or for any other purpose) requires proper permission from respective publishers. The .pdf files provided are single copies only for personal use - equivalent to personal (single) copy requested (and provided) by email.
Invited Articles and Book Contributions 
  1. Mittal, A., S. Bansal and A. M. Changani.2020. Chapter titled On the Origin of Life and Evolution of Living Systems from a World of Biological Membranes in Evolutionary Biology A Transdisciplinary Approach, Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Editor: P. Pontarotti, pp 169-201. (pdf)

  2. Jayaram, B., A. Mittal, A. Mishra, C. Acharya and G. Khandelwal. 2013. Chapter titled Universalities in Protein Tertiary Structures: Some New Concepts in Biomolecular Forms and Functions, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Editors: M. Bansal and N. Srinivasan, pp 210-219. (pdf)

  3. Bansal, M., B. Jayaram and A. Mittal. 2012. Editorial titled Nucleic Acids in Disease and Disorder Understanding the language of life emerging from the ABC of DNA in a special issue of Journal of Biosciences, 37(3): 375-378 (pdf), Guest Editors: M. Bansal, B. Jayaram and A. Mittal, Indian Academy of Sciences and Springer, pp. 200 (37: 375-577).

  4. Mittal, A., M. Naresh and V. Hasija. 2011. Chapter titled Biological Synthesis of Metallic Nanocrystals and Bio-Imprinting in the Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Vol. 12: 17-26, Editor: H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers.

  5. Mittal, A., V. Hasija, V. Bhat, S. Arora, M. Sharma and R. Gupta. 2011. Chapter titled Bacterial Nanopropellers in the Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Vol. 11: 439-448, Editor: H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers.

  6. Mittal, A. 2009. Commentary titled "Pay commission will 'degrade' IIT faculty", Nature India, doi:10.1038/nindia.2009.278 (pdf)

  7. Mittal, A. 2009. A eulogy for Michael Jackson: Commentary titled "Michael Jackson and science", Nature India, doi:10.1038/nindia.2009.165 (pdf)

  8. Mittal, A. 2009. Book review for Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter by Rasmussen et al. (eds). MIT Press, 55, Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142. 2009. 684 pp. Curr. Sci. 96(11): 1530-1532.

  9. Mittal, A. 2008. Commentary titled "Women are from Venus, are magnetic bacteria from Mars?", Nature India, doi:10.1038/nindia.2008.216 (pdf)

  10. Mittal, A. 2008. Chapter titled Enzymes in Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry, NISCAIR, CSIR, Govt. of India. (download pdf

  11. Mittal, A. 2008. Chapter titled Nanotechnology in Biological Sciences in InnoativeIndia Rises: 244-246, Editor: L. K. Sharma, Medialand London.

  12. Mittal, A. and J. Bentz. 2004. Chapter titled "Viral Fusion Mechanisms" in The Structure of Biological Membranes, 2nd edition: 511-528, Editor: P. Yeagle, CRC Press.


Books and Edited Volumes

  1. Bansal, M., B. Jayaram and A. Mittal. 2012. Guest Editors: Special issue on Nucleic acids in disease and disorder, J. Biosci., Vol. 37(3): 375-577, Indian Academy of Sciences and Springer, pp. 202.

Patents and Technology transfer

  1. Sharma, S., S. N. Naik, A. Mittal, N. Sabir and A. Sharma. A composition for enhancement of pathogenicity of Paecilomyces lilacinus and uses thereof. Patent No. IN201303590I1 (App. No. 3590/DEL/2013 filed 10/12/2013; published 12/06/2015).

  2. Sharma A., S. Sharma, S. N. Naik, N. Sabir and A. Mittal. A composition for enhancement of pathogenicity of Paecilomyces lilacinus Technology transferred (through license agreement by FITT, IIT Delhi dated 30th June 2017) to Care Pro Bioscience Private Limited, I-59, U.P.S.I.D.C., Surajpur Site V, Kasna, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308.


  1. A. Mittal. 2023. A lesson from IIT: Are NCERT textbooks enough for JEE Advanced preparation? Indian Express, May 20 (pdf)

  2. A. Mittal. 2023. A lesson from IIT: Coaching institutes disregard critical thinking and holistic education. Indian Express, Apr 03 (pdf)

  3. A. Mittal. 2023. A lesson from IIT: Why IITs insist on Board exam performance for admission? Indian Express, Feb 03 (pdf)

  4. A. Mittal. 2022. Role of entrance examinations in academic autonomy of higher educational institutions. Published by Macmillan Education India (Press Release ANI), picked up by The Print, Business Standard, India Today on Jan 27. The Print (pdf)

  5. A. Mittal. 2021. Project-based learning: a possible path towards controlling educonomic inflation. Economic Times ET Edge Insights, Jan 1 ( (pdf)

  6. A. Mittal. 2016. Tis the season - Of viral fevers, chikungunya, dengue, brain fevers, even diabetes? Nature India | Indigenus 16 Sep 2016 | 09:29 BST (pdf)

  7. A. Mittal. 2011. Signatures of spatial organizations From the universe of proteins to the universe in general. Nature Precedings, doi:10.1038/npre.2011.6038.1.

Presentations (and/or abstracts) - reverse chronological

(* = presenting author in case of multiple authors)    

(No invitations accepted for extramural and non-curricular lectures/talks in 2017 and 2018 due to other professional commitments; No invitations accepted for extramural and non-curricular lectures/talks from March 2020 to December 2022 due to situations arising out of the global pandemic; No invitations accepted for extramural and non-curricular lectures/talks in 2023 and 2024 due to other professional commitments)

1.       Pramanik, T.*, P. Verma and A. Mittal. 2024. Cell cycle synchronization enhances insulin secretion in MIN6 cells. 26th European Congress of Endocrinology, Stockholm, Sweden. May 11-14. Endocrine Abstracts 99, P276 (doi:10.1530/endoabs.99.P276). 

2.       Chauhan A.* and A. Mittal. 2023. Disorder within disordered regions of protein-free lipid bilayers. Biophysical Society USA annual mtg. 2023. Biophys. J. 122, 364a-365a (doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2022.11.2013). 

3.       Pragya P.* and A. Mittal. 2023. Establishing measures for Innate Morphological Heterogeneity in cell cultures. ASCB annual mtg. 2022. Mol. Biol. Cell 34(2), P1207 (B612/P2990; doi:10.1091/mbc.e22-12-0555).

4.       Pramanik, T.*, F. Firdos and A. Mittal. 2023. Evidence for intracellular glucose binding to proteins involved in secretion. ASCB annual mtg. 2022. Mol. Biol. Cell 34(2), P1213 (B623/P3001; doi:10.1091/mbc.e22-12-0555).

5.       Firdos F.*, T. Pramanik and A. Mittal. 2023. Why is glucose-stimulated insulin secretion so glucose specific? ASCB annual mtg. 2022. Mol. Biol. Cell 34(2), P713 (B501/P2176; doi:10.1091/mbc.e22-12-0555).

6.       Chauhan A.* and A. Mittal. 2022. Heterogenous structures and phase separations in giant vesicle preparations. Biophysical Society USA annual meeting. Feb. 19-23. Biophys. J. 121(3) Supp. 1, 71a.

7.       Firdos F.* and A. Mittal. 2021. Enhanced insulin secretion in hyperglycemic conditions is at the cost of other secreted proteins. Cell Bio Virtual 2021: An online ASCB|EMBO mtg. 2021. Mol. Biol. Cell 32(22), P1128.

8.       Pragya P.* and A. Mittal. 2021. Reconstructing an average representative single cell. Cell Bio Virtual 2021: An online ASCB|EMBO meeting. Dec. 1-10. Mol. Biol. Cell 32(22), P367.

9.       A. Mittal. 2020. Invited lecture: Stoichiometric constraints in primary sequences of natural proteins. International Symposium Accelerating Biology 2020: SNiPs to SPiNs , C-DAC, Pune, February 4-6.

10.       A. Mittal. 2019. Invited lecture: On the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, Akira Yoshino for the development of lithium-ion batteries. Symposium The 2019 Nobel Prizes: What got them the world's most prestigious award held on November 25 at Jamia Hamdard.

11.    A. Mittal. 2019. Invited lecture: An Evolutionary View through Cellular Transmembrane Domains. 23rd Evolutionary Biology Meeting in Marseilles, France from September 24-27.

12.    A. Mittal. 2019. Oral Presentation: Stoichiometric Constraints in Natural Hetero-Polymers. Symposium on Bio-derived Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore from June 23-28.

13.    A. Mittal. 2019. Oral Presentation: Stoichiometric Constraints in Protein Sequences. Albany 2019: Conversation 20, SUNY Albany, USA, June 11-15. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 37(sup1): 59-60.

14.    A. Mittal. 2019. Invited lecture: Detecting universal signatures in protein sequences and structures. Workshop on Computational Biology, SCFBio, IIT Delhi, May 28-June 03.

15.    A. Mittal. 2019. Invited Plenary lecture: Spatiotemporal scales in biology. Nanobio: 2019 organized by Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, May 6-10.

16.    A. Mittal. 2019. Invited lecture: What do scientists want from journalists? I have NO clue. Orientation Workshop for the India Science Media Fellowship 2019 organized by the by India Alliance and Springer Nature at the Springer Nature office in Delhi. April 29-30.

17.    A. Mittal. 2019. Invited Panelist: Panel Discussion in the international conference Multiscale Simulations and Mathematical Modelling of Complex Biological Systems at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India from January 30 to February 01.

18.    A. Mittal. 2019. Invited speaker: Interactive session with the students of The Think Lab Delhi Public School, R. K. Puram, New Delhi. January 25.

19.    A. Mittal. 2016. Invited lecture: Peeking into the small of the living world towards exploring biological self-assembly.  NCERT Nurturance Programme for National Talent Search (NTS) Awardees, IIT Delhi, November 29 December 1.

20.    A. Mittal. 2016. Invited lecture: Transmembrane domain lengths as signatures of organismal complexity. MBU, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, May 12.

21.    A. Mittal. 2016. Invited lecture: Transmembrane domain lengths as signatures of organismal complexity. Department of Biotechnology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, March 14.

22.    A. Mittal. 2016. Invited lecture: Transmembrane domain lengths as signatures of organismal complexity. International Symposium Accelerating Biology 2016: Decoding the Deluge , C-DAC, Pune, Maharashtra, January 19-21.

23.    Singh, S.* and A. Mittal. 2015. Transmembrane Domains of Viral Proteins Show Signatures of Entry and Exit Mechanisms. MCB75: from Molecules to Organisms, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, India, December 11-14. Poster No. 49, Book of Abstracts MBC75: Pg95.

24.    A. Mittal. 2015. Invited lecture: Teaching Biology as a core course at IIT Delhi: Concept of Open Book, Open Notes, Open Web evaluations. Workshop for senior biology teachers, Navy Children School, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, May 6.

25.    Bansal, S.* and A. Mittal. 2014. On the symbiotic origins of eukaryotic plasma membranes. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting (2014 ASCB/IFCB Meeting), Philadelphia, PA, USA, December 6-10. Mol. Biol. Cell 25: P1322.

26.    A. Mittal. 2014. Invited lecture: Geometric universalities and stoichiometric constraints in naturally occurring folded proteins. Department of Biotechnology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, March 21.

27.    A. Mittal. 2014. Invited lecture: Peeking into the small of the living world towards exploring biological self-assembly.  Scintillations The Inter-college science festival of Gargi College, Delhi University, February 19-20.

28.    A. Mittal. 2013. Invited lecture: Reflections on the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, IIT Delhi, October 31.

29.    Dhingra, P., A. Mishra*, R. Kaushik, M. Hassan, P. Rana, A. Mittal and B. Jayaram. 2013. Going Beyond Lamarckism in Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction. Albany 2013: Conversation 18, SUNY Albany, USA, June 11-15.

30.    A. Mittal. 2013. Invited lecture: A geometrical interpretation of parametric universality in protein structures. Refresher course in Interdisciplinary Basic Sciences, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University) Jamia Nagar, New Delhi India, May 18.

31.    A. Mittal. 2013. Invited lecture: Geometric understanding and applications of universal spatial organization of naturally occurring folded proteins. Department of Biotechnology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, April 11.

32.    A. Mittal. 2013. Invited lecture: Dynamics and self-assembly in biological systems: Peeking into the "small" of the living world. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, March 16.

33.    A. Mittal. 2013. Invited lecture: A geometrical interpretation of parametric universality in protein structures. National Symposium Ramachandran Manifestation: Peptide to Proteome organized by Dept. of Biochemistry, Sri Venkateswara College and Dept. of Biochemistry, Delhi University, South Campus, New Delhi, March 14-15.

34.    A. Mittal. 2013. Invited lecture: A geometrical interpretation of parametric universality in protein structures. International Symposium Accelerating Biology 2013: The next wave , C-DAC, Pune, Maharashtra, February 20-22.

35.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Signatures of spatial organization in the universe of proteins. National Conference on New Trends in Bioinformatics , IIT Delhi, July 30-31.

36.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Newest view on protein folding: Analytical and experimental evidence towards a paradigm shift. Refresher course in Interdisciplinary Basic Sciences, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University) Jamia Nagar, New Delhi India, May 12.

37.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited Keynote lecture: Biological (r)Evolution at IIT Delhi. Open House - i2tech 2012, IIT Delhi, April 21.

38.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Wireless technology in medicine and applications in the developing world. Indo-US Telestroke Meeting, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, USA, April 6-8.

39.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Newest view on protein folding: Analytical and experimental evidence towards a paradigm shift. National Seminar on Drug Design and Its Industrial Applications, Interdisciplinary Programme in Life Science & Centre for Bioinformatics, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, March 7-9.

40.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Newest view on protein folding: Analytical and experimental evidence towards a paradigm shift. Bioepoch 2012, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, February 24-25.

41.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Newest view on protein folding: Analytical and experimental evidence towards a paradigm shift. Department of Biotechnology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, February 22.

42.    A. Mittal. 2012. Invited lecture: Role of blood brain barrier (BBB) after HIBI: A window of opportunity for intervention after HIBI? ICMR Workshop on Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury, AIIMS, New Delhi, Feb 4-5.

43.    B. Jayaram and A. Mittal. 2011. Universality of the spatial distribution of the backbones and a narrow band of amino acid stoichiometries amidst the structural and functional diversity of folded proteins. Albany 2011: Conversation 17, SUNY Albany, USA, June 14-18. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 28: 998.

44.    A. Mittal. 2011. Invited lecture: Newest view of Protein folding. AIIMS, New Delhi, February 25.

45.    A. Mittal. 2010. Invited lecture: Newest view of Protein folding. 2nd Indo-Japan Symposium on Bioinformatics, IIT Delhi, December 10-11.

46.    A. Mittal. 2010. Invited lecture: Quantitative analyses of molecular interactions: Extracting stoichiometry and binding constants from experimental data. AIIMS, New Delhi, December 9.

47.    A. Mittal. 2010. Invited lecture: Biological Self-assembly. AIIMS, New Delhi, April 3.

48.    A. Mittal. 2009. Invited lecture: Analytical imaging in biological engineering. National Institute of Technical Teachers and Training & Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh, November 25.

49.    Mittal, A.* and R. Grover. 2009. Experimental Studies on Engineering of Liposomal Preparations. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009), Singapore from June 28 July 3.

50.    Naresh, M.*, M. Sharma, A. Mittal. 2009. Biological synthesis and characterization of cubo-octahedral nanomagnets. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009), Singapore from June 28 July 3.

51.    A. Mittal. 2009. Invited lecture: Bacterial nanomagnets: A fascinating example of biological assembly. AIIMS, New Delhi, March 15.

52.    A. Mittal. 2009. Invited lecture: Bacterial nanomagnets: A fascinating example of biological assembly. ISTE/AICTE (India) sponsored training program on Recent Trends in Drug Development - A Focus on Novel Drug Delivery Systems at P.D.M. College of Pharmacy, Sarai Aurangabad, Bahadurgarh, from February 2-6.

53.    A. Mittal. 2008. Invited lecture: Bacterial nanomagnets: A fascinating example of biological assembly. National Symposium on Nano-Biotechnology organized by Seshadripuram First Grade College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, in association with Department of IT, Biotechnology, S & T, Govt. of Karnataka, from August 25-28. 

54.    A. Mittal. 2008. Invited lecture: Bacterial nanomagnets: A fascinating example of biological assembly. Continuing Education Program on Nanomaterials, Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), New Delhi, August 28. 

55.    A. Mittal. 2008. Invited lecture: Biological Nanosystems: Peeking into the Small Living World.  Workshop on Laser Spectroscopy and Nanophotonics, organized by FITT, IIT Delhi, from March 14-15.

56.    A. Mittal. 2008. Invited lecture: Unraveling Cellular Geography for Drug Delivery: In vitro Spatio-temporal Deconvolution.  8th International symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems, organized by the Controlled Release Society Indian Chapter in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India from February 26-27.

57.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: Biological Nanosystems: Peeking into the Small Living World.  International symposium titled Science of Life: The New Horizon , organized by Miranda House, University of Delhi, in New Delhi, India from November 21-23.

58.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: Micron and nano-scale targeting in biological systems.  The 5th Global Knowledge Millennium Summit B2B in Biotechnology & Nanotechnology, organized by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), in New Delhi, India from September 18-21.

59.    Bansal, V., V. Gupta and A. Mittal*. 2007. Engineering of Liposomes: From Lipid Molecular Shapes to Sub-Micron Vesicles. The 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2007), Singapore from July 1-6.

60.    A. Mittal. 2007. Regulating Nanopores: Lessons from Viral Fusion. The 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2007), Singapore from July 1-6.

61.    R. Gupta*, P. Mishra and A. Mittal. 2007. Cellular Uptake of Biodegradable Nanoparticles by HeLa cells. The 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2007), Singapore from July 1-6.

62.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: Fluorescence microscopy: Principles and Applications in Drug Delivery Research. First summer school on Nanotechnology in Advanced Drug Delivery organized by NIPER, S. A. S. Nagar, Punjab, India from May 1-5.

63.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: Nanotechnology: Principles and application to medicine. Molecular Medicine module of M. Biotechnology at the AIIMS, New Delhi, April 14.

64.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: Bacterial Nanomagnets. Workshop on Nanotechnology Current Status and Challenges organized by Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer, IIT-Delhi from March 17-18.

65.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: Bacterial Nanomagnets. Workshop on Biomaterials for Medical Devices and Drug Delivery organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, at IIT-Delhi from February 17.

66.    A. Mittal. 2007. Invited lecture: In vitro Functional Validation of Nanoformulations for Drug Delivery. Nanotechnology Enclave organized by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and, the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, in New Delhi, India from February 15-16.

67.    Gupta, V.*, V. Jangra and A. Mittal. 2006. Preparation and Characterization of Liposomes from Bacterial Lipids. CHEMCON 2006, The 56th Annual Conference of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Ankleshwar, Gujrat, India from December 27-30.

68.    Arora, S.*, V. Bhat and A. Mittal. 2006. Correlating single cell motility with population growth dynamics for flagellated bacteria. CHEMCON 2006, The 56th Annual Conference of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Ankleshwar, Gujrat, India from December 27-30.

69.    A. Mittal. 2006. Invited lecture: Engineering Challenges in Drug Delivery: From Nanopores to Nanoparticles. Indo-US Symposium on Nanotechnology in Advanced Drug Delivery, NIPER, S. A. S. Nagar, Punjab, India from October 5-6.

70.    Sharma, M.*, M. Naresh and A. Mittal. 2006. Morphological changes in magnetotactic bacteria in presence of magnetic fields. Indo-US Symposium on Nanotechnology in Advanced Drug Delivery, NIPER, S. A. S. Nagar, Punjab, India from October 5-6.

71.    Gupta, R.*, P. Mishra and A. Mittal. 2006. Monitoring uptake and degradation of PLGA nanoparticles using fluorescence microscopy. Indo-US Symposium on Nanotechnology in Advanced Drug Delivery, NIPER, S. A. S. Nagar, Punjab, India from October 5-6.

72.    A. Mittal. 2006. Invited lecture: New Perspective of Bioprocess Engineering: Emerging Paradigm of Scale-down. National seminar on Emerging trends in Bioprocess and Food Processing Industries at HBTI Kanpur, UP, India from March 25-26.

73.    Gupta, R.*, M. Sharma* and A. Mittal. 2006. Effects of Phospholipid Density in Nanopropeller Driven Bacterial Motion. International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT2006), India Habitat Center, New Delhi, India from March 16-18.

74.    Podbilewicz, B*., G. Shemer, M. Suissa, T. Gattegno, A. Mittal, C. Valansi, K. C. Q. Nguyen, D. H. Hall and L. V. Chernomordik. 2005. Dissection of syncytiogenesis: EFF-1 proteins fuse cells from beginning to end. European Life Scientist Organization (ELSO) Meeting, Dresden, Germany from September 3-6. Abstract: 463.

75.    Podbilewicz, B.*, T. Gattegno, A. Mittal, C. Valansi, K. C. Q. Nguyen, D. H. Hall and L. V. Chernomordik. 2005. Syncytiogenesis: EFF-1 proteins fuse cells from beginning to end. International Worm Meeting, University of California, LA, USA from June 25-29. Citation ID 11988761, WBPaper00006396.

76.    Mittal, A.*, T. Gattegno, L. V. Chernomordik and B. Podbilewicz. 2005. Kinetic Mapping of Developmental Cell Fusion in Live C. elegans Embryos. Gordon Conference on Molecular Membrane Biology, Proctor Academy, Andover, NH, USA from July 10 15.

77.    Mittal, A. 2005. Invited seminar: From Kinetics to Molecular Machines: Unraveling Biological Membrane Fusion. National Technology Day celebration at IIT-Delhi.

78.    Mittal, A. 2005. Invited Poster: Exhausting the Options by Exhaustive Fitting: From Kinetics to Molecular Machines in Biological Systems. The first Indo-US Frontiers of Science Symposium organized by National Academy of Sciences, USA and the Indo-US S&T forum, Jan. 8-11, at IISc Bangalore, India.

79.    Mittal, A. 2004. Invited seminar: From Kinetics to Molecular Machines: The Case of Influenza Hemagglutinin-Mediated Membrane Fusion. The first Indo-US joint conference in chemical engineering (Global Environment in Chemical Engineering) organized by IIChE and AIChE in concurrence with the annual IIChE conference (Chemcon 2004), Dec. 27-30, Mumbai, India.

80.    Gattegno, T., G. Shemer, A. Mittal, M. Suissa, C. Valansi, I. Kolotuev, K. C. Q. Nguyen, D. H. Hall , L. V. Chernomordik and B. Podbilewicz*. 2004. Poster: Cell Fusion in C. elegans: What have we learned from viral fusion? 4th Frederick Workshop on the Cell Biology of Viral Entry, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, USA.

81.    Mittal, A.*, B. Podbilewicz and L. V. Chernomordik. 2004. Characterizing kinetics of cell fusion in developing C. elegans embryos. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Biophys. J. 86(1), Part 2 (229A): 45a.

82.    Tran, T. T.*, A. Mittal and J. Bentz. 2004. The elementary mass action rate constants of P-gp transport across a confluent MDCKII-hMDR1 cell monolayer obtained by exhaustive fitting. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Biophys. J. 86(1), Part 2 (3176A): 612a.

83.    Zaitseva, E.*, E. Leikina, A. Mittal and L. V. Chernomordik. 2004. Structurally diverse Sindbis virus E1 protein and influenza virus hemagglutinin drive cell fusion through similar membrane intermediates. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.  Biophys. J. 86(1), Part 2 (215A): 43a.

84.    Mittal, A.*, B. Podbilewicz and L. V. Chernomordik. 2003. Kinetics of Cell Fusion in Developing C. elegans Embryos. The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Late Abstract (L224).

85.    Mittal, A.*, E. Leikina, L. V. Chernomordik and J. Bentz. 2003. Kinetically Differentiating Influenza Hemagglutinin Fusion and Hemifusion Machines. Gordon Conference in Molecular Membrane Biology, Proctor Academy, Andover, NH from July 13 18.

86.    Mittal, A.*, E. Leikina, L. V. Chernomordik and J. Bentz. 2003. Kinetic Differentiation of HA Fusion and Hemifusion. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Biophys. J. 84(2), Supp.(195A): 948a.

87.    Leikina, E.*, A. Mittal, M. M. Kozlov and L. V. Chernomordik. 2003. Fusion Proteins Located Outside of the Contact Zone are Involved in Membrane Fusion. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. .  Biophys. J. 84(2), Supp.(194A): 947a.

88.    L.V.Chernomordik*, M.M.Kozlov, E.Leikina, I. Markovic, A. Mittal, C. Ramos, M. Zhukovsky and J. Zimmerberg. 2003. Protein-lipid interplay in fusion mediated by influenza virus hemagglutinin. (Symposium by L. V. Chernomordik) The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Biophys. J. 84(2), Supp.(11A): 49-Symp.

89.    Mittal, A.*, E. Leikina,L. V. Chernomordik and J. Bentz. 2002. Kinetics and phenotypes of fusion and hemifusion of HA expressing cells with RBCs resolved by automated video microscopy. 3rd Frederick Workshop on the Cell Biology of Viral Entry, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD.

90.    Mittal, A.*, E. Leikina,L. V. Chernomordik and J. Bentz. 2001. Monitoring Single Cell Fusion Kinetics from Automated Video Fluorescence Microscopy. The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Washington, DC. Mol. Biol. Cell 12, Supp.(404A): 74a.

91.    Mittal, A.* and J. Bentz. 2001. Influenza Hemagglutinin Mediated Membrane Fusion: Minimal Aggregate Size, Minimal Fusion Unit and Role of Sialate Binding. The Annual Research Day of Drexel and MCP Hahnemann universities, Philadelphia, PA. (Best Poster Award)

92.    Bentz, J.*, A. Mittal, E. Leikina, and L. V. Chernomordik. 2001. Kinetics of RBC Fusion with Influenza Hemagglutinin-expressing Cells as a Function of Technique. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.  Biophys. J. 80(1), Part 2(1770A): 417a.

93.    Mittal, A.* and J. Bentz. 2001. Role of Sialate Bound Influenza Hemagglutinin during Fusion. The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Biophys. J. 80(1), Part 2(1774A): 418a. (Finalist: Student Research Achievement Award)

94.    Mittal, A.* and J. Bentz. 2000. Kinetics of Lipidic Channel Formation in Influenza Hemagglutinin-mediated Membrane Fusion. The Annual Drexel and MCP Hahnemann University Research Day in association with the 12th Annual Sigma-Xi Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA. (Best Poster Award)

95.    Manvendra* and A. Mittal. 1995. Treatment of Distillery effluent.  Invited talk at The Annual National Student Seminar of Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.

96.    Mittal, A. 1995. Interferon X Protoplast fusion. A reviewed paper presentation at TRYST: The Annual Student Seminar of I.I.T., Delhi, India.