Course Information (Syllabus, attendance policy, textbooks, and other "useful" stuff)


Homework 1 and its Solutions
Homework 2 and its Solutions
Some solved problems in Quantum Chemistry
Some more solved problems in Quantum Chemistry
Homework 3
Homework 4 Due before class on 25 Feb.


See previous years CYL100/CYL110 course pages for past minors, quizzes, tutorials etc. Note: Not all of the information is relevant to you.

Minor 1 (with solutions)
The performance in minor 1 is disppointing. The average is 30.7 and the standard deviation is 16.9. The stem-leaf plot of the marks scored by all the students in the class is shown below.
58   0 | 0000000111122222222222333333344445555566667777777888888889
57   1 | 000000011123333334445555556666666677777778888888889999999
83   2 | 00000011111222222222222223333334444444444555556666666666777778888888888888999999999
87   3 | 000000111111111111222222333333344444555555555555666666677777777777888888888899999999999
77   4 | 00000000111111111222222333333344444445555555666666666667777777788888899999999
41   5 | 00000111111112222223334455666666688888999
11   6 | 00112234478
05   7 | 01134

n: 419
You read a stem-leaf plot as follows. The first column is the frequency, that is the number of students with marks in a particular range. The second column, the stem, is the tens digit of the marks obtained by a student, and the third column, the leaf, is the ones digit of the marks. For example, the first line says that there are 58 students with marks between 00 and 09 followed by their marks. In this range the stem is 0 and the leaves vary between 0 and 9. Here we find that 7 students got 00 marks, four students got 01 marks, and 11 students got 05 marks, and so on. The second line, similarly, says that 57 students got marks in the range 10 to 19 and their marks and so on.

Minor 2 (with solutions)

Afternotes and Supplementary reading material

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Qualitative Plots of Bound State Wave Functions (Ref.: A. P. French and E. F. Taylor, American Journal of Physics 39, 961 (1971))
Separation of the hydrogen atom Schrödinger equation
Solutions of the hydrogen atom radial Schrödinger equation
Class 7(H-atom radial solutions)
Class 8 (Shapes of orbitals)
Class 9 (Multi-electron atoms)
Class 10 (Chemical binding)


Academics in College
Buildup of interference pattern in electron double slit experiment (movie 14MB) (Source: R. Bach et. al., New Journal of Physics 15, 033018 (2013))
Math for Thermo