
  1. IEEE SSCS Outstanding reviewer Award 2023 by IEEE Solid state circuit society
  2. Analog Devices Innovation seed grant 2022 by Analog Devices India
  3. Senior Member, IEEE (2022)
  4. TUM Global visiting professorship Award 2022 by Technical university of Munich, Germany
  5. ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility Grant, (TU Munich)
  6. Young Faculty Incentive Award, IIT Delhi
  7. IEEE Solid State Circuit Society, Student Travel Grant Award, 2016
  8. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Best Student Paper Award, 2013
  9. IEEE Circuit and System, Travel Grant Award, 2013
  10. IEEE ISCAS, Travel Grant Award, 2013
  11. Bravo Award, Freescale Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd. Noida 2008
  12. Children Scientist Award, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of U.P., India 2001

Membership and honorary positions

  1. Member, Analog Signal Processign Technical Committee of IEEE Circuits and System Society
  2. Young Fellow, ETD 12, Bureau of Indian Standard, India
  3. Secretary, Delhi Chapter, IEEE Solid State Circuit Society.