Singular Optics Lab


172. Analysis of Stokes singularities using a lateral shear interferometer
Rahul Joshi, Baby Komal, Sunil Kumar, P Senthilkumaran,
Optics Continuum, vol. 3, 1180-1191, (2024).
171. Polarization singularity index determination using wedge plate lateral shear interferometry
Baby Komal, Rahul Joshi, Sunil Kumar, P Senthilkumaran,
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 177, 108119, (2024).
170. Synthesizing polarization singularity lattices using phase ramps
Kapil Kumar Gangwar, Sarvesh Bansal, P Senthilkumaran,
J.Opt.Soc.Am. A, vol. 41, 932-942, (2024).
169. Stokes scintillations for vector vortex beams with controllable spatial correlation
Manisha, Hemant Kumar Singh, P Senthilkumaran, Bhaskar Kanseri,
Physical Review A, vol. 109, 043516, (2024).
168. Taxonomy of hybridly polarized Stokes vortex beams
Gauri Arora, Ankit Butola, Ruchi Rajput, Rohit Agarwal, Krishna Agarwal, Alexander Horsch, Dilip K Prasad, P Senthilkumaran,
Optics Express, vol. 32, 7404-7416, (2024).
167. Effect of primary astigmatism on the tight focusing of ellipse field singularities
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P Senthilkumaran,
Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 169, 110078 (2024).
166. Influence of Primary Coma on the Tightly Focusing Characteristics of Circular Basis Hybrid Order Poincaré Sphere Beams
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P Senthilkumaran,
Photonics, vol. 11, 98, (2024).
165. Evolution of coherence singularities in polarization singular beams
Stuti Joshi, Saba N. Khan, P Senthilkumaran,
Applied Optics, vol. 63, 49-55, (2024).
164. Detecting topological index of randomly scattered V-point singularities using Stokes correlations
Akanksha Gautam, Gauri Arora, P Senthilkumaran, Rakesh kumar Singh
J.Opt.Soc.Am. A, vol. 41, 95-103, (2024).
163. Real time characterization of atmospheric turbulence using speckle texture
Priyanka Lochab, Basant Kumar, Devinder Pal Ghai, P Senthilkumaran, Kedar Khare
Journal of Optics, vol. 26, 015602, (2023).
162. Experimental determination of Poincaré beam coordinates on a Hybrid order Poincaré sphere
Sarvesh Bansal, P Senthilkumaran,
Physica Scripta, vol. 98, 125505, (2023).
161. Phase engineering in overlapping lattices of polarization singularities
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Manisha, P Senthilkumaran,
J.Opt.Soc.Am. B, vol. 40, (2023).
160. Propagation-induced changes in non-isotropically correlated vector vortex beams
Manisha, Saba N Khan, Stuti Joshi, P Senthilkumaran and Bhaskar Kanseri,
Journal of Optics, Vol. 25, 065601 (2023).
159. Focused polarization ellipse field singularities: interaction of spin-orbital angular momentum and the formation of optical Möbius strips
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Lavi Somers, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P Senthilkumaran and Ady Arie,
Physica Scripta, Vol. 98, 055507 (2023).
158. Synthesis of a spin-orbit beam lattice using a Dammann grating
Kapil K. Gangwar, Sarvesh Bansal, Jawahar Desai, and P Senthilkumaran,
Optics Continuum, Vol. 2, 370-381 (2023).
157. Role of symmetry in self-healing of singular beams
Baby Komal, Gauri Arora, Sunil kumar and P Senthilkumaran,
Applied Physics B , Vol. 129, 29 (2023).
156. Perturbation of V-point polarization singular vector beams
Gauri Arora, Stuti Joshi, Hanuman Singh, V. Haridas and P Senthilkumaran,
Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 158, 108842 (2023).
155. Stokes polarimetry with Poincaré–Hopf index beams
Sarvesh Bansal and P Senthilkumaran,
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 160, 107295 (2023).
154. Self-healing of vector field singularities
Baby Komal, Gauri Arora, Sunil Kumar, and P Senthilkumaran,
Optics Commun., Vol. 524, 128796 (2022).
153. Investigation of partially coherent vector vortex beams with non-isotropic states of spatial correlation
Manisha, Stuti Joshi, Saba N Khan, Bhaskar Kanseri, and P Senthilkumaran,
Opt. Express Vol. 30, 32230-32243 (2022).
152. Generation of Stokes singularities using polarization lateral shear interferometer
Gauri Arora and P Senthilkumaran,
Opt. Express Vol. 30, 27583-27592 (2022).
151. Generation of V-point polarization singularity array by Dammann gratings
Jawhar Desai, Kapil K Gangwar, Ruchi, Kedar Khare and P Senthilkumaran,
Appl. Phys. B Vol. 128, 108 (2022).
150. Tailoring polarization singularity lattices by phase engineering of three-beam interference
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Kapil K Gangwar and P Senthilkumaran,
Optik, Vol. 255, 168680 (2022).
149. Focal intensity landscapes of tightly focused spatially varying bright ellipse fields
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh and P Senthilkumaran,
J. Opt., Vol.24, 044013 (2022).
148. Statistical properties of double-slit interference of partially coherent polarization singular vector beams
Stuti Joshi, Saba Khan and P Senthilkumaran,
Opt. and Laser Technol., Vol.148, 107727 (2022).
147. Handedness control in polarization lattice fields by using spiral phase filters
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Gauri Arora, Ruchi and P Senthilkumaran,
Appl.Phys.Lett., Vol.119, 221106 (2021).
146. Multi-modal on-chip nanoscopy and quantitative phase imaging reveals the nanoscale morphology of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Ankit Butola, D. A. Coucheron, K. Szafranska, Azeem Ahmad, Hong Mao, Jean-Claude Tinguely, Peter McCourt, P Senthilkumaran, D. S. Mehta, Krishna Agarwal, and Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., Vol.118, e2115323118 (2021).
145. Speckle in polarization structured light
B Kumar, P Lochab, E Baidya Kayal, DP Ghai, P Senthilkumaran, K Khare,
Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 69, 47-54 (2021).
144. Helicity inversion and generation of orthogonal, degenerate index states of generic C points
B Komal, S Deepa, SK Pal, BSB Ram, S Kumar, P Senthilkumaran,
Journal of Optics Vol.23, 114001 (2021).
143. Poincare beams
Gauri Arora and P.Senthilkumaran
Asian J. of Physics, Vol.30, 715-720 (2021).
142. Speckles and Singularities
Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran
Asian J. of Physics, Vol.30, 555-566 (2021).
141. Optical Fourier processing with hybrid polarization mask
B.S.Bhargava Ram and P.Senthilkumaran
Asian J.of Physics, Vol.30, 549-554 (2021).
140. Young’s double-slit experiment with vector vortex beams
Saba N Khan, Stuti Joshi, P Senthilkumaran,
Optics Letters 46 (17), 4136-4139(2021)
139. Full Poincaré beam delineation based on Stokes vortex ring
Gauri Arora,Ruchi, SK Pal, P Senthilkumaran
J.Opt., Vol.23, 105201 (2021).
138. Conversion of basis dependent superposition of orbital angular momentum states using q-plate
Sarvesh Bansal, S.K.Pal and P.Senthilkumaran
Phys.Rev.A., Vol.104, 033503 (2021).
137. Statistical properties of partially coherent polarization singular vector beams
S Joshi, SN Khan, P.Senthilkumaran , B Kanseri
Phys.Rev.A, Vol.103, 053502 (2021)
136. Polarization singularity index determination by using a tilted lens
Baby Komal, S. Deepa, Sunil Kumar and P.Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.60, 3266-3271 (2021).
135. Detection of partially coherent polarization singular vector beams using Stokes Polarimetry
S.N.Khan, Stuti Joshi, B. Kanseri and P.Senthilkumaran
Appl.Phys.Lett., Vol.118, 051104 (2021).
134. Index polarity inversion by helicity inversion in Stokes vortices
S.K.Pal and P.Senthilkumaran
Appl.Phys.Lett., Vol. 117, 201101 (2020).
133. Detection of degenerate Stokes index states
G Arora, S Deepa, SN Khan, P.Senthilkumaran
Scientific Reports, Vol.10, 1-10 (2020).
132. High space-bandwidth in quantitative phase imaging using partially spatially coherent digital holographic microscopy and a deep neural network
Ankit Butola, Sheetal Raosaheb Kanade, Sunil Bhatt, Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Anand Kumar, Azeem Ahmad, Dilip K. Prasad, P.Senthilkumaran , Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia and D.S.Mehta
Opt.Express, Vol.28, 36229-36244 (2020).
131. Formation of Polarization Singularity Lattice through Dual-phase Modulation
Praveen Kumar, Sushanta K Pal, Naveen Nishchal and P.Senthilkumaran
J.Opt., Vol.22, 115701 (2020).
130. Hybrid order Poincare sphere for Stokes singularities
Gauri Arora, Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran
Opt.lett., Vol.45, 5136-5139 (2020).
129. Coherence induced polarization effects in vector vortex beams
Stuti Joshi, Saba N Khan, Manisha, P.Senthilkumaran and Bhaskar Kanseri
Opt.lett., Vol. 45, 4815-4818 (2020).
128. Deep learning architecture “LightOCT” for diagnostic decision support using optical coherence tomography images of biological samples
Ankit Butola, D.K.Prasad, Azeem Ahmad, Vishesh Dubey, D.Qaiser, Anurag Srivastava, P.Senthilkumaran , Balpreet S. Ahluwalia and D.S.Mehta
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol.11, 5017-5031 (2020).
127. High spatially sensitive quantitative phase imaging assisted with deep neural network for classification of human spermatozoa under stressed condition
Ankit Butola, Sheetal Raosaheb Kanade, Sunil Bhatt, Vishesh Dubey, Anand Kumar, Azeem Ahmet, Dilip K. Prasad, P.Senthilkumaran , Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia and D.S.Mehta
Scientific Reports, 10, 13118 (2020).
126. Optical currents in Poincare beams
Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran
Phys.Rev.A , Vol.102, 013509 (2020).
125. Phase singularities to polarization singularities
Ruchi, P.Senthilkumaran and S.K.Pal
Int. J. Optics, Vol.2020, 2812803 (2020).
124. Non-interferometric technique to realize vector beams embedded with polarization singularities
Praveen Kumar, S. K. Pal, Naveen K. Nishchal and P.Senthilkumaran
J.Opt.Soc.Am. A, Vol.37, 1043-1052 (2020).
123. Use of q-plate as a coupler
Sarvesh Bansal, S. K. Pal and P.Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.59, 4933-4938 (2020).
122. Polarization singularities and intensity degeneracies
Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran
Frontiers in Physics, Vol.8, 140 (2020).
121. Perturbation induced morphologocial transformations in vector field singularities
Saba.N.Khan, S.Deepa, Gauri Arora and P.Senthilkumaran .
J.Opt.Soc.Am. B, Vol.37, 1577-1586 (2020).
120. Generation of Stokes vortices in three, four and six circularly polarized beam interference
S.K.Pal, Sarvesh Bansal and P.Senthilkumaran
Asian J of Physics., Vol.28, 867-875 (2019).
119. Full Poincare beams with all the Stokes vortices
Gauri Arora, Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett.,Vol.44, 5638-5641 (2019).
118. Helicity dependent diffraction by angular momentum transfer
S. Deepa, B.S.Bhargava Ram and P.Senthilkumaran .
Scientific Reports, Vol.9, 1-9 (2019).
117. Helicity conservation in V-point diffraction
Saba N Khan, S. Deepa and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.44, 3913-3916(2019).
116. Propagation of converging polarization singular beams through atmospheric turbulence
Priyanka Lochab, P.Senthilkumaran and Kedar B Khare.
Appl.Opt.,Vol.58,6335-6345 (2019).
115. Basis construction using generic orthogonal C-points
Ruchi, Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
J.Opt.,Vol.21, 085603 (2019).
114. eneration of orthogonal lattice fields
Sushant Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
J.Opt.Soc.Am. A, Vol. 36, 853-858 (2019).
113. Hexagonal vector field of polarization singularities with gradient basis structure
Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.44, 2093-2096 (2019).
112. Interferometric visualization of crack growth in glass plate
Brijesh Kumar Singh, D.S.Mehta and P.Senthilkumaran .
Appl.Phys.B: Lasers and Optics, Vol.125, 1-7 (2019).
111. Volumetric analysis of breast cancer tissues using machine learning and swept-source optical coherence tomography
Ankit Butola, Vishesh Dubey, Azim, Vandana, P.Senthilkumaran and D.S.Mehta.
Appl.Opt., Vol.58, A135-A141 (2019).
110. Spatially varying lattice of C-points
Gauri Arora, S.K.Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
OSA Continuum, Vol.2, 416-423 (2019).
109. Synthesis of Stokes singularities
Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.44, 130-133 (2019).
108. Pancharatnam excursions of higher order C-points
Ruchi, B.S.Bhargava Ram and P.Senthilkumaran
Proc. SPIE, Vol.10744, 1074409-1-7 (2018).
107. 3D topography and tomography of multilayered freeform optical surfaces using swept source low coherence interferometry with large range of measurement
Ankit Butola, Vishesh Dubey, Azim, Vandana, P.Senthilkumaran and D.S.Mehta
Laser Phys., Vol.28, (11) 116101 (2018).
106. Phase engineering methods in polarization singularitylattice generation
Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
OSA Continuum, Vol.1, 193-199 (2018).
105. Designer vector beams maintaining robust intensity profile onpropagation through turbulence
Priyanka Lochab, P.Senthilkumaran and Kedar Khare
Phys.Rev.A, Vol.98, 023831 (2018).
104. Spectrally resolved laser interference microscopy
Ankit Butola, Azeem Ahmad, Vishesh Dubey, P.Senthilkumaran and D.S.Mehta
Laser Phys. Lett.,Vol.15, 075602 (2018).
103. Angular momentum switching and orthogonal field construction of C-point singularity
B.S.Bhargava Ram, Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.43, 2157-2160 (2018).
102. Edge enhancement by using negative Poincare-Hopf index filters
B.S.Bhargava Ram and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett.,Vol.43, 1830-1833 (2018).
101. Lattice of C-points at intensity nulls
Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.43, 1259-1262 (2018).
100. Hopping induced inversions and Pancharatnam excursions of C-points
Ruchi, B.S.Bhargava Ram and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.42, 4159-4162 (2017).
99. Probing the degenerate states of V-point singularities
B.S.Bhargava Ram, Anurag Sharma and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett., Vol.42, 3570-3573 (2017).
98. Generation of V-point polarization singularity lattices
Ruchi, Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran
Opt.Express, Vol.25, 19326-19331 (2017).
97. Polarization singularity index sign inversion by a half wave plate
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.56, 6181–6190 (2017).
96. Robust laser beam engineering using polarization and angular momentum diversity
PriyankaLochab, P.Senthilkumaran and KedarKhare
Opt.Express, Vol.25, 17524-17529 (2017).
95. C-point and V-point singularity lattice formation and index sign conversion methods
Sushanta Kumar Pal, Ruchi and P.Senthilkumaran
Opt.Commun., Vol.393, 156-168 (2017).
94. Diffraction of V-point singularities through triangular apertures
Bhargava Ram, Anurag Sharma and P.Senthilkumaran
Opt.Express, Vol.25, 10270-10275 (2017).
93. Polarization based spatial filtering for directional and non-directional edge enhancement using S-waveplate
Bhargava Ram, P.Senthilkumaran and Anurag Sharma
Appl.Opt.,Vol.56, 3171-3178 (2017).
92. Separation of spin and orbital angular momentum states from cylindrical vector beams
Manish Verma, Sushanta Kumar Pal, Alok Jejusaria and P.Senthilkumaran .
Optik, Vol.132, 121-126 (2017).
91. Cultivation of lemon fields
Sushanta Kumar Pal and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Express, Vol.24, 28008-28013 (2016).
90. Near core structure of a propagating optical vortex
PriyankaLochab, P.Senthilkumaran and KedarKhare.
J.Opt.Soc.Am.-A., Vol.33, 2485-2490 (2016).
89. Optical vortex array in spatially varying lattice
AmitKapoor, Manish Kumar, P.Senthilkumaran and Joby Joseph
Opt.Commun., Vol.365, 99-102 (2016).
88. Controlled modulation of laser beam and dynamic patterning of colloidal particles using optical tweezers
Brijesh Kumar Sing, D. S. Mehta, Ranjeet Kumar and P.Senthilkumaran .
J.Mod.Opt., Vol.63, 269-275 (2016).
87. Energy Circulations in singular beams diffracted through an isosceles right triangular aperture
Monika Bahl and P.Senthilkumaran
Phys. Rev. A. Vol.92, 013831 (2015).
86. Vortex array embedded in a partially coherent beam
Rakesh Kumar Singh, Anand Raj Sharma M and P.Senthilkumaran
Opt.Lett., Vol.40, 2751-2754(2015).
85. Phase imaging using spiral phase diversity
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Charu Gaur, P.Senthilkumaran and KedarKhare
Appl. Opt., Vol.54, 3979-3985 (2015).
84. Young’s experiment with waves near zeros
P.Senthilkumaran and Monika Bahl
Opt.Express, Vol.23, 10968-10973 (2015).
83. Internal energy flows of coma affected singular beams in low Numerical Aperture systems
Monika Bahl, Brijesh Kumar Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh and P.Senthilkumaran
J. Opt. Soc. Am – A., Vol.32, 514-521 (2015).
82. Singularities in Cylindrical vector beams
Manish Verma, Sushanta Kumar Pal, Stuti Joshi, P.Senthilkumaran , Joby Joseph and H C Kandpal
J.Mod.Opt., Vol.62, 1068-1075 (2015).
81. Ultrasensitive and fast detection of denaturation of milk by Coherent backscattering of light
Manish Verma, Dilip Kumar Singh, P.Senthilkumaran , Joby Joseph and H. C. Kandpal
Scientific Reports, Vol.4(1), 1-5 (2014).
80. Fractional vortex dipole phase filter
Manoj Kumar Sharma,Joby Joseph and P.Senthilkumaran .
Appl. Phys. B: Lasers and Optics, Vol.117, 325-332 (2014).
79. Focal plane internal energy flows of singular beams in astigmatically aberrated low NA systems
Monika Bahl and P.Senthilkumaran
J.Opt.Soc.Am – A.,Vol.31, 2046-2054 (2014).
78. Analysis of Fibonacci gratings and their diffraction patterns.
RupeshVerma, Manoj Kumar Sharma, P.Senthilkumaran and Varsha Banerjee
J. Opt. Soc. Am – A., Vol.31, 1473-1480 (2014).
77. Fractal signatures in the Aperiodic Fibonacci grating
RupeshVerma, Varsha Banerjee and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett.,Vol.39, 2557-2560 (2014).
76. Generation of spatial coherence comb using Dammann grating
R.V. Vinu, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Singh and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett.,Vol.39, 2407-2410 (2014).
75. Conical Light Sword Optical Beam and its Healing Property
Brijesh Kumar Singh, Dalip Singh Mehta, and P.Senthilkumaran .
Opt.Lett.,Vol.39, 2064-2067 (2014).
74. Optical transfer function of an optical system with spiral zone masks in presence of primary aberrations
Manoj Kumar Sharma, R. K. Singh, Joby Joseph and P.Senthilkumaran .
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol.57, 48-52 (2014).
73. Directional edge enhancement using superposed vortex filter
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Joby Joseph and P.Senthilkumaran .
Optics and Laser Technol., Vol.57, 230-235 (2014).
72.Visualization of internal energy flows in an optical field carrying pair of fractional vortices
Brijesh Kumar Singh, D. S. Mehta and P. Senthilkumaran
J.Mod.Opt., Vol.60, 1027-1036 (2013).
71.Fourier spectrum analysis of spiral zone plates
Manoj Kumar Sharma, RamKishor Singh, Joby Joseph and P. Senthilkumaran
Opt.Commun., Vol.304, 43-48 (2013).
70.Modulation of Stokes parameters on propagation of a Gaussian Schellmodel beam in free space
Manish Verma, P. Senthilkumaran,Joby Joseph and H. C. Khandpal
Opt. Express,Vol.21, 15432-15437 (2013).
69. Robustness of Cantor diffractals
RupeshVerma, Manoj Kumar Sharma, VarshaBannerjee and P. Senthilkumaran.
Opt. Express,Vol.21, 7951–7956 (2013).
68. Study of internal energy flows in dipole vortex beams by knife edge test
Brijesh Kumar Singh, Monika Bahl, D.S.Mehta and P. Senthilkumaran.
Opt.Commun.,Vol.293, 15-21 (2013).
67. Selective edge enhancement using shifted anisotropic vortex filter
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Joby Joseph and P. Senthilkumaran
J.Opt., (India), Vol.42(1), 1-7 (2013).
66. Helmholtz Hodge decomposition of scalar optical fields
Monika Bahl and P. Senthilkumaran.
J. Opt. Soc. Am.-A., Vol.29, 2421-2427 (2012).
65. Effect of aberrations in vortex spatial filtering
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Joby Joseph and P. Senthilkumaran
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol. 50, 1501-1507 (2012).
64. Tailored complex 3D vortex lattice structures by perturbed multiples of three-plane waves
Jolly Xavier, Sunil Vyas, P. Senthilkumaran, and Joby Joseph
Appl. Opt., Vol.51, 1872-1878 (2012).
63. Redundancy in Cantor diffractals
RupeshVerma, VarshaBannerjee and P. Senthilkumaran
Opt.Express, Vol.20, 8250-8255 (2012).
62. Effect of surface plasmons on spectral switching of polychromatic light with Au-double slit
Manish Verma, Stuti Joshi, Nandan S Bisht, H. C. Khandpal, P. Senthilkumaran and Joby Joseph
J.Opt.Soc.Am.-A.,Vol.29, 195-199 (2012).
61. Singular Optics – Editorial
P. Senthilkumaran, Shunichi Sato and Jan Masajada
International J. Opt., Vol.2012, Article ID 741693, 2 pages (2012).
60. Complex 3D vortex lattice formation by phase engineered multiple beam interference
Jolly Xavier, Sunil Vyas, P. Senthilkumaranand Joby Joseph
International J. Opt., Vol.2012, Article ID 863875, 9 pages (2012).
59. Interferometry with vortices
P. Senthilkumaran, J.Masajada and Shunichi Sato
International J. Opt.,Vol.2012, Article ID 517591, 18 pages (2012).
58. Fresnel lens with embedded vortices
S.Vyas, R.K.Singh, D.P.Ghai and P. Senthilkumaran
International J. Opt., Vol.2012, Article ID 249695, 7pages (2012).
57. Generation of optical vortex arrays using single-element reversed-wavefront folding interferometer
Brijesh Kumar Singh, Gyanendra Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and D.S.Mehta
International J. Opt.,Vol. 2012, Article ID 689612, 7 pages (2012).
56. Selective edge enhancement using anisotropic vortex filter
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Joby Joseph and P. Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.50, 5279-5286 (2011).
55. Sculptured 3D twister superlattices embedded with tunable vortex spirals
Jolly Xavier, Sunil Vyas, P. Senthilkumaran, Cornelia Denz and Joby Joseph
Opt.Lett.,Vol.36, 3512-3514 (2011).
54. Vortices from wavefront tilts
Sunil Vyas and P. Senthilkumaran
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol.48, 834-840 (2010).
53. Two dimensional vortex lattices from pure wavefront tilts
Sunil Vyas and P. Senthilkumaran
Opt.Commun.,Vol.283, 2767-2771 (2010).
52. Fractional vortex lens
Sunil Vyas, Rakesh Kumar Singh and P. Senthilkumaran
Optics and Laser Technol., Vol.42, 878-882 (2010).
51. Optical transfer function of an optical system with a vortex phase mask in the presence of primary aberrations
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Optics and Laser Technol., Vol.42, 120-125 (2010).
50. Transmission type twisted nematic liquid crystal display for three grey-level phase-modulated holographic data storage systems
Bhargab Das, S.Vyas, Joby Joseph, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol.47, 1150-1159 (2009).
49. Tight focusing of optical beams; A Review – Part II
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Invertis J. of Science and Technol., Vol.2, 1-25 (2009).
48. Vortex lattice generation using interferometric techniques based on lateral shearing
Devinder Pal Ghai , Sunil Vyas, P. Senthilkumaran and R. S. Sirohi
Opt.Commun.,Vol.282, 2692-2698 (2009).
47. Tight focusing of linearly-, and circularly polarized vortex beams; Effect of third-order spherical aberration
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol.47, 831-841 (2009).
46. Structure of tightly focused vortex beam in the presence of coma
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh
Opt. Commun.,Vol.282, 1501-1510 (2009).
45. Tight focusing of vortex beams in the presence of primary astigmatism
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh
J.Opt.Soc.Am.-A., Vol.26, 576-588 (2009).
44. Single slit diffraction of an optical beam with phase dislocation
Devinder Pal Ghai, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol.47, 123-126 (2009).
43. Tight focusing of optical beams; A Review – Part I
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Invertis J. of Science and Technol., Vol.2, 197-230 (2008).
42. Focusing of linearly and circularly polarized Gaussian background vortex beam by a high numerical aperture system afflicted with third-order astigmatism
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh
Opt.Commun.,Vol.281, 5939-5948 (2008).
41. Shearograms of a singular beam using wedge plate lateral shear interferometer
Devinder Pal Ghai , Sunil Vyas, P. Senthilkumaran and R. S. Sirohi
Optics and Lasers in Engg.,Vol.46, 797-801 (2008).
40. Focusing of singular beam in the presence of spherical aberration and defocusing
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Optik, Vol.119, 459-464 (2008).
39. Generation and detection of optical vortex using all fiber optic system
Ranjeet Kumar, DalipSingh.Mehta, A.Sachdev, AnuGarg, P. Senthilkumaran and Chandrashaker
Opt.Commun.,Vol.281, 3414-3420 (2008).
38. Effect of primary coma on the focusing of a LG beam by high numerical aperture system; vectorial diffraction theory
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
J.Opt.A: Pure and Appl.Opt.,Vol.10, 075008 (2008).
37. Effect of primary spherical aberration on high numerical aperture focusing of a Laguerre Gaussian beam
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
J.Opt.Soc.Am.-A., Vol.25, 1307-1318 (2008).
36. Detection of Phase singularity using a lateral shear interferometer
Devinder Pal Ghai, Sunil Vyas, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Optics and Lasers in Engg., Vol.46, 419-423 (2008).
35. Adaptive helical mirror for generation of optical phase singularity
Devinder Pal Ghai, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Appl.Opt., Vol.47, 1378-1383 (2008).
34. Shearograms of an optical phase singularity
Devinder Pal Ghai, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Opt.Commun., Vol.281, 1315-1322 (2008).
33. Focusing of a vortex carrying beam with Gaussian background by an apertured system in presence of coma
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Opt.Commun., Vol.281, 923-934 (2008).
32. Vortex array generation by interference of spherical waves
Sunil Vyas and P. Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.46, 7862-7867 (2007).
31. Effect of astigmatism on the diffraction of a vortex-carrying beam with Gaussian background
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
J.Opt.A: Pure and Appl. Opt., Vol.9, 543-554 (2007).
30. Interferometric optical vortex array generator Sunil Vyas and
P. Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.46, 2893-2898 (2007).
29. Laser beams with phase singularities: A review Rakesh Kumar Singh,
P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Invertis J. of Science and Technol., Vol.1, No.2, 85-124 (2007).
28. Focusing of a vortex carrying beam with Gaussian background by a lens in the presence of spherical aberration and defocusing
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Optics and Lasers in Engg., Vol.45, 773-782 (2007).
27. Effect of coma on the focusing of an apertured singular beam
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Optics and Lasers in Engg., Vol.45, 488-494 (2007).
26. Influence of astigmatism and defocusing on the focusing of a singular beam
Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran and Kehar Singh
Opt.Commun., Vol.270, 128-138 (2007).
25. Berry’s phase fiber loop mirror characteristics
P. Senthilkumaran
J.Opt.Soc.Am.-B., Vol.22, 505-511 (2005).
24. Vortex stagnation problem in Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithms
P. Senthilkumaran, F.Wyrowski and H.Schimmel
Optics and Lasers in Engg., Vol.43, 43-56 (2005).
23. Optical phase singularities in detection of laser beam collimation
P. Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.42, 6314-6320 (2003).
22. Phase synthesis in wave-optical engineering: mapping and diffuser-type approaches
P. Senthilkumaran and F.Wyrowski J.
Mod.Opt., Vol.49, 1831-1850 (2002).
21. New approach to the design of fiber optic devices based on Berry’s topological phase
P. Senthilkumaran, G.Thursby and B.Culshaw
Proc. SPIE., Vol.4417, 434-441 (2001).
20. Generation of complicated arrays by multiple beam interference
AlikaKhare and P. Senthilkumaran
Proc. SPIE., Vol.4223, 263-266 (2000).
19. Fiber optic Sagnac interferometer for the observation of Berry’s topological phase
P. Senthilkumaran, B.Culshaw and G.Thursby J.
Opt.Soc.Am.-B, Vol.17, 1914-1919 (2000).
18. Fiber-optic tunable loop mirror using Berry’s geometric phase
P. Senthilkumaran, G.Thursby and B.Culshaw
Opt.Lett., Vol.25, 533-535 (2000).
17. Interferometric array illuminator with analysis of nonobservable fringes
P. Senthilkumaran
Appl.Opt., Vol.38, 1311-1316 (1999).
16. Interferometric array generator with polarizing elements
P. Senthilkumaran
Optics and Lasers in Engg., Vol.28, 457-461 (1997).
15. Slope change contouring for 3D deeply curved objects by multi-aperture speckle shear interferometry
T.Santhanakrishnan, N.Krishnamohan, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Optik, Vol.104, 27-31 (1996).
14. Multi-aperture speckle interferometry for deformation measurement
T.Santhanakrishnan, P.K.Palanisamy, N.Krishnamohan, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
J.Opt.,(India) Vol.25, 81-91 (1996).
13. Simultaneous implementation of Leendertz and Duffy methods for in-plane displacement measurement
N.Krishnamohan, T.Santhanakrishnan, P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Opt.Commun., Vol.124, 235-239 (1996).
12. Fabrication of array generators using Michelson interferometers in tandem
J.S.Darlin, P. Senthilkumaran, Shanti Bhattacharya, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
Opt.Commun., Vol.123, 1-4 (1996).
11. Holographic array illuminator using Michelson interferometers in tandem: Fabrication and analysis
Shanti Bhattacharya, P. Senthilkumaran, J.S.Darlin, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
J. Mod.Opt., Vol.42, 2275-2283 (1995).
10. Multiple beam wedge plate shear interferometer for collimation testing
P. Senthilkumaran, K.V.Sriram, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
Appl.Opt., Vol.34, 1197-1202 (1995).
9. Improved collimation testing with multiple beam wedge plate lateral shear interferometer
P. Senthilkumaran, K.V.Sriram, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
Proc. SPIE., Vol.2340, 328-335 (1994).
8. Multiple beam wedge plate lateral shear interferometry in transmission
R.S.Sirohi, T.Eiju, K.Matsuda and P. Senthilkumaran.
J. Mod.Opt., Vol.41, 1747-1755 (1994).
7. Evaluation of phase conjugation using Talbot interferometry
P.R.Sreedhar, K.V.Sriram, P. Senthilkumaran, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
Opt.Commun., Vol.106, 242-248 (1994).
6. Array generation using double wedge plate interferometer
P. Senthilkumaran, K.V.Sriram, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
J. Mod.Opt., Vol.41, 481-489 (1994).
5. Michelson interferometers in tandem for array generation
P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
Opt.Commun., Vol.105, 158-160 (1994).
4. Fabrication of phase optical elements by ion exchange in glass
P. Senthilkumaran, P.J.Masalkar and R.S.Sirohi
J.Opt., (India) Vol.23, 27-38 (1994).
3. Fidelity analysis of phase conjugated one way transmitted images through a thin distortion medium using Moiré technique
P.R.Sreedhar, K.V.Sriram, P. Senthilkumaran, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
J.Opt., (India) Vol.22, 136-141 (1993).
2. Double wedge plate interferometer for collimation testing: new configurations
K.V.Sriram, P. Senthilkumaran, M.P.Kothiyal and R.S.Sirohi
Appl.Opt., Vol.32, 4199-4203 (1993).
1.CRT generated synthetic Fourier transform hologram of binary objects
P. Senthilkumaran and R.S.Sirohi
J.Opt., (India) Vol.21, 107-111 (1992).