Computer Controlled Cutting

Computer Controlled Cutting

Assignment Requirement

Assignment is to create a press fit assembly using at least two parts using a computer controlled cutting method and document the Process. Compare the dimensions of CAD model and Part cut. And list kerf of the part Cut.

We have been introduced to Water Jet cutting and experimented how precise and powerfull the water cutting CNC machine was. Unfortunately, due to Lockdown we were unable to attempt the Assignment in IITD lab and so, we have to drop out the assignment and have opted for Wild Card Assignment. Will definitely update this Page once things get to normal in IITD.

Overall Steps

3D Scanning By Photogrammetry

Although many ways of possible to 3D scan an object like using a dedicated high-end cameras for the purpose specific, a simple online tools are used to create a model and applications are compared. SCANN3D uses minimum of 20 photographs around all possible angles and process them into 3D object, whereas QLONE uses bast QLONE MAT as reference and hence the very effective objects are obtained.

3D Scanning Process


Once appropriate and accurate Scanning is performed, the model can be imported to any CAD software and fine tuned to accuracy for 3D printing.

3D Printing & Scanning

The additional details of assignment has been uploaded here for ready references

3D Scanning & Printing

Assignment Content

STL File