

I'm Vaibhav Agarwal.

I'm an aspiring Industrial Designer who loves to innovate and having passion in developing joyful experiences.

See My Featured Projects.

What They Say About Me.

  • It gives me immense pleasure to write this recommendation for my intern Mr. Vaibhav Agarwal.
    He assisted me in the project “Solar Oven”, where he showed his creative skills, sincerity and hard-working attitude.
    He carries a decent person with an easy going socially adjustable nature, a very good team worker, well-disciplined and high level of adaptability.

    Author image
    B K ChakravarthyInstitute Chair Professor, IDC IIT Bombay
  • Vaibhav is a responsible as well as a creative product designer.
    He is always trying to find a creative or innovative solution to a problem even if it is a design related one.

    Author image
    Kunal KatariaDesign Head, Becre8v.