Addressing the dual burden of malnutrition: A review of double duty actions and multifaceted approaches, Namrata Tyagi,
Potential utilization of Areca Sheath waste as livestock fodder resources: A Review, K M Prasannakumaran, J K Sahu, V M Chariar , Natural Resources Forum (2023) (Under Review).
Global Trends and Future Research in the Sanitation Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A Bibliometric and Content Analysis, Shivani,
EEG-based Multimodal Affective State Classification using Bio-inspired Feature Selection and Deep Learning, C M Sharma, V M Chariar , Journal of Neuroscience Informatics (2023) (Under Review).
Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches for the Accurate Detection of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress (DAS) Disorders, C M Sharma, Anjolie Jain & V M Chariar , Journal of Affective Disorders(2023) (Under Review)
BIOCENOSIS: a novel framework for sustainability assessment of built environment in the Indian context, P Kumar, V M Chariar, C Kabre , Sādhanā, 48(1), 12, January 2023.
Sustainable Technical Debt-Aware Computing Model for Virtual Machine Migration (TD4VM) in IaaS Cloud, A Vashistha, Chandra Mani Sharma, RP Mahapatra, V M Chariar, N Sharma, J. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, Article ID 6709797, 12 pages, April 2022.
Learning from Habitat Reconstruction Initiatives—New Approach for Reducing Vulnerability of Rural Housing in India, M C Anand, T Sinsupan , S Madurapperuma, V M Chariar , Sustainability, 14(7), pp.4359, 2022.
Recovery of phosphorus from stored urine using continuous flow reactor in decentralised level operations, S. Ramesh Sakthivel, Md Azizur Rahman, V. Ganesh Prabhu, V M Chariar, Blue-Green Systems, Vol 2, Issue 1, p. 237-249, 2020.
Values constructs and Relevance for Product Design,Sutapa Pati,V M Chariar, Lalit Kumar Das, Journal of Technology and Society, [Under Review].
Performance evaluation of a low-cost odour trap installed in waterless urinals,S. Ramesh Sakthivel, Md Azizur Rahman, V. Ganesh Prabhu,V M Chariar, Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2016.
Process Optimization for Sequential Recovery of N, P, K from Human Urine,Md Azizur Rahman, Ramesh Sakthivel,V M Chariar, South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol 5 (6), p. 205-221, 2015.
Optimization of Urea Hydrolysis from Human Urine and Efficacy Comparison of Different Experimental Designs,Md Azizur Rahman and V M Chariar, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol 4, p. 110-124, 2015.
Study of Acceptance of Human Urine by Indian Farmers as a Soil Conditioner and Water Source,Md Azizur Rahman,Vijayaraghavan M. Chariar, International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Vol.33 No. 2 pp 1537-1548, 2015.
Eco-friendly Flame Retardant Treatments for Cellulosic Green Building Materials,Naresh Kr Sharma, C S Verma,Vijayaraghavan M Chariarand Rajendra Prasad, Journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Sage USA, Vol. 24, No. 3, 422-432, 2015.
Impact of fire on Dendrocalamus strictus - a natural green composite building material,Naresh Kr Sharma,Vijayaraghavan M Chariarand Rajendra Prasad, Journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 24, No. 6, 740-745, 2014.
Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Laminae and Their Laminates With Woods and Wood Based Composites,Chandra S Verma,V M Chariar, Transactions of the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series, 2014.
Techno-Economic Assessment of Ecosan Inspired Technologies for Recovery of Nutrients from Human Urine for Ecological Sanitation,Md Azizur Rahman, S Ramesh Sakthivel,V M Chariar, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.3(4) pp 205-220, 2014.
Techno-Economic Assessment of Nutrient Recovery Processes from Human Urine,Md Azizur Rahman, Ramesh Sakthivel,V M Chariar, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol 3 (4) p. 205-220, 2014.
Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Laminae and their Laminates with Woods and Wood based Composites.C S Verma, Naresh Kr Sharma,Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, S Maheshwari, M K Hada. Journal of Composite Part: B, Composites: Part B 60, 523–530, 2014.
Stiffness and strength analysis of four layered laminate bamboo composite at macroscopic scale,C S Verma,V M Chariar, Composites: Part B, 2013;45(1):369-376.PDF
Study of some mechanical properties of bamboo laminae,C S Verma,V M Chariar, International journal of metallurgical & material science and engineering, vol. 2, issue 2, 20-37, June 2012. PDF
Macro mechanical analysis of bamboo lamina,C S Verma,V M Chariar, R Purohit, International journal of chemical and petrochemical technology, vol. 2, issue 2, pp 1-11, June 2012. PDF
Development of layered laminate bamboo composite and their mechanical properties,C S Verma,V M Chariar, Composites Part B: Volume 43, Issue 3, p.1063-1069, 2012. PDF
Tensile Strength Analysis of bamboo and Layered Laminate Bamboo composites,C S Verma,V M Chariar, R Purohit, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-9622 ,Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp.1253-1264, Mar-Apr 2012. PDF
Cleavage analysis of Bamboo : a natural composite, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,C S Verma,V M Chariar, R Purohit, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp.1265-1268, Mar-Apr 2012.PDF
User Centered Design Model (G2C2G) for Rural e-Governance Projects,Charru Malhotra,Vijayaraghavan M. Chariar , Lalit K. Das , International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol 2, Number 4, p. 378-401, 2009. PDF
Tikamgarh ke Talaab,Krishna Gandhi, Sunanda Kirtane,V M Chariar, Jigyasa, IIT Delhi, Vol 19, p. 61 to 65, 2005.
Structural and electrical characterization of sol-gel processed PLZT thin films,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, T.C. Goel & R.G. Mendiratta, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 6, p. 65, 1999.
Characterization of transparent polyimide: PLZT composites prepared by a modified sol-gel method,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel, R.G. Mendiratta, P.K.C. Pillai & K. Dutta, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 185, p. 117, 1996.
Effect of addition of Zn on the electronic conduction properties of semiconducting Se80-x Te20 Znx glasses,R.S. Kundu, K.L. Bhatia, N. Kishore, P. Singh &Vijayaraghavan Chariar, Phil. Mag. B, Vol. 72, 5, p. 513, 1995.
Preparation and characterization of spray pyrolysed BaTiO3 thin films,A.K. Tripathi,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, T.C. Goel & P.K.C. Pillai, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol. 25, p. 34, 1994.
Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of Gadolinium doped PZT,H.D. Sharma, A. K. Tripathi,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, T.C. Goel & P.K.C. Pillai, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol. 25, p. 29, 1994.
A Validated Citizen-Centric Approach using Delphi Technique For Converging Indigenous Knowledge Systems using ICT", Charru Malhotra, V M Chariar, L K Das, International Journal of e-Government Research (IJEGR), Issue 4, 2014. IGI publications, USA; ISSN:1548-3886, EISSN:1548-389
Leveraging circular business models to promote sustainable sanitation: A review of Indian policy and entrepreneurship, Shivani, Prasannakumaran K M, V M Chariar , 4th International Conference on Waste Management 2023, IIT Guwahati, May 2023.
Areca sheath waste : Underutilised entrepreneurial resources, Prasannakumaran K M, J K Sahu & V M Chariar , 4th International Conference on Waste Management 2023, IIT Guwahati, May 2023.Emotion Analysis of News and Social Media Text for Stock Price Prediction using SVM-LSTM-GRU Composite Model, R. Kumar,C M Sharma, V M Chariar et al. , IEEE Int Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions, pp. 329-333, 2022.
Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Fine-tuned Deep Transfer Learning Model, Chandra Mani Sharma, Kapil Tomar, R K Mishra, V M Chariar, First International Conference, ICICIS, pp. 62-67, August 2021, Jiangxi China.
Classification of Forecasting Methods on the basis of Structure,Sugandh Malhotra, L K Das and V M Chariar, The Third International Conference on Design Creativity, Bangalore, India, 12-14 January 2015.
Design Research Methods for Future Mapping,Sugandh Malhotra, L K Das and V M Chariar, Sustainability, Technology and Education Conference (STE 2014), 10-12 December, 2014.
बांस (Dendrocalamus strictus) के थर्मल एवं अग्निरोधी गुणों की जाँच,नरेश कुमार शर्मा,वी एम चारियार, राजेन्द्र प्रसाद, विश्व की प्रगति में विज्ञान तथा प्रौद्योगिकी का योगदान, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सयुक्त राजभाषा वैज्ञानिक / तकनीकी संगोष्ठी, DRDO and IIT Delhi, New Delhi, 5-7 December, 2013.
Plotting against vulnerability - Reflections on the state provision of homestead sites for rural poor in India,Mona Chhabra Anand and V M Chariar, The Human Security : Humanitarian Perspectives and Responses Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-27 October 2013
Standardisation of Design and Maintenance of DEWATS Plants in India,S R Sakthivel, A Seshadri, Md Azizurahaman,V M Chariar. IWA Conference on Decentralised Wastewater Management (DEWATS) in Asia, Nagpur, India, 20-22 November 2012. PDF
Eliciting Citizens’ Participation for Incorporating Contextual Factors in Rural e-Governance Initiative,Malhotra, Charru;Chariar, V M; Das, L K; and Krishnaswamy, Girijia. ACIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 23, 2011.
Cost effective urinals for schools, institutions and public places,S Ramesh Sakthivel, Md Azizur Rahman and V M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
Decision support in available urine harvesting technologies: technical and economical analysis,Md Azizur Rahman, S Ramesh Sakthivel and V M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
Halogen Free treatment procedure for imparting fire retardant to Bamboo,Naresh Kr Sharma, Sanjay Kumar and V M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements for Housing,Sanjay Kumar, Naresh Kr Sharma and V M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
Waterless urinals for sustainable resource and environmental management,V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel, International conference on Water Harvesting, Storage and Conservation, IIT Kanpur, November 23rd – 25th, 2009.
Performance Comparison of Odour Traps used in Waterless Urinals,V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel, National Workshop on Solid and Liquid Waste Management, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, July 31 - August 1, 2009.
In vitro studies on efficacy of ethnoveterinary anthelmintics on Haemonchus contortus larvae,R Gopinath,V M Chariar, S Satya, International Summit on Advancing Veterinary Medical care : Challenges and Strategies, TANUVAS, Chennai, February 19 - 21, 2009. PDF
In vitro effects of aqueous extract of neem leaves (Azadirachta indica) on the larval motility of Haemonchus contortus,R Gopinath,V M Chariar, S Satya, L N Mathuram, S Ramesh, S Gomathinayagam, International Summit on Advancing Veterinary Medical care : Challenges and Strategies, TANUVAS, Chennai, February 19 - 21, 2009. PDF
Leveraging Technologies for Rural Development : A Case Study of Nemmadi Centres in the villages of Karnataka,Charru Malhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, 12th National Conference on e-Governance, Goa, February 12-13, 2009. PDF
A need for validating ethnoveterinary medicines,R Gopinath,V M Chariar, S Satya, National Seminar on Rural India Developmental Alternatives : Sectoral Convergence for Livelihood Security, CIRG, Mathura, January 16 - 19, 2009. PDF
Fabrication and testing of various configurations of Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements for deployment as columns and beams,Sanjay Kumar, S Ramesh Sakthivel,V M Chariarand P Sudhakar, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’6), organised by American Society of Civil Engineers, Cairo, Egypt, June 28-30, 2010.
ICT as a Tool for Social & Economic Empowerment of Rural Communities, Charru Malhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, ICONECS-2007 in panel titled “Livelihood, Rural Development & Governance” organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation, New Delhi on 22 September, 2007.
Participatory Approach in design of e-Governance for Rural Development in India,Charru Malhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, Asian Regional Training Seminar on e-Government, Organised by Nationale’ d’Administration (ENA), Paris and Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi, March 14 - 16, 2007.
An Evaluatory Framework For ICT Interventions In the Rural Areas: Review of Literature on E-Governance For Rural Development In The Indian Context, International Conference on Electronic Governance (ICEG2007) in December 2007,Charru Malhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, and P V Ilavarasan Republished in the book titled “Adopting e-Governance” edited by G P Sahu, GIFT Publishing, New Delhi, p. 216-226, 2007.
Revitalisation of indigenous iron industry,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, Recommendations for Rural Technologies-A Report prepared for CAPART Publication of 3rd Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of India, Varanasi, Published by PPST Foundation, p. 54, 2000.
Ferroelectric thin films: Ceramics and Composites,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel and R.G. Mendiratta, International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (in conjunction with the 9th National Seminar on Aerospace Structures) at IISc Bangalore pp. 65-72, July 7 - 10, 1999.
Traditional Technologies and their potential for wealth generation,D. Narasimha Reddy and Vijayaraghavan Chariar, Book of Abstracts, 1st Regional Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of AP, Chirala, AP, June 2 - 4, 1999.
Electrical and structural characterization of thin films of La-modified PZT prepared by a sol-gel technique,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, P.K.C. Pillai, T.C. Goel and R.G. Mendiratta, SPIE symposium on Smart Materials, Structures and MEMS held at IISc Bangalore, December 11 - 13, 1996.
Structural and electrical characterization of films of La-modified Pb (ZrxTi1-x) O3 Prepared by a sol-gel method,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, T.C. Goel, P.K.C. Pillai and R.G. Mendiratta, 9th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE-9) held at Shanghai, September 1996.
Characterization of transparent polyimide: PLZT composites prepared by a modified sol-gel method,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel, R.G. Mendiratta, P.K.C. Pillai and K. Dutta, 8th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity (EMF-8) held at University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, July 4 - 8 1995.
Thermally stimulated discharge current studies in a polymethyl methacrylate- polystyrene blend,A. Verma, A.K. Tripathi,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, T.C. Goel and P.K.C. Pillai, 8th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE-8) held at Paris, September 7 - 9, 1994.
Preparation of BaTiO3 electroceramics by wet chemical methods,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, A.K. Tripathi, A. Verma, T.C. Goel, R.G. Mendiratta and P.K.C. Pillai, National Seminar on Materials for Marine applications held at Naval Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory, Bombay, March 3 - 4, 1994.
Pyroelectric studies on spray-pyrolysed PVC-BaTiO3 composites,Vijayaraghavan Chariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel and P.K.C. Pillai, Seventh National Symposium on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, October 3 - 5, 1992
Indian Patent Application entitled “Integrated Arrangement of Bathing station cum Urine Separation Toilet for Space Saving and Resource Conservation" V M Chariar & Amruta Khairnar (In Process).
Indian Patent Application entitled “Sensor based non-invasive system and method for cortisol level measurement" V M Chariar & Chandramani Sharma, (In Process).
Indian Patent Application entitled “A system facilitating Health Monitoring & a Method Thereof” V M Chariar, Chandra Mani Sharma & Kapil Tomar, Indian Patent Application No 202111049455 filed on 28 October 2021.
Indian Patent Application entitled “Mobile System for Processing Organic Waste Matter” V M Chariar & Amruta Khairnar, Application No 202111042002 Temp/E-1/47369/2021-DEL filed on 16 September 2021.
Indian Patent Application entitled "A device for the removal and recovery of ammonium and phosphate ions from aqueous solutions, and method of preparation thereof", V M Chariar & Md Azizur Rahman, Application No 201811039657A Filed on 19-10-2018 & Published on 24-04-2020.
Indian Patent Application entited "An apparatus for the treatment of Bamboo" V M Chariar & Naresh Kr Sharma, Application No 201811039658A Filed on 19-10-2018 & Published on 24-04-2020.
Indian Patent entitled “Novel Toilet Design for separation of urine from faeces” V M Chariar and S Ramesh Sakthivel (2012), Indian Patent No.: 342247 granted on 22 July 2020. Indian Patent Application No. 625/DEL/2013.
Indian Patent entitled “An odour prevention device” V M Chariar and S Ramesh Sakthivel (2010), Indian Patent No 352065 granted on 24 November 2020. Indian Patent application 60/DEL/2010.
Patent entitled “Novel Toilet Design for separation of urine from faeces” V M Chariar and S Ramesh Sakthivel (2012), (Indian Patent Application under process).
Patent entitled “An odour prevention device” V M Chariar and S Ramesh Sakthivel (2010), Indian Patent Application No. 60/Del/2010.
Patent entitled "Synergistic removal of ammonium and nitrate ions from aqueous solutions” V M Chariar, Uttam Banerjee and Azizur Rahman (Under Process)
Patent entitled “Inline combined removal and recovery of ammonium and phosphate from sewage and urinal pipelines” V M Chariar, Uttam Banerjee and Azizur Rahman (Under Process)
Patent entitled “Fast and Permanent Eco-Friendly Chemical Treatment of Bamboo“ V M Chariar, Uttam Banerjee & Naresh Sharma (Under Process)
Ecological Sanitation : Practitioner’s Handbook, S Ramesh Sakthivel and V M Chariar, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, 2011. PDF
Waterless Urinals : A Resource Book, V M Chariar and S Ramesh Sakthivel, IIT Delhi, 2010.
Discourses on Aging and Dying, Eds S C Chatterjee, P Patnaik and V M Chariar, Sage Publishers, New Delhi, 2008.
Book of Abstracts and e-Proceedings of the National Conference on Traditional Knowledge Systems of India, IIT Kharagpur, Eds. Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, V N Giri, P Patnaik, 2004.
Recommendations for Rural Technologies, Eds. Navjyoti Singh and Vijayaraghavan Chariar, A report prepared for CAPART, PPST Foundation, 2000.
Machine Learning Models for Early Diagnosis of Depressive Mental Affliction, Sharma C.M., Krishnamoorthy R., Chariar V. M in "Concepts of Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Modern Healthcare Systems" CRC Press Taylor and Francis, (in press) 2023.
Metagenomics—an approach for selection of oil degrading microbes and its application in remediation of oil pollution, Md Azizur Rahman, Aakanksha Rajput, Anand Prakash and V M Chariar , in " Advances in Oil Water Separation" Elsevier, pp. 319-331, 2022.
Personal Carbon Trading in Indian Context: An Attempt to Promote Low Carbon Behavior, Charru Malhotra, Amruta Khairnar, V M Chariar In "Shashwat: Let Nature Be", GRIHA council Publication, Volume 7, Issue 8, December 2021, ISSN - 2581-9291
Making ICT more Meaningful for Governance in the Rural Areas: Role of the Community Knowledge Systems, Charru Malhotra, V M Chariar, L K Das In "E-Government Development and Diffusion: Inhibitors and Facilitators of Digital Democracy" Eds. Ganesh P. Sahu, Yogesh K. Dwivedi and Vishanth Weerakkody, 2009 (IGI Global, NY)
Rejuvenating Traditional Knowledge Systems of India, V M Chariar in “Science, Religion and Development – Advancing the Discourse” Eds Amitabh Kundu and Mariam Tai, Institute for Global Studies in Prosperity, 2006.
Charru Malhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das (2013). “Citizen-Centric Approach for Converging Indigenous Knowledge Systems using ICT”, (Ed.) titled ‘Strategising Knowledge Management and Environmental Paradigm’, Dr. Usha M Munshi and Prof. Vinod Sharma (Eds), Jain Publishing House, New-Delhi.
Charru Malhotra, V M Chariar & L K Das. (2009). “Leveraging Technologies for Rural Development: A Case Study of Nemmadi Centres in the villages of Karnataka”. A national-awarded paper published in Compendium on 12th National Conference on e-Governance, DARP&G, Government of India: India. pp. 42-45.
Charru Malhotra, V M Chariar & L K Das. (2008). “Societal Concerns in Rural e-Governance: Some Lessons from TARAhaat Experience of Tikamgarh District of Madhya Pradesh in India”. e-Governance in Practice. ed. Amitabh Ojha, Gift Publications: India, pp. 225-239.
Charru Malhotra, V M Chariar, L K Das & P V Ilavarasan. (2007). “An Evaluatory Framework For ICT Interventions In the Rural Areas: Review of Literature on E-Governance For Rural Development in the Indian Context”. Adopting e-Governance, ed. G P Sahu, GIFT Publishing, New Delhi: India. pp. 216-226.