Presentations and Posters

2020 Dec. Mukherjee, P.C.*, Mukherjee, S. “The Scientific Contagion Effect: Judgments about acceptability of water for religious use reduces after scientific treatment“. Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. [Poster].

Mukherjee S. & Chattopadhyay Mukherjee, P.* (2019, December) "Scientific contagion selectively reduces the acceptability of water for religious use". 29th Annual convention of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), Pondicherry, India.

Call for students
  • Looking for students as short-term intern associates all through the year. Join in
Working Together
  • We are eager to work with academic groups and other organizations who are interested. Please connect.
#Indian #Bharat #Desi #World

Along with advancing foundational understanding, we care about topics relevant in India and other developing countries of the world being passionate about initiatives towards water goals.

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