Psychological Perspectives and Insights on Water

Psychological Perspectives

Judgments and Decisions

Behavioral Insights

Scarcity &  Sustainability


Water is fundamental to life on earth and is intricately related to multiple sustainable development goals. Understanding behavioral dimensions of water is crucial as we navigate our societal and environmental challenges.

At the Water Thoughts research group, we intend to use the psychology of judgment and decision making in concert with behavioral economics to gather empirical evidence about how we think and act towards water, and how water impacts our thinking and actions. We are also looking to deepen behavioral and consumer insights on water. Additionally, we  are eager to collaboratively work with others to use behavioral dimensions to deal with water scarcity or water resources towards sustainable goals that matter life on earth. 

This research was initiated and conceptualized by Dr. Sumitava Mukherjee, faculty member at the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi on the Earth Day, 2024. We are interested in conversations with various stakeholders and organizations who are connected to the theme of water.

Call for students
  • Looking for students as short-term intern associates all through the year. Join in
Working Together
  • We are eager to work with academic groups and other organizations who are interested. Please connect.
#Indian #Bharat #Desi #World

Along with advancing foundational understanding, we care about topics relevant in India and other developing countries of the world being passionate about initiatives towards water goals.

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