
Name Entry No. Title Award Duration
  • Jobin Wilson , Amit Kumar Meher, Bivin Vinodkumar Bindu, Manoj Sharma, Vishakha Pareek
(2015EEZ8419) NeurIPS 2018 AutoML Challenge (1st Position) 2018
  • Dhananjay Goel and Anmol Gupta
(2012EE50548),(2012EE50543) Timble Paperless Attendance Alumni Award Open House (3rd Position) 2017
  • Jobin Wilson, Ram , Arif
(2015EEZ8419) CODS data Challenge IKDD Cup (Winner) 2017
  • Jobin Wilson, Ram , Arif
2015EEZ8419 CODS data Challenge KDD Cup (8th Position World Wide) 2016

SURA Projects

Name Entry No. Title Duration
  • Nimish Goel, Rajan Goyal
(2015EE10463),(2015EE10465) Depth perception using Auditory system:Seeing the world through ears 2017
  • Priyanshi and Bipasha Mittal
(2014EE30531), (2014EE30544) Developing a quatrnion based approach for analysis of vector acoustic signal 2016
  • Vishakha Chandore, Shivam Asati
(2014EE30545), (2014EE30535) Automatic detection of Diabetic retinopathy using Deep convolution Nural network 2016
  • Shobit Zakhmi, Vaibhav Garg
(2012E50557),(2012EE50563) Seismic signal processing using higher order Statistics 2014

DISA Projects

Name Entry No. Title Duration
  • Anweshan, Medini Sharma, Harit Jaiswal
(2018EE30878),(),(2018EE10462) Smart Parking Control System 2019
  • Ankush Shaw, Rahul, Tarun
(ee3160513) Computer in a Torch 2017
(2014BB50001),(2015TT10955) Design of a Parametric Speaker 2016
  • More than 100 M.Tech Major Project supervised
  • More than 100 B.Tech Final Project supervised