
Sumitava Mukherjee

Decision Researcher and Cognitive & Behavioural Scientist

Assistant Professor, Dept of HSS, IIT Delhi
Office: MS644, Main building, IIT Delhi


Publications | Talks | Teaching | About | Work together

Area: Judgment and Decision Making (JDM)

My recent interest is to develop psychological perspectives and insights on water - one of the most valuable resource on earth.

I continue to study decision making and now also wonder about the foundational principles for behavioral economics.

Additionally, I am happy to work with organizations to use behavioral science for good and on behavioral insights on socially relevant issues, especially in India/Bharat.

My mind often ponders about gains and losses in life. At other times, I wonder and wander through quiet words of wisdom from mountains, rivers, animals, trees, and fallen leaves.

New: Jun 2024: Magnitude-dependent Loss Aversion. Invited Seminar at Dundee University, U.K.

Dr. Sumitava Mukherjee
Dept. of HSS, IIT Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016

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