Dr V M Chariar
Centre for Rural Development and Technology • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Rural Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This course provides learners with deep insights about Rural Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Based on diverse ground experiences, the course provides a comprehensive knowledge of the rural entrepreneurial ecosystem in diverse cultural contexts. The course amplifies students’ innate ability to think beyond textbook concepts and enables them to explore development of innovative pathways to deliver products, services and systems for rural communities. It also encourages cultivation of Design Thinking and Frugal Innovation Mindset resulting in Innovative Business Models that can organically flourish in the rural context.

Course Structure
MODULE 1 : Introduction to Rural Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Rural Innovation Ecosystem
Rural Business Overview
Facets of Rural Entrepreneurship

MODULE 2 : Understanding the Rural Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Critical Attributes for Rural Entrepreneurs
The Technology and Economic Context for Rural Enterprises
Team Building in a Rural Scenario

MODULE 3 : Frugal Innovations and Grassroots Entrepreneurship

Examples of Frugal Innovations
Technology Acceptance Model & Rural Innovations
Grassroot Entrepreneurship & the Technology Diffusion Model

MODULE 4 :Challenges in Rural Entrepreneurship & Learnings from Failures

Case Study of Rural Sanitation
Case Study of Rural Health
Case Study of Rural Housing

MODULE 5 : Sustainable Business Models in Rural Entrepreneurship

Developing creative and community solutions to address social issues
Understanding Sustainable Business Models in practice
Ideation, Prototyping, Testing &Validation

MODULE 6 : Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship

Understanding the role of Design thinking for Rural Enterprises
Tools & Frameworks of Human-Centered Design
Uncovering latent needs & expectations of Customer / User Needs
Ethnography & Mental Models to understand Rural Market

MODULE 7 : Cross-Cultural Learnings in Rural Entrepreneurship

Learnings from African Experiences
Learnings from South American Experiences

MODULE 8 : Success Stories of Rural Entrepreneurship

Agricultural enterprises
Forest and Women-led enterprises
Artisanal enterprises
Reflections & Learnings from Unsuccesful Attempts

MODULE 9 : Building a Rural Enterprise Strategically

Setting up a Rural Enterprise
Using a Lean Canvas & Developing Business Plan
Storytelling and Impactful Pitch Decks

MODULE 10 : Growing and Sustaining Rural Enterprises

Creating Impact through Partnerships
Leveraging on support from Rural Business Incubators
Grants, Equity, Seed fund, Angel Investors, Crowdfunding
Scaling Up
