
It is perhaps a truism that water is life. But, we need a focused consolidated programme on the theme of water that locates behavioral science and decision research at the core. This can work towards sustainable goals for both people and the environment, that is rooted in how we think and behave. And hence, we are doing our bit. 


Use behavioral science around the theme of Water, Environment, and different lives on earth.
We would continue to advance fundamental understanding and facilitate informed viewpoints.
The findings are of global significance and at times of local relevance in India.



Advancing fundamental understanding about how we think, judge, and decide.


Relevant learnings that pave a deeper understanding and tailored towards social good.


Interactions with people who are stakeholders or thinkers or practitioners.

Judgments and decisions about  Water

Basic understanding based in psychology and behavioral economics that has global significance 

Sustainable behavior & consumer decisions

Using behavioral science  to tailor sustainable behavior and decisision research on consumer preferences or choices.

Environment and Life on Earth

Finding ways in which behavioral inputs link back to the environment, ecology, and life on earth, along with engaging with  environmental policies.

Water Goals

Working together with aims to reach water goals that foreground access and cope with challenges or water scarcity.

Join in

Call for students to join in as short-term associates

Work Together

Looking to connect with organizations and academic groups


"Thousands of years ago, we revered the fundamental elements of Earth. Now, it is time to locate these back centrally as we aim to address global and national dialogues on environment while striding on sustainable development goals in India and globally. Let us find insights and evidence as we go ahead with the old sense of 'Water is Life'. This can be aided by advancing knowledge about how we think, judge, and decide about these aspects along with finding local solutions that push forth sustainable behavior. Let us be committed to the national initiatives and global developments to work together for the better."

Sumitava Mukherjee, Ph.D.

Lead investigator
Behavioral scientist and decision researcher


Dr. Sumitava Mukherjee


011 2659 7431


sm1[AT]hss.iitd.ac.in OR sumitava.inbox[AT]gmail.com

Call for students
  • Looking for students as short-term intern associates all through the year. Join in
Working Together
  • We are eager to work with academic groups and other organizations who are interested. Please connect.
#Indian #Bharat #Desi #World

Along with advancing foundational understanding, we care about topics relevant in India and other developing countries of the world being passionate about initiatives towards water goals.


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