Dr V M Chariar
Centre for Rural Development and Technology • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


My courses are learning adventures that are anchored in a spirit of co-learning and dialogue. The pedagogy is learner centred, immersive and experiential. In my teaching, which I love to re-invent as a Co-Learning Adventure, I am inspired by the philosophy of education expounded by the great scholars Aurobindo, Tagore & Krishnamurti. It has been my experience that when there is a creative space provided for the learner to explore, it results in deep learning, new knowledge creation and possibilities of great transformation. IIT Delhi recognised my innovations in teaching with the Teaching Excellence Award in 2011.

Learning Resources

This page summarises a list of video resources and podcast episodes that Prof. Chariar hopes will inspire you, and give you ideas on themes that you can collaborate on.

The Blue Dot Collection: A Podcast Project with Storiyoh

We completely rely on the planet for everything we have. This dependence, the interconnectedness, makes our relationship with the planet very special.

In each episode of the Blue Dot Collection, I will tell you stories of people from India’s cities, towns and villages who are responsibly improving our relationship with this pale blue dot.

Episode 1: Where Our Food Comes From?

Every day, we’re eating things that, directly or indirectly, come from the earth. It all seems so obvious.. or natural that most of us never really think about it or talk about it.

Episode 2: Tribal Knowledge

I have six short stories of Indian tribes and their ingenious ways to proactively conserve the local biodiversity in their villages and surrounding areas.

Episode 3: Ayurveda & Biodiversity

I look at Ayurveda through a very specific lens. The lens that sees the fact that Ayurveda depends DEEPLY on the plants and animals and the biodiversity around us.

Episode 4: Highway & Biodiversity

I explore a very important question - are roads, highways and railway tracks in conflict with the biodiversity that lives in the areas they pass through?

Episode 5: Mumbai's Marine Biodiversity

I take you through Magnificent Mumbai, and see how the city deals with the biodiversity that can be found in its waters.

Short Sessions from the Classrooms

Very often, I get the wonderful opportunity to share moments that I believe can add more value to people who may not be with me in the moment.

This is the space for you to listen these videos and immerse in the learning along with the rest of my students. I hope these sessions bring you joy and help you find inspiration for your own beautiful craft.

In December of 2019, a wonderful group of learners and an excited group of facilitators got together at the IIT Delhi Campus at Sonepat to exchange notes on Entrepreneurship, Design and Innovation.

In the NEN 100 Class 1, I discussed with Group 35, the importance of the letter p in the english alphabet. It stands for so many important words: Planet, People, Partners, Products, Profession, Paisa, Purpose
