Vibrational Diagnosis of Defects in Bearings and Gears used in a Gearbox

• Designed a gearbox to simulate a special case of gear defect frequency being an integral multiple of bearing defect frequency
• Numerically modelled the gearbox using a lumped parameter model treating bearings and gears as lumped masses
• Validated the model by comparing its obtained features to documented results of LPM in reported literature
• Simulated the vibration response of the gearbox in three cases: healthy state, with cracked gear and with cracked bearing
• Manufactured the gearbox with alterable roller bearings and spur gears
• Conducted data acquisition and analysis in healthy state and with cracked gear
Established through experiment in accordance with literature that a gear crack can be identified by an increase in vibration amplitude, sidebands, Hilbert transform and analysis of the residual signal
Concluded through simulation that the bearing crack in this special case is indiscernible using the above techniques and requires the usage of Kurtosis and High Frequency Resonance Technique