Singular Optics Lab

Dr. P.Senthilkumaran has been working as a Professor in the Department of Physics IIT Delhi. He joined IITD in Dec 2002 as Assistant Professor. Earlier he worked as Associate Professor in Physics (June 2002 to Dec 2002), Assistant Professor (Nov 1996 to May 2002) and as Lecturer (Dec 1995 to Nov 1996) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati. Prior to joining IITG, he had been a senior project officer since Sept 1993 at IIT Madras from where he received his Ph.D in 1995. He is a recipient of Young Scientist Award from Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, Germany in 1997 and 2001 respectively. He was in University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom on Royal Society-London and INSA exchange fellowship in 1999 and in University of Jena, Germany during 2001-2002 on Humboldt fellowship. Earlier he attended a month long winter college in optics in Feb 1998, in International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Itlay....He has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Basic Physics, Elec- tromagnetic theory, Optics and Lasers, Fourier optics, Holography and its applications, Optical metrology and Optical instrumentation. His research interests are Optical beam shaping, Optical phase and polarization singularities, Berry and Pancharatnam topological phases, Fiber optics, Holography, Non-destructive testing techniques, Shear interferometry, Talbot interferometry, Speckle metrology and Non-linear optics. He has been active in executing research projects funded by various funding agencies such as Department of Science and Technology, India (DST), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) as Principal investigator (PI)/Co-PI. The number of project handled by him/being handled is sixteen, with an estimated cost of 174 million Indian rupees.. He has authored/coauthored more than one hundred and thirty research publications. So far he has supervised twelve Ph D students and 30 M Tech project students. He along with Prof Jan Masajada, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland and Prof Shunichi Sato, Tohoku University, Japan had brought out a special issue on Singular Optics in 2012 in the International Journal of Optics. He has authored two books - one entitled ”Singularities in Physics and Engineering” and the other “Orbital angular momentum states – Propagation through atmospheric turbulence” both published by IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK in 2018 and 2021. Professor Senthilkumaran has also been an editorial board member of International Journal of Optics since 2013 and associate editor of Optical Engineering since 2020. Recently he has joined Asian Journal of Physics as an editor.


Year Remarks
2001-2002 Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, Germany. Host Institute: Institute of Applied Physics, Fredrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany from June 2001 to May 2002
1999 Royal Society, London – Indian National Science Academy exchange fellowship. Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engg., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom from July 1999 to Nov. 1999
1998 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy – Attended Winter College on Optics with aid, in February 1998 at ICTP, Trieste, Italy
1989 National merit scholarship by qualifying Graduate Aptitude Test on Engineering, India
1989 National merit scholarship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
1981-1986 National Merit Scholarship from Government of Tamilnadu, India.
1979-1981 Merit Scholarship from Government of Tamilnadu, India.


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