

I have always been curious about circuit design and that was the reason I have ended up being a circuit designer. Its always fascinating to find a solution of some real life problem through the knowledge of circuit design.

Area of Interest

I work in the area of Analog and Mixed signal circuit design.

My prior experience includes working on high speed continuous time delta modulators which was cloked at 6 GSps and is among the state of the art designs. This work was presented at ISSCC and VLSI symposium. I have also worked on a ultra low voltage CTDSM targetting sensor applications. This CTDSM is validated to provide 12 bit resolution across PVT at 0.4V power supply while consuming only 26 micro watt power. In another work, we have used SMASH architecture and multibit quantization to achieve 12 bit performance in 50 MHz signal bandwidth. This work will be presented in ISSCC 2019. Currently I am also working on problems related to power management such as interface circuitry for energy harvesters.


Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India Nov,2024-Present Associate Professor
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India Jan,2019-Nov,2024 Assistant Professor
Technical University of Munich, Germany May,2022-July 2022 Visiting Professor
Institute of Microelectronics, University of ULM, ULM, Germany Dec,2016-Dec-2018 Group Leader and Lecturer
ICSR, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India July,2014-Nov,2016 Project Associate
Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai, India July,2009-July,2016 PhD
Freescale Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd. Noida, India July,2007-July,2009 Analog Design Engineer
MNNIT Allahabad, India July,2003-June,2007 B.Tech.