Graduate Supervision Sponsored R & D projects & consulting assignments
R&D Projects
Design and Development of Micro Hydraulic Turbo Pump for Canal Based Irrigation Systems, RPO1416, CIIMMYT-RWC( UNIFAD), Rs. 3.6 Lacs, Feb 2002 - Dec 2003. Co-Pis: Dr Sanjeev Jain & Prof. Santosh Satya.
Feasibility Study of an Ejector Based Pressure Recovery System, RP01569, Laser Science and Technology Centre Delhi, Jan 2004 to Oct. 2005, Rs 5.4 Lacs.
Enhancemnet of Livelihood Security Through Sustainable Farming Systems & Related Enterprises in Noth West Himalayas. RP02028. Started in November 2007 for five years. Rs 79.9 lacs.sponsored by ICAR under NAIP.
Development of Vortex Tube based Biogas Upgradation System, Sanctioned. Funds will be released in Novermber 2007. Duration 2 years. Rs. 30 lakhs. Sponsored by MNRE, UICA Group. (Co-PIs: Dr V K Vijay and Prof. P L Dhar).
R&D Project (as co-PI)
Improving Fuel Economy and Emission of a Passenger Car Engine, MHRD and M/s Maruti Udyog Limited, 3 years, Rs. 45 lacs, P.I: Prof. R R Gaur. Completed. (My contribution : 2.88 lacs).
Development of Engine Systems for Rural Applications using Renewable Gaseous Fuels, MHRD and M/s Eicher Tractors Engineering Centre, 3 years, 30 lacs, P.I. Prof. R R Gaur. Completed .(My contribution : 3.0 lacs).
Development of Pneumatic Prime Mover for small Vehicles, Rs 16.12 lacs. Approved by DST. completed. P.I Prof. R R Gaur.
Investigator in Rural Energy and Infrastructure group : Revamping of JBCRI-Wardha, MI00185, Khadi and Village industry commission, May 2001 to April 2004.
Development and Pilot Levvel Demonnstration of Biogas Enrichment and Bottling System for Rural & Automobile Applications. April 2007,1 year Rs. 3.96 lakhs. Sponsored by DST. RP01941 (PI: Dr. V K Vijay).
Micro Engineering, Marcch 2007, 5 years, Rs. 435 lakhs. Spondored by DST. RP01938.(CI: Prof. A Kanda).
Field Demonnstration and Performance Evaluation on Biogas Enrichment and Bottling Technology,Feb. 2007, 2 years, Rs. 33.62 lakhs. Sponsored by PCRA. RP01931.
Desing and Development of Prototype Micor Fluidics MEMS Devices, May 2007, 2 years, Rs 50 lakhs. Sponsored BARC, Mumbai. RP01944.
Pilot studies on optimization of Biomethanation Process Parameters for Biogas Production from Jatropha and Pongamia Oil Seed Cakes, sponsored by DST, (PI: Dr. V K Vijay).
Consulting assignments
Design of R&D Center for Alternate Power Generation System, CW6018, NTPC, May 2002 To Feb 2003. Completed.
Measurement of Consumption Water at BTPS - New Delhi, CW5908, NTPC, Oct2002 - Mar 2003. Completed.
Development of compressed air vehicle with reversible engine . Technical work completed. Rs. 2.86 lakhs. Sponsored by International Tractors Limited, Hoshiarpur, Punjab (Co CI: Prof. R R Gaur). (CW06169)
Numerical Simulation of Jets Flowing Free Air in a Pelton Turbine of BHEL, Jan. 2007 1 year. Rs. 6.28 lakhs. CW08906.
Development of intelligent soot blowing system. Technical work completed. Rs. 1.25 laks. Sponsored by NTPC, Noida. (CW07642).
Modelling and Simulation of ID Fan Loading with Extraction of Moisture from Flue Gas of Thermal Power Plant. Final Report Submitted. Rs. 10.11 laks. Sponsored by NTPC, Noida. (CW10407).
Recovery of heat and water by condensation of steam from decolorise & Dryer. Phase 1. Technical work completed. Rs. 5,00,000/-.Sponsored by M/s Grasim Industries Ltd., JOdhpur (FT1436).
Recovery of heat and water by condensation of steam from decolorise & Dryer. Phase 2. Inprogress. Rs.9,00,000/-.Sponsored by M/s Grasim Industries Ltd., JOdhpur (FT1436).
Analysis and Desing of Centrifugal Ammonia Water Absorption Heat Pump, Inprogress. Rs 7,74,000/-. Sponsored by King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (FT1485).
Modelling, Analysis and Fesibility Study of using Ammonia-water Mixture as Working Fluid in BWR with Neaclear Fuels an Nuclear waste. Inprogress. Rs 7,74,000/-. Sponsored by King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.(FT1484).
Consulting assignments (as co-PI)
Study of NTPC R&D : Future Strategies, CW06288, NTPC, April 2003 to Dec 2003. Completed. CI: Rs. 6.0 lakhs. Prof. R Balasubrahmanian.
Development of Analysis and Software for Optimum Design of VFD Driven SIM with Shaft Mounted Fans of BHEL, Bhopal, April 2007. 1 year. Rs 15 lakhs. Sponsored by BHEL Bhopal. (CI: Prof. S S Murthy). CW09113.