
Congratulation to Mr. Shivam Singh for Wiley Best Oral Presentation Award at the International Conference on Sustainable Nanomaterials Integration & Organization for "Energy and Environment (iSNIOE2)" on March 20th to 23rd, 2024 at Shiv Nadar University, DelhiNCR, India for the topic "Photocatalytic Degradation of Nanoplastics".

Congratulation to Mr. Siddharth Rana for Outstanding paper in journal Award by R&D office: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU, Taiwan) (2023).

Best Poster presentation Award: Congratulation to Mr. Siddharth Rana for International Symposium on Precision Engineering 2023 titled “E-Mode Phototransistor with enhanced UV-Visible rejection ratio-based Zinc Gallium Oxide grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.

Best Oral Presentation: Congratulations! Mr. Jamal Ahmad Khan for receiving the prestigious Graduate Student Award in the 2022 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit held in Warsaw University of Technology, from September 19 to 21 (exhibition) and September 19 to 22 (technical sessions).

Best Oral Presentation: Congratulations! Ms. Sarjana Yadav for getting best oral presentation in 4th departmental symposium on Advaces in Physics 2020.

Congratulations! Dr. Leeladhar for receiving the prestigious MS Sodha award for year 2020.

Best Poster Award: Congratulations! Parul Raturi for best poster award for her poster “ZnO Nano wire based superhydrophilic adsorbent for lead removal from water” at SNAIA 209, Paris, France.

Prof. J. P. Singh has become the Associate Editor of Advanced Materials Letters.

Congratulation! Mani khurana for getting Scientist position at BARC, Mumbai.

Congratulations! Dr. Bijit Choudhari for getting Assistant Professor position at NIT, Silchar.

Prof. J. P. Singh is appointed as Research Advisor at Nan Yang Academy of Sciences, Singapore.

Prof. J. P. Singh recieved Fellow Medal at International Association of Advance Material (IAAM) in 2018.

Video Presentation in MRS Fall Meeting: Congratulations to Ms. Parul Raturi for Video presentation award at MRS Fall Meeting 2018, Boston, USA.

Congratulations! Dr. chandarshekhar Sharan for getting Scientist Position at Dr. Reddy's Lab, India.

Dr. Chandrani Nath received the prestigious DST INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship from Government of India. Congratulations and good luck!

Congratulations! Shanshank Gahlaut for getting "IITDAA - Research and Innovation Award" at Open House 2018 at IIT Delhi.

Best Poster Award: Congratulations Shanshank Gahlaut for best poster award at International Conference on Sculptured Thin Films (GLAD 2018) , IIT Delhi.

Congratulations! Dr. Chandrashekhar Pathak for getting Post-Doctoral fellowship in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

Best Oral Presentation Award: Congratulations Parul Raturi for best oral presentation award at ISFM -2018 (International symposium on functional material), Chandigarh, India (13-15 March 2018).

Congratulations! Dr. Samir Kumar for getting Post-Doctoral fellowship in Kyoto University, Japan.

Award in MRS Fall Meeting: Congratulations Shashank Gahlaut for 1st prize in Science as art competition at MRS Fall Meeting 2017 Boston USA.

Dr. Pratibha received the prestigious SERB Overseas Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Congratulations and good luck!

Dr. Kavita Yadav received the prestigious DST INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship from Government of India. Congratulations and good luck!

Dr. Pratibha received the prestigious SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Indian Researchers in USA. Congratulations and good luck!

Congratulations! Dr. Kavita Yadav for "S. S. J. Lodha Award".

Best Poster Award: Congratulations Parul Raturi for best poster award for her poster “Smart Surface Mesh with Reversible Wettability for wastewater treatment” at Nano India-2017, IIT Delhi.

Best Poster Award: Congratulations Parul Raturi for best poster award for her poster “ZnO Nanowires Coated Smart Surface Mesh with Reversible  Wettability  for Efficient on Demand Oil/Water Separation” at  1st Departmental Symposium on Advances in Physics - 2017, IIT Delhi.

Congratulations! Dr. Pratibha Goel, PhD 2015 for "Amit Garg Memorial Research Award" for session 2015-16. The Amit Garg Memorial Research Award is given to a PhD student graduating in a particular year with the high impact publication in a quality journal.

Congratulations! Dr. Dhruv P Singh for receiving distinction in Doctoral Research Award (2013), IIT Delhi for his PhD thesis titled “Sculptured silver thin films by glancing angle deposition: synthesis, wetting behavior and surface enhanced fluorescence study” on Research Scholars Day-2015, IIT Delhi.

Best Poster Award: Congratulations C.S. Pathak for best poster award for his postyer “Optimization and Electrical Characterization of Graphene oxide and PEDOT:PSS Films” at National Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Devices (NCSMD-2016), Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 4-6 March 2016.

Best Poster Award: Congratulations Kavita Yadav for best poster award for her poster “Preparation of transparent superhydrophobic surfaces by ZnO nanowires coating and study of their photoinduced reversible wetting properties” at  EMRS-2015 spring meeting and exhibit, Lille, France (May 2015).

Special Jury Mention Award: Congratulations Kavita Yadavfor her poster“Controlled reversible wettability switching of ZnO nanowires from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic states” at Open House-2015, IIT Delhi.

Selected for Lightning Poster session: Congratulations Samir Kumar for selection of poster for Lightning Poster session “Detection of P. Aeruginosa bacteria by buckled silver nanorods arrays as an active SERS cage”, at Nanoplasmonics-Faraday Discussion 178, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK (February 16-18, 2015).

Best Poster Award: Congratulations Pratibha Goel for best poster award for her poster “Silver nanorods arrays on optical discs templated PDMS surface: A flexible, easy & cheap SERS substrate”, at International Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-2014 (ICRANN), JNU, Delhi, India (December 15-16, 2014).

Applied Surface Science Division (ASSD) Student Award: Congratulations Pratibha Goel for Applied Surface Science Division (ASSD) Student Award at AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (November 09-14, 2014).

Best Poster Award: Congratulations Pratibha Goel  for best poster award for her poster “Mechanically switchable wetting from optical discs patterned topological polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) film” at International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM), MNIT, Jaipur, India (October 06-10, 2014).