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Water and SDGs


A fundamental of life that is a much needed goal is intrinsically related to multiple other sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Adopting behavioral and psychological insights on water is paramount as we tackle the challenges today and prepare for our futures.

At the WaterThoughts research group, we intend to use findings from decision research and psychological science to gather empirical evidence about how we think and act towards water, and how water impacts our thinking and actions. We are also looking to deepen behavioral and consumer insights on water, along with additional insights that are pertinent today or perhaps, tomorrow. Additionally, we are eager to collaboratively work with others on key aspects including water scarcity or water resources towards sustainable goals that matter to life on earth. We look forward to conversations with various stakeholders and public or private organizations or Non-Profit Organizations who are connected to the theme of water. We would continue to advance fundamental understanding and facilitate informed viewpoints. The findings are of global significance and at times of local relevance in India.

This research group was initiated and conceptualized by Sumitava Mukherjee on the Earth Day, 2024. 

Thousands of years ago, we revered the fundamental elements of Earth within which water was a key one. Now, it is time to locate it back centrally. Let us find insights and evidence as we go ahead with the old sense of 'Water is Life'. This can be aided by advancing knowledge about how we think, judge, and decide along with finding local solutions that push forth sustainable behavior. Let us be committed to the national initiatives and global developments to work together for the better.

Sumitava Mukherjee
Behavioral scientist and decision researcher


Assistant Professor
Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technoogy Delhi (IIT Delhi).


Collaborators and Advisors


David I. Levine is a professor of business administration at Haas School of Business at University of California, Berkeley and serves as chair of the Economic Analysis & Policy Group. His research has examined both how to increase demand for health-promoting goods such as safer cookstoves and water filters, and how to change health-related behaviors such as handwashing with soap.

David I. Levine
Professor, University of California Berkeley

Our focus is on using Behavioural Science Insights and Decision Research on water-related aspects that connects locally in India/Bharat and also globally.

