Timble Paperless Attendance App

Timble is an end-to-end system, comprising of a hardware & software mix.

Essentially there is a Timble Device in the form of a Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon that interacts wirelessly with all Android & iOS smartphones/tablets entering the Bluetooth Fence it creates.

By programming a payload unique to each location, we can give eyes to the smartphone by telling it essentially which area’s fence is it in (Note that GPS doesn’t work reliably indoors) and therefore creates reliable micro-fences, which can pinpoint location, indoors & outdoors. For personnel without Android & iOS smartphones, there is an option of a webapp that can be accessed at www.timble.co.in and used for marking attendance from the Laptop/Windows phones.

There is also a tablet app for all personnel without smartphones or with incompatible smartphones (i.e. lower Android version/iOS version than that supported).

The personnel can view their attendance on the phone/web and the supervisor can view, update and aggregate the attendance of his team using a simple and intuitive interface hosted at www.studyindia.com.

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Samsung Digital Academy IOT Innovation Lab

March 08, 2017 – Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and India’s biggest consumer electronics firm Samsung India have launched an Internet of Things (IoT) lab at the institute’s campus to provide a boost to the technology ecosystem, spruce up academia-industry collaboration and bolster the Digital India initiative.

The Samsung IoT Innovation Lab will endeavour to build a smarter communication landscape for end users. The current focus of the lab is on three major activities including research at IIT Delhi, collaborative research with Samsung and lab exercises for IoT course/training offered by Samsung. The scope of work will be widened in the future and as activity grows at the lab, the size of the lab will be increased to cater to about 30 researchers.

An MOU was signed with between IIT Delhi and Samsung in August 2016 and the lab has been formally inaugurated this year. Equipment for the lab have been provided by Samsung.

“This lab is an apt representation of the institute’s thrust on cutting edge research with industry collaboration,” said Mr. Ramgopal Rao, Director of IIT Delhi.

The IoT lab will carry out research on areas such as sensor data processing, network architecture and embedded intelligence. At present, 15 scholars including 5 doctoral students are working in the new state-of-the-art lab in IIT Delhi, designed for creating transformational ‘device-to-device’ communication.

Next Generation Wireless Communication Lab

This lab is shared With Prof. Manav Bhatnagar. Reserach in this lab focuses on performance analysis of wireless communication system which is helpful in practical link design.

Specifically, The work is cognative radio, the smart grid technologies, visible light communication(VLC), free space optical(FSO) communication over large multi-input-multi-output(MIMO)system.

These technologies play an important role in enabling 5G communication. Another Area is , providing routine solution and designing protocols for best path selection to enable wireless data transfer with high coding and diversity gain.

In 5G wireless networks, energy saving is a important area of research, for increasing life time of the devices and network. The activities are aimed at addressing various security issues arising due to a presence of energy harvesting nodes in the network.

For In Door communication in future 5G networks, VLC and FSO technologies provide enhanced data rates, High energy efficiency at lower costs. Work On optimizing power annotation in FSO for different channel models via exploiting channel state information is also done in this labeled

Underwater acoustics channels are generally recognized as one of the most difficult communication media in use today. Random fluctuation, large delay and Doppler spread, small bandwidth of the acoustic signal and frequency depend absorption make this channel extremely complex.

The advent of vector sensor recently has provided an opportunity to correct this bleak scenario to some extent. In our research, we emphasize on performance analysis of underwater acoustic communication system such as capacity, BER, outage probability and system design by using vector sensors. In this lab, we are also developing a scheme for identification of the channel coding type and estimation of channel coding parameters of an intercepted demodulated satellite in collaboration with DRDO

5G Center Of Excellence and Innovation Lab

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) have signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly roll out a ‘5G for India’ program

Ericsson have launched a Center of Excellence with a 5G test bed and incubation center at IIT Delhi and use this facility to drive the development of the country’s 5G ecosystem. This program has been conceptualized to fast-track realization of Digital India initiatives and aid application development for Indian start-ups and industries.

IIT Delhi will conduct research and development to explore how some of the country’s challenges can be addressed with mobile technologies.

The first series of tests under this program are due to begin in the second half of 2017 and will place India on par with other developed countries in terms of 5G network and application deployment. Globally, limited deployment and 5G trials are expected to start by mid-2018 while commercial availability is slated for 2020.

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