Group News

  • 1st September, 2022 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk on Silk based Bioprinting, organized by Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai.

  • 31st March, 2022 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk on progress of his life, organized by Delhi Metropolitan Education, Noida.

  • 5th March, 2022 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk, in the lecture series Advanced Structures with braid Technology, organized by Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran.
  • 26th February, 2022 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk on in vitro disease model, organized by AIIMS, New Delhi.

  • 25th February, 2022 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk on 3D Bioprinting, organized by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal.

  • 15-19 November, 2021 : Prof Ghosh delivered two talks at TERMIS World meeting, and Juhi presented a poster.
  • 15 October, 2021 : Prof Ghosh co-edited a special issue in Journal of Materials Research, along with Prof Amit Bandyopadhyay, Prof Susmita Bose (Wasington State University, USA), Prof Aldo Boccaccini (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany).
  • 23rd July, 2021 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk on the 3D Bioprinting start up, organized by Amity University, Mumbai.

  • 27th March, 2021 : Prof Ghosh delivered a webinar on Tissue engineered in vitro disease models, organized by Atal Incubation Centre- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).
  • Link of the Lecture

  • 19th February, 2021 : On the eve of National Science day, Prof Ghosh delivered a webinar, organized by Department of Life Science and Biochemistry, St xaviers College, Mumbai.

  • 10th February, 2021 : Prof Ghosh delivered a webinar at Biotech Innovation Ignition School, organized by SRISTI In collaboration with BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India).
  • 8th February, 2021 : Happy faces during progress review meeting in the context of ongoing India-Switzerland collaboration project.

  • 1st February, 2021 : Covid pandemic cannot put our enthusiasm down. PhD student Juhi has gone to Maastricht University, The Netherlands for 6 months, to expedite a collaboration project with Prof Lorenzo Moroni's lab.

  • 8th October, 2020 : Prof Ghosh delivered a talk on facemasks at the webinar arranged by The Institution of Engineers (India).
  • Link of the video

  • 3rd October, 2020 : Prof Ghosh was Chief Guest in inaugural program and delivered opening lecture at 3D printing fortissue engineering workshop, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab.
  • 28th February, 2020 : Prof Ghosh delivered an invited talk at Delhi University South Campus on the eve of National Science Day.

  • 24th January, 2020 : NextrendAsia and Swissnex interviewed Dr Ghosh about the current status and future of Tissue engineering in India.
  • 19 November to 19 December, 2019 : Diego Trucco, a PhD student from University of Bologna visited our lab in the context of India-Italy collaboration project.

  • 29th November, 2019 : Dr Ghosh delivered a keynote talk at BioTERM 2019 conference at IIT Kanpur, titled: How to take Indian Tissue engineering research to new heights.

  • 28th November-1st December, 2019 : Aarushi and Shikha presented poster and delivered talk at BioTERM 2019 conference at IIT Kanpur.

  • 26th November-5th December, 2019 : Juhi has attended a training on Induced Pluripotent Stem cells at The Centre for iPS Cell Research and Appliction, Kyoto University, where she was delighted to meet Nobel prize winner Prof Yamanaka.

  • 3rd October, 2019 : Dr Ghosh has delivered an invited talk at the conference, Regenerative Surgery- the next frontiers, organized by International Society of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation, at Kochi, Kerala.
  • 1st August, 2019 : Dr Ghosh has received IOP Publishing Top Cited Author Award (India).

  • 28th July, 2018 : Juhi received Springer Best Oral presentation Award at BioMet2018, at Vellore Institute of Technology.

  • 24-27th May, 2018 : Dr Ghosh attended India-Germany Frontiers of Engineering symposium at Potsdam, Germany (arranged by DST and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation).

  • 5th May, 2018 : British journal ATLA (Alternatives to Laboratory Animals) highlighted our research on in vitro cornea scar tissue model, in Special News and Views section.
  • 19th March, 2018 : Shikha and aarushi received Gandhian Young Technological Innovation appreciation award, at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

  • 30 January, 2018 : Nature India highlighted our work on tissue engineered in vitro scarred skin tissue model.

  • 25-27 October 2017: Dr Ghosh has delivered invited talk on 3D Bioprinting, at 6th Asian Biomaterials Congress, at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

  • 23-24 September 2017: Dr Ghosh has delivered invited talk on Cartila ge Tissue engineering, at First National congress on Osteoarthritis, at Lucknow.

  • 14 August 2017: Dr Ghosh has delivered invited talk on 'Biofabrication and 3D bioprinting' at BSBE Department, IIT Kanpur.
  • 24 July, 2017 : Dr Harsh Vardhan, Honorable Minister of Science and Technology, Govt of India, tweeted about our 3D Bioprinting research.

  • 14 June 2017: Dr Ghosh has delivered invited talk on 3D bioprinting at the workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques and Stem cells in Human health and diseases, at Amity University.
  • 27 May, 2017 : Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Director General of ICMR tweeted about our 3D Bioprinting research.

  • 29 April, 2017 : Shikha and Dr Ghosh received Rhoto First prize, 200,000 Japanese Yen and trip to Japan to develop business network in Business Innovation Contest, arranged by TechPlanter, Japan .

  • 6-10 March, 2017 : Dr Swati Midha has participated at 9th Young Investigators' meeting (YIM), Goa.

  • 4 March, 2017 : Dr Ghosh received Innovator in Tissue Engineering services of the year award, in 3D Printing World Awards, from Trinity Media and Marketing Solutions, Mumbai, at The Lalit Hotel, in Mumbai.

  • 22 November, 2016 : We have received Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) from BIRAC, to form start-up of our lab. This funding is to support scientist entrepreneurs to translate their reserach into real products. Title of the project is : 3D bioprinting for patient-specific constructs and in vitro disease models.
  • 10 August, 2016 : It was great pleasure and honor to deliver a talk at Techno-Foresight public outreach program, organized by CSIR-NISTADS. General theme of this lecture series is Life Span of Future; Science an Socio-economics.

  • 23-25 June, 2016 : It was wonderful experience to attend National Frontiers of Engineering meeting at IIT Kanpur, arranged by Indian National Academy of Engineering.

  • 5 May, 2016 : Our research photograph has been featured in Biomaterials 2015 Top Images poster. Every year Biomaterials selects most artful images for limited edition poster.

  • 24 April, 2016 : Swati and Sumit received Rohto 1st and 2nd prize respectively (from Dr Lekh Juneja, Rohto Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Japan), during Techplanter India contest arranged by 'Leave a Nest', Japan.

  • 17 April, 2016 : Swati received Best Young Scientist Oral Presentation award at BiTERM 2016 conference.

  • 30 March, 2016 : Under the aegis of Department of Biotechnology (DBT) a brainstorming meeting was organized on 3D Bioprinting. Esteemed international researchers from USA, Switzerland, Germany as well as all bioengineers working in the field of Biofabrication and 3D bioprinting in India, clinicians and selected industry participated in this meeting.

  • 13 March, 2016 : Sanskrita has received Gandhian Young Technological Innovation award, at Rashtrapati Bhavan. In addition, we received Rs 15 lakhs award from BIRAC and SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions).

  • 27 February-2 March 2016: Priyanka attended Biophysical Society meeting at Los Angeles, California.

  • 4 March 2016: IIT has awarded Distinction in Doctoral Research in 2013 to Dr Maumita Bhattacharjee. Congratulations Maumita !
  • 27 February 2016: Dr Ghosh has delivered invited talk on 3D bioprinting at conference of Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences (IABS-2016).
  • 14-15 December 2015: It was wonderful experience to attend Annual BSBE winter workshop on Musculoskeletal disorders at IIT Kanpur.

  • 8-11 September 2015: Our group had a strong presence at TERMIS World conference at Boston. As usual, Prof Kaplan organized a nice get together dinner for all his ex-lab members. It was fantastic to meet my old friends, students, colleagues and collaborators.

  • 7 August, 2015 : Sumit and Shibu received Rs 1 Lakh cash award for winning 3M India Young Innovators Challenge Award 2015. Out of 170 projects, 3M and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) selected 3 projects, based on productivity, sustainability and disruptive innovation.

  • 3 July, 2015 : Dr Swati Midha has received her independent funded project (Fast Track project grant from Science and Engineering Research Board, DST). Title of the project is: Simultaneous 3D analysis of osseo-integration and vascular potency in Direct-write scaffolds in vivo. Congratulations Swati !
  • 14 May, 2015 : Dr Ghosh delivered National Technology day lecture at Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali.

  • 18 April, 2015 : Sanskrita received 'Best oral presentation' award for her talk on 3D Bioprinting in Research Scholar Day of IIT Delhi. Congratulations Sanskrita !

  • 5-7 February, 2015 : Shikha and Sanskrita attended conference on Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Drug delivery systems and Regenerative Medicine (BiTERM-2015) at Anna University, Chennai and delivered talks.

  • 22 December, 2014 : Dr. Ghosh delivered a talk on Silk-based biomaterials for Tissue engineering, at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Delhi Technological University under the aegis of TEQIP.
  • 16-17 December, 2014 : Dr. Ghosh delivered a talk on 3D bioprinting at 13th Eurasia conference on chemical sciences, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

  • 4-6 December, 2014 : Priyanka delivered a talk on conformational transition during self assembly of silk fibroin protein at Frontiers of Chemical Sciences meeting (FICS2014) at IIT Guahati.

  • 25 November, 2014 : Nature India highlighted our work on bioprinting of stem cells using silk-gelatin ink, and multi-lineage differentiation to develop large sized construct.

  • November 2014: Research Project grant received from Department of Biotechnology (India-USA Vision research) (DBT)
    Grant Title: Sculpturing corneal constructs using micropatterned surface and decellularised cornea
    Duration: 1/11/2014 - 31/10/2017

  • October 2014: Research Project grant received from a leading Biotechnology Industry
    Grant Title: Tissue engineered skin model for evaluating cosmetics and drug screening
    Duration: 15/10/2014 - 14/10/2016

  • 8-12 October, 2014 : International Silk conference, organized by Fudan University (Shanghai) and Soochow University (Suzhou), was a major success and amazingly unique. This meeting offered a platform to meet the celebrity researchers, stalwarts of global silk community, interact with the scientists involved in interdisciplinary research on spider silk and silkworm silk proteins. Thanks to the organizers for wonderful hospitality !!

  • 27 September, 2014 : Sanskrita Das won Best Oral presentation award in SYIS (Student and Young Investigator) section at TERMIS -Asia pacific meeting at Daegu, Korea. Congratulations Sanskrita !

  • 23 September, 2014 : Dr. Ghosh delivered an invited talk at IIT Kanpur. Title of the talk was "Engineered graft manufacturing strategies- to study development, degeneration and regeneration of cartilage".
  • 18-21 May, 2014 : Dr. Ghosh attended 5th Indian-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, organized by U.S.A. National Academy of Engineering and Indo-US Science and Technology Forum. The interesting meeting was held at amazingly beautiful Infosys centre at Mysore- world's biggest corporate training centre.

  • May, 2014 : Lab outing to celebrate several occasions.

  • 3-5 March, 2014 : Delivered invited lecture at International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2014) at Chandigarh.

  • March, 2014 : PhD student Sumit returned to lab after gaining 6 months of research experience at Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB), Galway, Ireland.

  • 21 February, 2014 : Esteemed visitor: We are honored by the visit of Dr Mingde Xia, Senior Director of Johnson and Johnson.

  • 17-19 February, 2014 : Dr. Ghosh delivered invited lectures on Tissue Engineered in vitro disease model and Bioprinting at BioAsia 2014 meeting at Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad.
  • January, 2014 : PhD student Sanskrita returned to lab after gaining 6 months research experience at Prof. Dong-Woo Cho's lab at Pohang University, South Korea. She worked on bioprinting of nasal turbinate derived mesenchymal stem cells using silk-gelatin bioink.

  • 16-17 December, 2013 : Dr. Ghosh delivered invited lecture at DST-JSPS meeting at Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore. There were enthralling talks delivered by eminent scientists from Japan and India.
  • 15 December, 2013 : Team from our lab received First prize in Challenge for Zero contest, organized by DuPont and Times Now. The contestants' innovations were judged upon the product's tangibility, functionality, ability to harness the power of science, potential impact on society and ability to achieve the Power of Zero. The grand award is Rs 10 Lakhs and fully paid visit to the global DuPont Headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, USA. Congratulations Maumita and Sannidhi !!

  • 10 December, 2013 : Esteemed visitors: We are honored by the visit of Prof Lee Ann Laurent-Applegate, Prof Dr Wassim Raffoul and Ms Murielle Michetti, from University of Lausanne, Switzerland. They visited our lab in the context of facinating exhibition on skin regeneration. Thanks to Embassy of Switzerland for coordinating their visit.

  • 21 November, 2013 : Shibu Chameettachal contributed in the first complete transcriptome study on host response after Chikungunya virus infection, which was published in PLoS One. Congratulations !!
  • 14-15 November, 2013 : Dr. Ghosh delivered invited lecture at AOCMF (Craniomaxillofacial) meeting at Narayana Hrudayala, Bangalore, organized by AO Foundation (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen, German for 'Association for the study of Internal Fixation').

  • 9 November, 2013 : Maumita has received PhD degree at the convocation from the Director of IITD Prof Shevgaonkar. She has also received Dogra Educational Endowment Medal 2012-2013 for the best scientific publication, from Dr Vijay P. Bhatkar (Chairman, Board of Governers, IIT Delhi). Congratulations Maumita !!!

  • 28 October 2013: Our group has just returned from TERMIS-Asia Pacific meeting at Shanghai and Wuzhen. Maumita and Sharda delivered excellent oral presentations. Beautiful ancient waterside town Wuzhen is mesmerizing. As usual, Prof Kaplan organized a nice get together for all his ex-lab members.

  • 20 October 2013: Congratulations to Maumita for receiving prestigious Dogra Medal for highest impact factor publication in the field of Biomedical Engineering.
  • 16 August 2013: Congratulations to Maumita for successfully defending her PhD dissertation.

  • June 2013: Research Project grant received from Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
    Grant Title: Characterization of macromolecular structure of decellularized cornea for tissue engineering
    Duration: 1/7/2013 - 1/7/2016

  • 27 May, 2013 : Delivered invited lecture at Brainstorming meeting on Silk protein and its biomedical applications, held at Central Silk Board, Bangalore, organized by DBT and Central Silk Board
  • 26 April, 2013 : Delivered invited lecture at National Conference on Biotechnology and Biomed Engineering, organized by IEEE EMBS, held at Delhi Technological University
  • 28 March, 2013 : Esteemed visitor: We are honored by the visit of Prof Abhay Pandit, Director of NFB, Ireland. Prof Pandit visited our lab in the context of ongoing India-Ireland collaboration project.

  • 25 March, 2013 : Maumita has received Gandhian Young Technological Innovation award (Technological-edge award) at IIM, Ahmedabad. Receiving such esteemed award from Prof RA Mashelkar, in presence of Mrs Elaben Bhatt and Prof Anil Gupta makes it even more special. Congratulations Maumita !!

  • 11 March, 2013 : It was my pleasure and honor to deliver inaugural, keynote lecture at the workshop "In vitro characterization of Hematopoietic stem cells by colony forming unit assay", organized by Stem Cell Facility, DBT-Centre of Excellence for Stem Cell research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

  • 28 February-2 March, 2013 : Geetanjali received 3rd best paper award during 2nd World Congress on Ga-68 (Generators and Novel Radiopharmaceuticals), Molecular Imaging, Targeted Radionuclide Therapy and Dosimetry: on the way to personalized medicine, held at Chandigarh, India. Her lecture topic was : Nano-carriers: A better alternative to amino acid co-infusion in PRRNT for renal protection. Congratulations Geetanjali !!
  • 26-28 February, 2013 : Attended a fascinating meeting and demonstration of confocal microscopes for visualizing live cells at 3D context or in vivo, at high temporal resolution, at Carl Zeiss, Singapore

  • 27 December, 2012 : Sanskrita has been selected for Indo-Korean Research Internship Program. She will be working at Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Laboratory, POSTECH, Korea. Out of 82 submitted proposals only 10 have been selected based on scientific merit and national priority. Congratulations Sanskrita !
  • 13-14 December, 2012 : Attended a fascinating symposium at NCBS, organized by L'Oreal and inStem: Epithelia and the Immune System: the biology of pigmentation, aging and stem cells
  • 11 December, 2012 : Dr Sourabh Ghosh has received MAHE award during Conference of Society of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  • 9-11 December, 2012 : Sumit has received First prize and Sharda has received Third prize for Poster presentation at International Conference on Design of Biomaterials, held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Congratulations Sumit and Sharda !!

      First Prize: Chitosan reinforced Silk microcomposite scaffold supports matrix accumulation for cartilage tissue engineering, Sumit Murab, Shibu Chameettachal, Sanskrita Das, Alok R Ray, Sourabh Ghosh
      Third Prize: A new method of Cornea decellularization by 3D perfusion and characterization of acellular matrix by spectroscopic tools, Sharda Nara, Shibu Chameettachal, Sourabh Ghosh

    • 3 October, 2012 : Federal Councillor Dr Alain Berset (Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland) and Dr Linus von Castelmur (Swiss Ambassador to India) visited our lab in the context of Indo-Swiss Joint Research Project

    • 25 September, 2012 : Nature India highlighted our work on tissue engineering of Intervertebral disc

    • 5-8 September, 2012 : Fascinating talks by the plenary speakers at the TERMIS World conference, Vienna, Austria. Prof. David Kaplan organized a grand dinner for his present and former lab members. I delivered a talk on 'Sculpturing the complex lamellar architecture of annulus fibrosus tissue using chemically modified silk scaffold'. Even before I could finish my talk Dr Ali Khademhosseini uploaded my photo at Facebook !! Debate by the Editors of leading journals was major highlight of the conference. It was so nice to meet many old friends after long time.

    • 30 July 2012 : Geetanjali Arora has defended her dissertation. Congratulations Geetanjali for being the first Ph.D. recipient (from the extended group) !!

    • April-July, 2012 : Maumita spent 3 months at Prof Giulio Spagnoli's lab at Basel to study immune response to silk matrix.

    • July 2012 : Radhika Vaid will receive "Prof Pushpa Bajaj Gold Medal" from IIT for the session 2011-2012, for being the best M.Tech student. Congratulations Radhika !!

    • 1 June, 2012 : Esteemed visitor: We are honored by the visit of Prof Marie-Louise Klotz, President of Rhine-waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany

    • March 2012: Indo-Ireland Collaboration Research Project grant received from Department of Science & Technology (DST)
      Grant Title: Biofunctional injectable hollow nano-spheres for controlling angiogenesis for regeneration of the degenerated intervertebral disc
      Duration: 25/3/2012 - 26/3/2014

    • 21 February, 2012 : Esteemed visitor: We were delighted to host Prof Ivan Martin, Head of Tissue engineering group, University of Basel, Switzerland.

    • 20 January, 2012 : Esteemed visitor: Prof Giyoong Tae, Gwangju Institute of Technology, Korea visited our lab

    • 16 Dec, 2011 : Esteemed visitor: Prof Jas Pal Badyal from University of Durham, UK visited our lab.
    • 13 December, 2011 : Researchers eye the 'silk route' to treat slipped discs: Our work on Tissue engineering of Intervertebral Disc has been highlighted in The Financial Express

    • 12 October, 2011 : Biocompatible implants for slipped disc: Our activities in engineering of various tissues has been highlighted in The Hindustan Times

    • 1st-3rd September, 2011 : Workshop on '3D Cell culture & Tissue engineering': Thanks to all the participants for their interest and great enthusiasm. Out of more than 60 applications we had to select only 14 candidates for this hands-on-training program.

    • May, 2011 : We are happy to get the opportunity to collaborate with distinguised researcher Prof Abhay Pandit's group from NUI Galway. This project will be funded by DST.

    • 18-20 April, 2011 : I attended 4th Indian-American Kavli Frontiers of Sciences Symposium, organized by U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Indo-US Science and Technology Forum. The meeting was held at beautiful city Irvine, california.

    • March, 2011 : Esteemed visitor: We are pleased to get the opportunity to host Prof David Kaplan, Tufts University, Boston. David has always been a great source of inspiration for my research activities with Silk proteins for Tissue engineering.

    • February, 2011 : Esteemed visitor: We are delighted to have Prof Rui Reis, Director of 3B's Research Group (Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics), University of Minho, Portugal.

    • September, 2010 : Our grant application on "Cellular assembly of human cornea" has been selected for funding by IIT Delhi, as High Impact Research Leadership project. Dr PK Roy Choudhury (DBEB), Dr James Gomes & Dr Biswajit Kundu (School of Biol Sci), Dr Sujata Mohanty & Dr Radhika Tandon (AIIMS) and our group will conduct the project.

    • September, 2010 : Workshop on '3D Cell culture & Tissue engineering' was a very nice experience for us. Selected 16 participants were Senior Faculty members, Scientists from Biotech Industries, Clinicians, Postdocs and PhD students. Thanks to the participants for their great enthusiasm.



      • CEP Workshop on 3D Cell Culture & Tissue Engineering
        IIT Delhi
        September 25-27, 2010

      • Brochure
      • April, 2010 : Project grant received from Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
        Grant Title: "Tissue engineering of Annulus Fibrosus".
        April, 2010- April 2012
      • April, 2010 : Esteemed visitor: We are happy to host Dr James Smay, Oklahoma State University, USA in our group.


      • March, 2010 : Maumita delivered lecture on Intervertebral disc tissue engineering, at International Conference on Biomaterials, Artificial Organs & Tissue Engineering, Cochin, India, on 28th February - 1st March 2010

      • September, 2009 : Comment on potential of Tissue Engineering research in India, in TechTex India Newsletter (magazine of Business Coordination House)
      • September, 2009 : Travel grant awarded from INDO-US Science And Technology Forum to visit Boston, USA regarding the project entitled “Establishment of in vitro disease model system for osteochondral degenerative diseases”.
      • 22 August 2009 : I attended a very interesting brainstorming session at the Intellectual Venture's Bangalore Office.

      • August 2009: Project grant received from Department of Biotechnology & Technology (DBT)
        Grant Title: Novel Silk Fibroin-based Nano-architectured Scaffolds to Engineer Osteochondral Grafts
        11/8/2009 - 10/8/2012
      • April 2009: Indo -Swiss Collaboration Research Project grant received from Department of Science & Technology (DST)
        Grant Title: Scaffold-based Control of Chondrocyte Phenotype
        29/4/2009 - 28/4/2012
      • April 2009: Fast-track grant received from Department of Science & Technology (DST)
        Grant Title: Microfabrication of precise cellular microenvironment via Direct writing technique
        13/4/2009 - 12/4/2012

      • 13th Nov 2008: Sourav Mondal and Reshu Gupta got First prize at International Conference on Technical Textiles & Nonwoven, for their poster on Fibrous scaffold for Tissue engineering of Intervertebral disc

      • October, 2008 : Article on DBT News (News portal of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India)
      • October, 2008 :Esteemed visitor: We are honoured by the visit of Dr. Anish Sen Majumdar, Vice President, Reliance Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., who delivered a fascinating talk on Embryonic Stem Cell based Therapies


      • 15th- 23th Oct, 2008 : QIP Course on “Medical Textiles & Tissue Engineering”
        Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India & IIT Delhi
        Attended by the faculties from various Textile & Biotechnology colleges from all over India

      • May 2008: Sourabh received Kusuma Trust Outstanding Young Faculty Fellowship