IIT Bhubaneswar

MA6L001 Mathematical Methods (Probability and Statistics)

I Semester 2019-20




Probability: Random variables (rv) and their properties, some standard discrete and continuous rv, Expectation, Variance, moments, moment generating functions, functions of a rv, their distribution and moments, joint, marginal and conditional distribution and independence of rvs, Central limit theorem.

(No. of Lectures - 12)


Statistics: Sampling distributions, Point and interval estimation, Testing of hypothesis, Goodness of fit and contingency tables, ANOVA.

(No. of Lectures - 12)

Main Text Books

1.      Introduction to Statistical Methods, Design of Experiments and Statistical Quality Control, S Dharmaraja and Dipayan Das, Springer, 2018.

2.      Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications, Liliana Blanco Castaneda, Viswanathan Arunachalam, S Dharmaraja, Wiley, 2012.

3.      Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Science Applications, Kishor S. Trivedi, John Wiley, second edition, 2001. 

4.      Introduction to Probability Models, Sheldon M. Ross, Academic Press, ninth edition, 2000.

5.      4. A.M. Gun, M.K. Gupta and B.S. Gupta, Fundamentals of Statistics, World Press, 2008.

Reference Books

1.       A.J. Hayter, Probability and Statistics, Duxbury, 2002.

2.      Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, Video course, NPTEL Phase II.


Tutorial Sheets

Note: It seems, some students found that the answers provided for few problems in the following tutorial sheets are not correct. Please let me know these errors by email.

Tutorial Sheet 1 Tutorial Sheet 1 Answer

Tutorial Sheet 2 Tutorial Sheet 2 Answer

INFORMATION about the Instructor



Room No.

Phone No.


S Dharmaraja

MZ 161





See Course Website: http://web.iitd.ac.in/~dharmar/MA6L001/main.html for further details.



This page maintained by Dr. S. Dharmaraja mailto:dharmar@maths.iitd.ac.in and last updated Saturday, Nov 16, 2019.