Ph.d Scholar (2004-2008)
Co-guide: Prof. RS Sirohi
Thesis Topic: Studies on optical phase singularities: Generation, Detection and Properties
Current Position: DRDO Scientist
Ph.d Scholar (2003-2009)
Co-guide: Prof. K. Singh
Thesis Topic: Investigations on tight focusing of singular beams: Effect of primary aberrations
Current Position: Associate Professor, IIT BHU
Ph.d Scholar (2005-2010)
Thesis Topic: Generation of Optical Vortex lattices
Current Position:
Ph.d Scholar (2009-2013)
Co-guide: Prof. Joby Joseph
Thesis Topic: Optical image processing using phase singularities
Current Position:
Ph.d Scholar (2009-2014)
Co-guide: Prof. Varsha B
Thesis Topic: Fractal diffraction : Signatures and Applications
Current Position:
Ph.d Scholar (2009-2014)
Co-guide: Prof. DS Mehta
Thesis Topic: Internal energy flows in phase singular beams and their applications in laser beam shaping and optical tweezers
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Central University of Rajasthan
Ph.d Scholar (2010-2015)
Co-guide: Prof. S Chopra
Thesis Topic: Segregation of orbital angular momentum states of light by Helmoltz Hodge decomposition
Current Position:
Ph.d Scholar (2010-2014)
Co-guide: Prof. H.C.Khandpal and Joby Joseph
Thesis Topic: Coherence, Polarization and Scattering studies of optical fields and their applications
Current Position:
Ph.d Scholar (2013-2019)
Co-guide: Prof. Anurag Sharma
Thesis Topic: diffraction of Spin-Orbit beams: applications in optical image processing
Current Position: Scientist, ISRO
Ph.d Scholar (2013-2020)
Co-guide: Prof. Kedar Khare
Thesis Topic: Propagation of OAM states through free space and turbulence: new results and application to robust beam engineering
Current Position: Post Doc., IIT Delhi
Ph.d Scholar (2014-2019)
Thesis Topic: Lattices of polarization singularities
Current Position: Post Doc., Tel Aviv University, Israel
Post Doc. (2018-2020)
Research field: Partially coherent singular beams
Current Position: Post Doc., University of St., Andrews, Scotland
Post Doc.(2019-2021)
Research field: Partially coherent singular beams
Current Position: Post Doc., Czech Republic
Ph.d Scholar (2014-2019)
Thesis Topic: Studies of Poincare beams and vector vortex beams
Current Position: Research Associate, IIT Kanpur
Ph.d Scholar (2015-2020)
Co-guide: Prof. DS Mehta
Thesis Topic: Development of high-resolution optical imaging and computational techniques for biomedical applications
Current Position: Post Doc., UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Ph.d Scholar (2017-2022)
Thesis Topic: Investigations on Stokes singularities
Current Position: Post Doc., Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography, The Netherlands
Ph.d Scholar (2018-2023)
Thesis Topic: Helicity inversion, detection, generation and self-healing of orthogonal degenerate states of polarization singularities
Current Position: Data analyst- AI/ML, INNODATA India Pvt. Ltd.
Ph.d Scholar (2018-2024)
Thesis Topic: Investigation on q-plate induced polarization transformations of stokes singularities
Current Position: Post doc., University of Naples Federico II