
Change.Makers summer bootcamp 2022

I was the coordinator of the Change.Makers summer bootcamp organized by the Academic Outreach Committee and Makerspace of IIT Delhi. We hosted 25 bright high schoolers at IIT Delhi who received valuable guidance from IIT Delhi faculty and student mentors and used state-of-the-art facilities available at the Makerspace (a DIY Central Research Facility at IIT Delhi) to convert their impactful ideas to reality. The press release for the bootcamp has more details.


Electric bike conversion kit

I worked on open source documentation for the design and fabrication of a low cost, electric bike conversion kit as a part of Fab Academy project. Further details on the project proposal and theproject development.


Design and fabrication of xy plotter

I worked on mechanical design and machine automation of an xy plotter as a part of Fab Academy machine design project.

The long term aim could be to keep the same motion control system and keep changing the end effector from a 3D printer head to a CNC router to a laser cutter and so on.