My Continuing Adventures
Compassion and Equity were fundamental principles that I grew up with. It was during my first Master's Degree that the journeys in the Western Ghats exposed me to the immense diversity, beauty and wonder that is the natural world. These journeys gave me the experience of natural abundance and amazing interconnectedness. This took me to study of the Mahatma's life & work where one was touched by the unconditional respect for all living and non-living beings. I began to appreciate how rich it was to practice frugal living. During my doctoral research, I was drawn to the the concepts of just development, green activism and community knowledge. I began questioning the oppressive nature of reductionist thinking and fragmented ways of living. This resulted in deeper learning from amazing scholars who had spent decades in understanding tradition and interconnectedness. The simple yet profound works enabled me to always connect to the creative possibilities in existence and to the opportunities to always experience abundance. It has been and continues to be a joyous journey of learning and self-discovery !
Awards & Honors
- Titan Design Impact Award for Zerodor Waterless Urinals, 2020
- Grand Jury Member, FICCI India Sanitation Coalition Awards, 2017
- Adjunct Faculty, GIOS, Arizona State University, 2017
- Top 25 Innovative Startups by IIT Delhi Alumni Association, 2015
- NextBig100 Company Award for Ekam Eco Solutions from The Hay Group , 2015
- Senior Sustainability Fellow, GIOS, Arizona State University, 2015-2020
- Member, National Task Force Rural Housing, Ministry of Rural Dev, GoI, 2014-19
- Millennium Alliance Award 2014 instituted by FICCI, USAID, Govt of India
- DST Lockheed Martin India Innovates Growth Programme Award 2014
- PEER Science Awardee, National Academy of Sciences & USAID, 2013
- Member, Global Phosphorous Research Network 2012-17 at Arizona State University
- Fulbright Senior Scholar, Arizona State University, USA, 2012
- Teaching Excellence Award, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2011
- Member, Committee on Rural Housing, Ministry of Rural Dev, GoI 2011-15
- Member, Innovation Council, Min of Drinking Water & Sanitation, GoI 2010-15
- Jury Member, Manthan Digital Empowerment Awards, 2008
- KVIC Golden Jubilee Award for Rural Industrialization Innovations, 2007
- Research Associate, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt of India, 1998
- Young Scientist Award, Forum of Scientists for Peace & Development, 1997