Administrative Responsibilities

Position Duration Responsibilities
  • Convenor For IIT Delhi Samsung
2016 onwards Mov for Research Collaboration
  • Head of Bharti school of telecom technology and management
January 2017 to November 2019 Head Of Department
  • IoT Lab
Jan 2017 to March 2020 Incharge Of the Lab
  • Co-ordinator of Ericssion IITD
February 2017 to November 2019 5G center of excellence
  • Co-ordinator of AICET
2017 to 2019 Airtel IIT Delhi center of excellence for telecom.
  • Comm. Group Chairman
2014 Onwards Assigning group responsibilities, monitoring, teaching and lab activities planning and disbursal of group funds etc.
  • NCC-Coordinator
2010 to 2020 Ensuring smooth conduct of all NCC activities such as republic day parade, camps and evaluation of the performance etc.
  • UG-Comm Lab Incharge
2005 to 2017 Ensuring smooth conduct of communication lab for third/fourth year under graduated students.
  • Time Table Incharge
2007 to 2009 Assigning teaching load, invigilation duties etc.